I need a graphic

I am working on a plugin and I need a graphic for a new (sort of) ship. Here's the discription:

It looks like an argosy but the fins are yellow and the body is much darker. It is also has a longer "neck". I tried to make it myself using the sprites for the argosy and photoshop, the way I made mt other ships, but my version dosn't have dark gray. If anyone can do this for me, e-mail me or post a reply. I'll put you in the credits, of course. If you want to send an example, send the spin or part of a spin.


100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it arround, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.....

Well, I HAVE a shipyard pict of what you want. However YOU don't have an available email address.

So, if you want it, email ME 😛 at mikewayne@ou.edu

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