Resedit, ships and hiring escorts

Can I make a ship that is available only to buy, and not to hire?


The technology level of the planet is the factor for escorts.

So, a planet with a tech of 1, 2 and 3 will have those ships in both its shipyard AND for hire in the bar. You can also have just a bar on a planet but still have tons of escorts for hire, without worrying about someone purchasing it. Unfortunatly, in your case it offers a hassle rather than flexibility....

Therefore, your solution is to remove the bar from all planets/stations you can purchase the ship from... thats all you can do.

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I sorta need the bar too... I could work it that way but it would be a big hassle...

What about in FH with the tach fighter? You couldn't purchase that... or did Barnard not have a bar?


Make them special tech ships - ie 30 or 5000 tech level, and set the planet to have a special tech level equivalent. This should work, in theory. Trashing the bar is the cruder but most reliable way.

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

I thought that if a ship has to have a mission bit set that you can't hire it as an escort, just like government ships. Try making the ship available after a mission bit has been set and then it shouldn't be available as an escort anymore.



kberg wrote:
**I thought that if a ship has to have a mission bit set that you can't hire it as an escort, just like government ships. Try making the ship available after a mission bit has been set and then it shouldn't be available as an escort anymore.


umm, that would defeat the purpose of what he WANTED. He said only to BUY, not as an escort...

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I noticed something: You can't hire the ship if it doesn't have an escort dësc, I may be wrong.


Sorry to be blunt, but yes, you're wrong. 🙂 There just won't be a description, you can still hire it.

I did manage to make it work by making a different planet nearby, but it's still a little awkward.


"Can I make a ship that is available only to buy, and not to hire?"

"... He said only to BUY, not as an escort..."

By this you meant make a ship available for purchase, but not available for hire as an escort in the bar? This WAS what I was addressing in my previous post. AFAIK, if a ship is only available after a mission bit has been set, then it will not show up for hire in the bar... It shouldn't be too difficult to set some mission bit for completing, say a cargo carrying mission for whatever gov't. After the player completes one of these missions the ship would appear in the shipyard, but not in the bar.
Then again, I could have misinterpreted his post. 🙂
BTW: I'm pretty certain this is how it's done in FH.


Cool. Thanks.
