Igadzra missions, again!

Find the frieghter...

So I have to find this Miranu ship with equipment in it. I couldnt find it, so I went on this forum to see where it could be found, and the answer seemed to be the Grivok system. I went there and it didnt show up. I aborted the mission, got it again, and same result.

Then I landed on Igadzra and a tex box popped up saying I had completed the mission, but when I checked my active missions, I still had it!

I'd post my pilot log, but I'm too much of a n00b to know how to access it.

Would someone less n00bish than myself be willing to explain to me WTF is going on, and how I actually complete said mission?

PS: Does anyone know where I should head to find troops to help with that slave uprising in Vonian space?

This post has been edited by Shen Igasho : 16 April 2006 - 01:13 PM

Re: Miranu ship mission. You can always just abort the mission if it's still active, and go back and accept the mission again. I think you have to head up around Pozdag, like Taca, Villian or Twyus. Somewhwere around there.

As far as the troops are concerned, I think you actually get them as part of the mission. Have you checked all the border outposts? What about going to Hinavar?

to get a pilot log, make an empty text file titled "pilotlog.txt" in you EV Nova folder. thats how you do it on a mac, im not sure how to do it on a PC. Check the Nova help files that come with the game.

edit: 50th post! Yay!

This post has been edited by LiAnNaSu : 15 May 2006 - 08:58 PM

I don't think you can make a pilot log in EVO. At least the way you do for Nova.