An hour in plugin hell. . .

I just created an new plugin for EVO with a few ships and outfits. Outfit resource numbers were 227, 228, etc. I drop plugin into EVO. Start EVO. Discover that outfit pictures for outfits numbers 227+ conflict with the thumbnail picts for outfits 128, 129, etc. Spent 15 minutes changing ID numbers. Restart EVO. Discover that outfit pics work, but no descs or names. Realize that this is caused by plugin for beta testers that reduces prices. Fix beta test plugin. Restart EVO. Discover that I forgot to fill in weapon speed in ResEdit and weapons don't move. Quit and fix. Restart, no new ship for test pilot. Realize that EVO can't use plugins that are being used by ResEdit. Quit EVO. Quit ResEdit. Restart EVO. Land, go to bar on Earth, try to hire new ship escort. Find weird typo for weapon name. Quit EVO, open ResEdit. Look through each and every STR resource. Find no typo. Restart EVO - typo still there. Quit EVO, open ResEdit, realized that typo is in outf resource NAME. Fix name. Retest - working just fine. Mail new version to testers. Whew.

Dante's Divine Comedy it isn't, but bad enough.


I'm waiting for the day when "this side up" arrows appear on grocery bags.


ColdFusion wrote:
**I just created an new plugin for EVO with a few ships and outfits...

Dante's Divine Comedy it isn't, but bad enough.

Sounds pretty typical to me. You did very well to get all that done in only one hour.

So what are you whining about?


lol, bugs, bugs and bugs!!
