Spöbs with weapons?

I'm making a plug-in for EVO, and I had a thought that it would be sort of cool if I could have space stations with weapons on them. This isn't a problem for me if it isn't possible, but I just wondered if it was possible and thought it would make my plug cooler if I could do that.

no, you cant, sorry ;(



Oh, well, thanks for looking into it. It's not a problem for me, like I said.



Rogue wrote:
I'm making a plug-in for EVO, and I had a thought that it would be sort of cool if I could have space stations with weapons on them. This isn't a problem for me if it isn't possible, but I just wondered if it was possible and thought it would make my plug cooler if I could do that.

Look at the message thread farther down this board titled "Planetary weapons" for a discussion of a very similar idea.

Actually there is a way create some of the effect of an armed station, by using the station graphics and a ship resource, but then it really isn't a station any more.


You can - sorta. You can have a ship resource with the graphic of the station, and EV/O will treat it like a regular ship - just set speed and turn to zero. You can't land on it, though you can board it just like the ship it is.


I'm waiting for the day when "this side up" arrows appear on grocery bags.

But what if I just messed with the templates a little bit and added a field to put weapons in under the spöb resource? Would that work?



Rogue wrote:
**But what if I just messed with the templates a little bit and added a field to put weapons in under the spöb resource? Would that work?

The engine wouldn't recognize it, sorry :frown:.

Micah L.
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Another alternative is to take a ship resc and make it a 'weapons platform'

then make a dude with the weapons platform setup

and then make the defensive dude for the planet the platforms...check in the EV plugs archive if your interested. There was a plug in there that used to do this..not the greatest, but ya get the idea when ya play it and look in the fork.


PS: This is just for planetary DEFENSE for when the player demands tribute



Rogue wrote:
I'm making a plug-in for EVO, and I had a thought that it would be sort of cool if I could have space stations with weapons on them. This isn't a problem for me if it isn't possible, but I just wondered if it was possible and thought it would make my plug cooler if I could do that.

All you would have to do is make a new shîp, don't give it any graphics, and don't change anything except give it weapons, change it's mass to 32444 and change it's shields to something like 200. Now go to your düde rescource and copy something like the "loser confed merchants" and then name it something like "planet weapons" or whatever. Now change the field "Ship Types" to the id of the ship you just made(you know, the one with nothing but weapons and shields) and change the field "%Prob" to 100.Now go to the spôb resource for your planet/space station and put the id of your new düde into field "DefenseDude", and that should be it. What you just did was you made a ship that can't move and you can't see, so it looks like the planet/space station is shooting at you.

OOps!!! I forgot, it only works if you demand tribute from the planet. SORRY!! 😄

Its almost like I just said that...

But if the planet's "defense dude" is of no size, how in the world are you supposed to destroy it so that you can take it over! It would be suicide.

Just my thought...

Sleep?! Oh yah... I did that last week!


The Steak!! wrote:
OOps!!! I forgot, it only works if you demand tribute from the planet. SORRY!!:D

That is a very, very cool idea.

You can force the player to demand tribute by way of a mission string where the next bit insists that the player has dominated this world. Examples of this abound in plug-ins for both EV and EVO.

And, of course, a planet can look like a derelict ship with maybe just one guy on it mounting a spirited but last ditch attempt (like something our of Farscape).


M A R T I N • T U R N E R

Try the "planetary defenses" plug-in in the EV archives to get an idea of what it's like. I believe that a couple of plug-ins, like "Federation 0.91" (never will be completed, but cool and the site's still up) use tiny ships with turrets on them and no speed. They're part of the system's defense dude. The only problem is that sometimes they're not on the planet, only near it. And they can be moved by tractor beams. But those are small problems.

Luca Rescigno
"And may not every one of the stars or suns have as great a retinue of planets with moons to wait upon them as has our own Sun?"
-Christiaan Huygens