Assistance is required

I'm using EV-Edit to make my plug-in. I was wondering how the mission bits are ordered. For example it says at the beginning "Required Mission Bit ____"
Any help would be appreciated.

On another note if anyone is will to do Matt Burch Style Graphics for free, E-Mail ( me with a sample and I would greatly appreciate it. If no one can I still can make the plug great.

EV-Edit always screws that stuff up, do the mission linking stuff with resedit. I don't wanna repeat someone else, so go check my plug-in help topic in the EV:O discusssion board.

"Where'd you get those


Cow wrote:

**I'm using EV-Edit to make my plug-in. I was wondering how the mission bits are ordered. For example it says at the beginning "Required Mission Bit ____"

Any help would be appreciated.

On another note if anyone is will to do Matt Burch Style Graphics for free, E-Mail ( me with a sample and I would greatly appreciate it. If no one can I still can make the plug great.**

If the required mission bit is set to -1, them you can always get the mission as long as the other requirements (rating, etc) are fullfilled. Mission bits can be set by completing missions. So if mission B is the mission you get immediately after you finish mission A and go into the bar, then misson A must set, lets say bit 150. So bit 150 is required mission bit for mission B. Hope I made it a bit clearer.

100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it arround, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.....