FF Question...

The "we're in sight of a station..." mission. Right system. Right ship. Only one problem. It's basically a piece of nothing. So, I look in the plugin file, and, to my amazement, no düde is specified. So, what number should I put there?

I didn't have to edit anything on either FF or FH. What exactly does the mission specifically ask you to do?

It's one of the salvage missions, I think..

@scratskinner, on May 24 2006, 04:34 PM, said in FF Question...:

It's one of the salvage missions, I think..

@callide, on May 24 2006, 02:33 PM, said in FF Question...:

What exactly does the mission specifically ask you to do?

Basically, I'm supposed to hunt down some ship called the "S.S. Europa" and board it to, presumably, rescue the crew. However, when I find it, instead of a disabled ship, I find a little blob of nothing.


From the "Read First" document: "Femme Fatale: 13 March 1999 Release info..."

Is there a more recent version that I am not aware of?

I played through the first release of FF without any problems.

Maybe your DL got corupted? Very unlikely, but....

Oh, and this probably isn't the problem either, but are you sure the "little blob of nothing" isn't a "Plauge"?

My only advise is to look over the mission description, make sure you fully understand it, then keep trying.

I need to play FF again.

I know what the problem is: the ShipDude field for the mission is empty(ie, reads -1). What I want to know is what ID# I should put there (assuming you have a healthy copy) so I can get on with the game. Mission ID is 166.

PM Martin Turner, he's still around. He'll answer your question.