Frozen Heart Question...

I think I'm missing something...

On Yeni Istanbul, in the bar, there appears to be some sort of pun/joke or something with "Yabance!"... I've looked at online Turkish-English dictionaries, but haven't found that word. I'd like to know what the joke is there, please...


P.S. I heard a while back that there was a Frozen Heart 2 coming out sometime. Where can I go to see a progress log on that, if there is one... Thanks.

This post has been edited by Xizzix : 26 March 2006 - 01:08 PM

Yeah...I can speak Turkish
So I know what that means

But they spelled the word wrong..its supposed to be "Yabanci"

and it means "Foreigner"

not that insulting...but it can be the way its used in the game
hope this helped enhance your gaming 😛

oh, btw...where is the Turkish-English dictionary online?

@jarich, on Mar 26 2006, 01:52 PM, said in Frozen Heart Question...:

Yeah...I can speak Turkish
So I know what that means

But they spelled the word wrong..its supposed to be "Yabanci"

and it means "Foreigner"

not that insulting...but it can be the way its used in the game
hope this helped enhance your gaming 😛

oh, btw...where is the Turkish-English dictionary online?

Ah, thanks.

I tried this one, it's a Multi-language dictionary that includes Turkish:

I also tried this one:
but it doesn't seem to be working properly at this time...I think it's trying to do bulgarian only...

And this one isn't online, but it's free, but only for windows, unfortunately for me:

There wasn't a sequel for The Frozen Heart plugin, but Turner did write a sequel novel for The Frozen Heart.

Edit: If you do a search for Martin Turner, his siggy will have a link to download it. I read it, it's very good.

This post has been edited by Callide : 26 March 2006 - 06:19 PM

Correction, Callide, there is not Frozen Heart Sequel yet.

Martin Turner has long been working on making FH2 for the Nova engine--but the sequel to a plug so successful is bound to have incredible amounts of hype, and Martin does not wish to dissapoint. On top of the time consuming process of making the plug, fleshing it out, and beating all the bugs on the head with a stick, Mr. Turner also has something that most of us don't: a real life. He has a job, a family, a band, and a political campaign to run, so his plate is a bit full. At times I find it incredible that he can find time for plug-writing at all. FH2 will be ready when its ready, and with all of the effort that Mr. Turner has put into it, I shall wait until it is ready.

I'm excited he's doing a sequel! Thanks for letting us know.

Femme Fetal is a sequal, isn't it?

Sort of, but its really more of a paralleloquel

I suppose. I look forward to a sequal-I hope it is as good as the first.

The original idea of FH was that he would do a few different storylines and release them as 'expansions' to the original (or something like this - you can read about it in the FH read mes). Sadly this only ever got as far as Femme Fatale. But with the release of Nova it got back underway again - FH2 will incorporate both the storylines from FH and FF plus one new one.