The No Name Bar

A man wearing an eye patch came running in. He had a buzz cut and an army jacket looking like it was from the civil war. He was carrying a pack that was full of unknown items, but it was barely able to close. He held a wine bottle that was half full, and he sat down at the nearest table to the door that was empty. He began to drink the rest of his wine when he exclaimed, " Hey Jacey ! Remember me, your old friend at the academy? " He waited for an answer but Jacey seemed to ignore him, so he went on. " How can you not remember me? How can forget ol' Squiggy? Just so you know, we used to be great friends at the academy. Oh well. I tried."

Squiggy finished his bottle of wine and took another one out of his pack. He went through about five bottles when a bum barged through the door . " There you are! " he yelled angrily at Squiggy. " Don't you ever run away again! You owe me 50,000 credits. You lost the bet, now hand em' over! Hey you even stole my wine bottles and drank all of them. How come you ain't drunk? I mean, you thief! "

" Hey, you stole them in the first place. Thanks for doin' my work. " Squiggy pulled out a plasma rifle from his pack and aimed it at the bum. " I don't owe you nothing! And don't you know that I never get drunk? Well you're the weakest link so good-bye. " Squiggy pulled the trigger and the the bum was dead.

"Hey!" Dech shouted. "No shooting in here!"

Squiggy pulled the body outside and went back in. "That wasn't even wine- it was cranberry juice," he thought to himself. Squiggy put away his rifle and slept for a little while. The problem is he coudn't stop snoring.

"Do you know that weirdo? " Page asked Jacey. Jacey replied bluntly "No."

"But I know exactly what to do with him," he added.

Approaching the dozing man, Jacey pulled him to his feet and shook him awake. Grabbing the groggy man's collar and dragging him to the door, Jacey yanked him upright and aimed a kick straight at the man's backside. Jacey followed Squiggy's flight out the door and crouched over him, hissing in his ear,
"Whomever you think I am, you've got it wrong. Jacey's away for the moment. IF you live long enough, you may be able to speak to him later." Jacey kicked him in the stomach and reentered the bar.

"Sorry, barkeep, you were saying...?"

OOC: Coolio's cool, guys. She's my sister, so let's humor her for just a little while. She's agreed to only a few more posts, if it's cool with you guys.

I know everybody's sister.
-Speedy Gonzalez, in
Waterman, Episode I

OOC: Why not register and stick around longer, Coolio?

Proud member of (url="http://"")The Fifth Column(/url).
Good things come in small packages.

OOC: She doesn't have her own e-mail, and she just needs a few more posts to get this out of her system

I know everybody's sister.
-Speedy Gonzalez, in
Waterman, Episode I

"Chancelor Rao-an," The zacha officer piped up from his seat. "In the most recent census our numbers are at an all time low. Never before have we lost a station to an enemy, and not even that happened. It is still a mystery to us why and how Zachit station was destroyed, but just hours ago we were able to put a face to the stations destruction."
A projector rose from an open section in the floor and locked into place. The lights dimed and the projector turned on. Page's face appeared, staring down at the head of the Zachit movement.
"Who is this?" The head Zachit asked.
"He is very strange, there are no reccords of his exhistance before last month, but since then he has been issued many tickets, and even a warrant from the United Earth police offices on Atlantic Station. He has no birth papers, education reccords, health reccords, or accomplices, with the exception of two equally mysterious companions."
Ta-vora and Larra appeared in the center of the room next to Page.
"Our intelligence shows that all of these criminals use rather primitive primary weapons, and more advanced side arms. These three may be considered the most dangerous in all the universe. That is I propose we take action."
"And what kind of action do you propose?" The chancelor replied folding his long fingers over his papers.
"I have been training a small group of professional assasins and bounty hunters, since this mystery man destroyed our station. They are ready as we speak."
"In other words you wish to kill this menace?"
"Of course, he has done more damage to us than any renegade has before, and this man and his accomplices must be dealt with."
"When can you have a demonstration ready for me?"
"Right now if you wish."
The chancellor raised an eyebrow.
"I knew you would like to have a demonstration so i have already had one prepared."
The Zacha officer handed the Chancellor, a small disk. The chancelor watched the contents of the disk on a screen in his desk. He was silent for several minutes, as he watched the video.
"This is quite impressive Admiral Jeiger, I have one request before i agree to pass your proposal. May i meet your team."
"Of course chancellor," Jeiger tapped the floor with his cane.
The doors opened slowly revealing four figures. They stepped forward in unison and pounded their chest once and bowed to the chancellor, as all zachit did out of respect.
"Chancellor, i would like you to meet the teams leader, Alura Black."
The figure on the left removed their hooded cape revealing a head of thick blonde hair. Under the large purple cape was a slender woman. Her body was very curved, and looked almost delicate, at least it would have if it wasnt for her Mechanical arm. Its jet black metal construcion was jagged, and boxy. She wore a pair of high buckled boots, and a form fitting blood red jump suit. Around her waist was an uneven pleated black skirt, and she wore a cloth of the same type over her shoulders, hanging from large shoulder pads. A coiled whip and about 7 long knives hung from her belt.
"Pleased to meet you chancelor," She said in her harsh voice.
"Was that you i saw on the video?" The Chancellor asked, somewhat taken aback at the womans beauty.
"Yes it was."
"I must say you're skills are very impressive."
"They shold be, I have been developing them for years."
"Would you like to introduce me to the rest of your team?"
Another of the cloaked figures stepped forward. His cape parted at the middle, because it didnt quite fit over his broad shoulders. He removed his cape, hood first, almost mimicking Alura. The man had short Red hair, and deep dark eyes. A simple tanish tunic covered his muscular formed, and was topped with a simple padded black leather vest. His pants were loose, and his boots short. He wore one studded glove, and fiddled with a pair of brass knuckles with his other hand.
"This is Viggo Hermes, He's the muscle behind our group. If you watch more of that presentation you will see him in action."
"Excelent, please continue," The Chancellor mused.
The next member stepped forward. The figure under the cape moved swiftly, he almost glided across the floor.
Unlike Viggo and Alura this one just ripped off his cloak. His fair brown hair was untamed, but seemed to suit the man well. He was thin, and boney, with knobby joints. He wore a baggy white buttoned down shirt, and tightish blak pants. At his waist he wore two swords, one was a very ornate eastern sword, and the other was an equally ornate western sword, although it looked far to thick and heavy for the man o even wield.
"This is Jaques Kingly, He's our bladesman, very well known among the adzgari systems. He has been known to dispose of whole squads of troops in less then a minute. He's also a little eccentric, and, well.. Odd.."
Jaques bowed, casting an intimidating glance over to the Chancellor.
"And finally i would like you to meet Maria Gusto."
The final member of the team stepped forward. She removed her cloak revealing her curvy body. Her dress eccentuated her strong curves and features, and seemed to hang loosely off her strong form. Her tanned shin was very well defined, and her dark hair was thick and straight as an arrow. She twirled a pair of tonfa's with her defined arms and nodded to Alura and her other comerades.
"Maria is a master of southern martial arts. She is an ex United Earth special ops soldier, and she knows how to move in heels."
Maria smiled a sweet smile and backed away.
"I must say Jeiger, you have quite the team here. I cant wait for their debut. You have my authorit to dispatch them at once."
"Yes sir," Jeiger bowed and left the room, his team following him.

OOC: Ahh long posts are nice sometimes.. we'll be seeing some action soon

Valence, Always aiming for the stars...
Then realizing he should have shot the bodyguards first...

(This message has been edited by Valence (edited 06-28-2004).)

OOC: Ooooh good. Better opponents. 😄

Demon frowned, staring sideways at Jacey, then glanced over at Page and cocked his head to the side to show confusion. This didn't seem like the same kid he had rescued. Page shrugged and downed another shot, so the shapeshifter curled up on a seat, keeping an eye on the young man who was now puffing away on a cigarette.


Larra threw herself into the Kamikaze's pilot's chair, absently starting up the ship's powerful engine. She had left Ta-vora to argue with Orion's AI about decoding his chip. Out of the clear blue, she had decided her ship needed "exercise".

The little black ship rose off the landing pad and took off. Larra noticed the dockmaster had heeded their earlier agreement, which was something along that lines that she wouldn't destroy any more doors if he let her in and out whenever she wanted.

Kamikaze zipped around the system, dodging around asteroids and other ships as if they unmoving. Larra's ship was easily faster than anything else in the dimension, and she knew it. A few renegades attacked, but she completely ignored them. Even their missiles were too slow to pose a threat.

Eventually Larra sent her weaponless ship out along a jump link, pulling a few during-hyperspace maneuvers that most people only could dream of doing. Eventually she came back and landed in her (now reserved) docking bay, then disembarked. Patting the outer hull of her ship fondly, the Acaran headed to the bar.

Stepping over the bodies at No Name's entrance, Larra sat down next to Page and picked up a full shotglass. Before she could ask about Jacey, Demon chimed in mentally and explained. She nodded, then looked away as her attention was caught by the commotion at the bar.

Though the woman who was the center seemed to be simply ignoring her little group of "friends", they were beginning to get on Larra's nerves. After a few more minutes, they successfully annoyed her. "Give it up already!" She yelled at the men across the bar. "She's way out of your league!"

One turned around and yelled back something not-to-polite about stayed out of other people's business. Without a word, Larra drank her Saalian Brandy and hurled the shotglass at his head.

A yell of pain and the sound of breaking glass responded this time, and Larra turned back to her friends. "We might need a few more glasses later," she announced with a cheerful grin.

"Just don't throw any full ones," Page remarked, filling a few more glasses and levitating over a new bottle.

If all the world's a stage, why'd I get the part of the psycho?

Her attention was averted for a moment from her work in cleaning the bar as she heard the sound of breaking glass but didn't give too much mind in the sound of a one of the men around her cry out in pain. Her gaze looked down the shattered pieces of the shotglass and she only gave a brief glance to the man who had been hit.

The other men started to mutter and grumble as they broke up and went in seperate directions in the bar to leave the woman they had been tormenting alone. Yume watched the men leave one by one until the one who had been hit by the shotglass finally recovered and muttered something under his breath as he wasn't going to go just yet.

She frowned a little and sighed heavily as she grabbed the lingering man by the arm and sharply turn him around so that he would face her. She tightly grabbed him the collar of his shirt and pulled him so close that their noses where touching as she just stared at him with no emotions at all.

The man just gazed into those blue jewels she carried and admired how beautiful they were. Like sapphire beneath a morning sun, burning with a fire of a crystalline soul. A laughter that never quite reaches inside, where secrets weather like untouched gold. And yet, something about her scared him to death as he saw what Yume wanted him to see.

The man started to tremble uncontrollably as he stared wide-eyed at her. Some would have found this to be a perfect chance to steal a kiss by fear consumed him and any thought of getting a kiss soon fled. Until he was finally pushed away, he stumbled back a few steps and stared at her a while longer before he turned and fled right out the door.

Yume gaze then wondered over to the group of people who she thought might have thrown the shotglass by where the man had been standing. She had heard a comment be yelled at the men and then one of them yell something back. But of course, she wouldn't be able to exactly pinpoint the person who threw the glass because her back had been to all of the people in the bar.

She moved down to pick up the broken pieces of the shotglass one by one onto the clothe she had so that it would be less likely for her to get cut on accident. She seemed quite unfazed by the man's reaction earlier she had caused upon him. There was quite a number of pieces but it didn't take long before she got all of them and now roamed away to throw them in the trash along with the other junk in it.

She wiped her hands before she turned around to scan the bar and its visitors at the moment. She was actually relieved that the men who had been "persuaded" to move away from her although the to her disappointment, she did not know who to thank. And even if she did, how was she suppose to repay them for such deed?

Her footsteps were soft and light as she walked back to the bar and sat on one of the stools as she took a break from her work to watch the people at the table where she thought the shotglass had come from her. And of course like always, the silence loomed over her like a dark curtain.


(This message has been edited by Seraphim (edited 06-29-2004).)

(This message has been edited by Seraphim (edited 06-29-2004).)

Dech slid a Guiness down the bar to Jacey, just as Nicol walked into the bar. She whispered something in Dech's ear, and a worried expression came over his face. He whispered something, apparently a question, back, and she nodded on response.

"Ladies, and gentlemen, may I have your attention." Dech said loudly, standing up on the bar. "And other species..." He added when Demon gave him a menacing stare. "It has come to my attention, through very reliable sources," he smiled at Nicol, "that there are substantial rumors traveling through the station that some patrons of this bar have been selected by some sort of assasin or bounty hunter group for execution. As you've seen, we try to defend our patrons and our bar from all comers. This is not going to change. However, I ask that you keep your swords a little looser in their scabbards, and your sidearms easier to reach, however you choose to carry them. Thank you. Any questions?"

OOC: I'm going to be away for the next two or three days, so I won't be writing. Valence, Synesthesia, and Phant probably have the best feel for Dech, since you knew him in the Albatross, so you guys are welcome to write him for a bit. Just don't kill him, or Nicol. Spanks, and I'll talk to you all later.

Proud member of (url="http://"")The Fifth Column(/url).
Good things come in small packages.

There was a set scowl on the young man's face as he loaded the last of the supplies onto Tekria. How long did it take to get a few drinks? She could have at least helped buying things, these things were heavy! Not that they could go anywhere at the moment anyway, they were waiting for weapons to be installed. It had taken him hours to find someone who would install the weapons with no extra questions asked about the rest of the ship.

Tekria was studiously ignoring his presence, and was slowly falling asleep, healing from the damage the strange jump they'd done had given her. Ralano tapped his foot a few times, his eyes swirling black and green to show his impatience. With a final frustrated sigh, the young man put on his long black jacket and slipped on a few more of his weapons. Knowing Natala, she'd be in a place that he'd need them.

He paused before leaving, then turned back and picked up a dagger that glowed black at his touch. He slipped it into his jacket with a sigh. It would help him find Natala at least, and perhaps later help him find his sister.

Ralano managed to startle a few people as he went down the hallways, his eyes practically glowing black in anger. Why couldn't the girls ever stay where they were suppose to?

In No Name Bar, Natala was calmly drinking another Guinness. She had a hunch she'd taken up enough time that her partner would be looking for her soon, but with her com turned off, he'd have a heck of a time trying to find her. There were plenty of bars on the station, and he'd have to be pretty lucky to find her on the first try.

At the announcement Natala grinned, finding the mention of another fight intriguing. It was fun to fight around here. No silly precautions, no rules, duels didn't have to be processed through ten different offices and you didn't have to wait until you were over a hundred to learn more than just normal physical fighting if the telekinetics she'd seen around the bar were any example.

It was obvious why Alenia had wanted to come here now. She must have sensed a teacher for herself. Too bad she hadn't taken them too. Then no one would have been available to follow her and be ordered to take her home. But should they? Why should they take her home? Sure, she'd run away from them too, but if she was learning things, things that they hadn't been allowed to because they were too young, then perhaps they should join her instead.

The drink was lifted again and she sipped it gently, some sixth sense telling to duck just as her partner threw a punch from behind. She smirked over her shoulder, blue eyes twinkling. "Aw, come on Ralano. You can't be that mad. We can't even leave yet, even I know that. How'd you find me anyway? And will you calm down..."

She lowered her voice to a hissed whisper. "You're eyes are almost totally black and they're glowing. Calm down before someone senses you."

"There's no one to sense us here! The Elders are all back home and they're the only ones who know how. Maybe Alenia too, but she's not supposed too." He kept his voice low but the anger was clear from the tone. Relaxing slightly, he pulled the glowing dagger from his jacket.

"As for how I found you, I used this. It glows silver when it's near you or Alenia, and it was the quickest way to find you without going through every place that looked like it might have even a speck of alcohol." Natala hissed as he spoke, backing way from the dagger glowing with flashes of silver and black.

"Are you insane? Put that away before someone sees it! Sit down and have a drink you idiot, obviously you need it more than I do. You have obviously lost what little wits you had." Natala quickly pulled the black haired man down into a seat and got herself and Ralano a Guinness. It wouldn't do for him to leave the bar without at least once tasting the alcohol here.

I like milk. It tastes good.

DemonÂ’s eyes traced the path of a termite that had bored its way through to the tableÂ’s surface. The pale creature squirmed around the tabletop looking for a nonexistent mate.

Meanwhile Jacey stared at his pint of Guinness while holding it to the light, absent-mindedly swishing a little in his mouth.
Did you hear the bartender?
Yes. Someone's coming.
Not just anyone - bounty hunters. Which means someone in here is worth a great amount of creds.
Who do you think it is?
I can't tell yet; but I do sense more than one powerful telepath in this bar. You may have better luck finding them out on your own.
But if it's one of my friends...
Then I'll be the one to deal with them - without you.
Wait, it couldn't really -
- drop it. We'll discuss this later. The dog is watching.
Demon's attention had turned to JaceyÂ’s eyes, which seemed to have been alternating green and gray while he stared at the beer.
“Must be the dim lights,” Demon thought. Unconvinced, however, he wondered about this phenomenon.
Jacey narrowed his eyes and looked into DemonÂ’s, and this time Demon swore he saw a flash of green, but after second thought decided they were undoubtedly gray.
“Smart dog,” Jacey spoke aloud.
Make sure youÂ’re careful around that one; I find it extremely difficult to follow the beastÂ’s thoughts. Then again, it IS only a dog... I doubt that itÂ’s what those assassins are interested in. Hmmm...
What do you think of girls?

They're interesting, the cute ones, I mean, but why do you ask all of a sudden?
Let's have some fun. You're going to approach that girl with the black hair, the one at the center of the bar who hasn't spoken to anyone. I'll start the conversation, and you can continue from where I leave off.
Well, it might be a little fun to have a conversation with someone besides you for a change...
Funny, I was having the exact same thought... Anyway, approach her casually. She's watching our table this very instant. She could very well be the one they're looking for!
Jacey slammed his pint back down on the table, then addressed Page, Larra, and Demon.
“Excuse me, guys, once I feel the buzz from that Guinness, I’m going to try my luck with that girl over there.”
Page and Larra simultaneously mouthed the words “good luck,” and Demon couldn’t help wondering if he’d have to rescue the boy again. Bored, he then lay his head on the table for a moment, looking for the termite until he found it - twitching with its abdomen crushed under Jacey’s glass.

You know that song by Vanessa Carlton where she says "I'd walk a thousand miles if I could just see you tonight"? Well, even if someone started at midnight, it would seem impossible for a girl to walk a thousand miles to her destination and make it there the following night.
Just a thought...

OOC: On the 15th of July, in the year of our Lord 2004, Jacey Squires edited this post, deleting the nonsense he had written on it earlier.

What is the point of typing nonsense when I'm going to end up apologizing for the waste of space later?

Thank you for your time. (Don't hurt me!)

(This message has been edited by JaceySquires (edited 07-16-2004).)

Ta-vora enters the bar and joins Page and Larra at their table.
“What's wrong?” Larra asks, noticing the annoyed look in Ta-vora's eyes.
After muttering a Karee curse, the Ka-nuth answers:
“The Orion's AI refuses to talk to me and these Pirates are a curse! I just had some aggressive discussions with them.”
“Aggressive discussions?”
“Discussions with a sword.”
“Oh by the way, there are some bounty hunters around. Looks like they're searching for someone on this station.”
“Really? Well, it's a station full of Pirates. Not very surprising.”
Ta-vora looks over to the young man standing near the silent woman.
“Strange who's this?”
“His name's Jacey.” Page answers, “Why?”
“I sense a strange disorder within him. Possibly nothing.”
“Perhaps it's because he can change his eye color.” Demon says, glancing over to the young man.
Ta-vora's ears unfold, causing an eyebrow of one of the patrons to raise.
“Interesting. I only heared about few people that can do this. Most of them have split personalities. On the other side, it doesn't need to mean anything.”
He watches the young man talking to the silent woman. She seems to completely ignore him, however.
A threat is approaching something is going to happen. I just hope my nightmares don't come true
The Ka-nuth remains silent about his thoughts, however.

The lie is a truth, too. The truth of the one who believes it.

Walks into the bar, shoots TheGreenFile in the head and walks out.

True, but you're the first one who's put it right there for me to get, I'm too lazy/stupid/forgetful to go looking for them.-Rickton
You know you are the king of procrastination when you dont start a project until after it's due.
No car, no license, no cash, no life. Coincidence?

OOC:I'm gone all tomorrow. With two people absent it might not be a good idea to start the fight.....However, if you do, I put Larra in Valence's control because he knows her fighting style. Demon can go hide somewhere. 😄


"Eyes changing color?" Larra thought to herself, "Spilt personality or possession?" She put down the empty shotglass she had been holding, just in case. Look's like I know this guy's problem all too well.

Larra sighed and slumped back in her chair. Demon gave her a significant look, to see if she was thinking what he thought she would be thinking. Larra gave a hint of a nod to confirm his suspicions, then promptly changed the subject.

"So Page's computer won't work for you?" she asked Ta-vora, sounding slightly amused.

The Karee frowned. "Yes. It keeps asking for 'Mr. Hamilton'." Demon snickered at the thought of the Vell-os being addressed like that, promptly receiving a dirty look from Page.

With so many ideas bouncing around in her head, Larra was having trouble staying on the same topic. She moved her right hand in an odd movement, calling a dagger to it in the same manner she used to summon her long swords. The blade glinted with the same mirror-like metal as it's larger counterparts.

Fiddling absently with it, she asked another question, inturrupting Page and Ta-vora's conversation about Orion. "Who do you think the bounty hunters are after?"

"I've got a guess," Page said, smirking.

Larra nodded in agreement. "I'll bet anything they're after us. First you blew up Zachit Station, then I hijacked that Voinian flagship at Pax, and then there was all that trouble we caused at the Albatross."

"Me too?" Ta-vora questioned. "I wasn't there when you guys blew up that station."

"I think so," Page answered. "You were always with us afterwards, which is when they would be investiagating."

Larra grinned, still playing with her knife. "I just hope they're up to the challenge."

If all the world's a stage, why'd I get the part of the psycho?

"Wow, what a challenge... this girl just won't talk!" Jacey thought to himself.
He tried gazing into Yume's eyes, shining emerald green searching to meet her cold saphires.

"Why won't you speak to me?"
Jacey refused to take a hint; Yume just wasn't interested.

"Don't you realize how beautiful you are? I'm sure this isn't the first time you've been told, but it's impossible for me to let you go unrecognized for the goddess that you are! Your eyes - they're so lovely..."
Yume coughed gently while looking the other way.

"Maybe I... I'm finding it hard to express myself right now, but... as soon as words come... I'll make you understand how I feel about you! Just give me a moment!"
Jacey started mumbling something to himself about "exquisite" and "amazing figure."
Kid, you had your chance. And honestly, you have little imagination and no appeal. I'm not even interested in this one anymore, but pay attention, and I'll show you how it's done
Jacey's eyes darkened.
"Please, hear this, at least, and I'll leave you alone. I've been dying to ask you all night..."

Yume sighed and turned to Jacey briefly.

Jacey took a deep breath, then exploded.
What was THAT for?!! Why would you talk to her like that?
Jacey fell backwards off his bar stool as sudden laughter burst through his mind.


Yume blinked and just tilted her head at the sudden outburst that the man had told her. Although, she didn't seem all that amuzed nor offended. With a shrug to her shoulders, she fixed her black turtle neck higher up as if to hide something before she turned to walk off to go clean up the bodies. Although...had there really been a slight smirk on her features?

Yume stared at the deceased bodies and sighed softly as she grabbed them one by one and pulled them away out of sight. A few noises were heard outside the bar before the door opened once more and her feminine figure was seen walking back in only to stop where she had been before the man had told her to clean up the mess. Wonder what she did with the bodies?

Now she sat down on a stool and stared at him while her elbow was on the counter and her head layed upon her hand. Her blue eyes that were of course the finest of sapphires peered at him almost curiously throw locks of silky black hair as it swayed in front of her face and caressed her forehead.

She seemed to be waiting for him to get up from the floor and stop laughing to see what he would say next to her. She had noticed the color change and that was what interested her. His sudden change of personality somewhat got her attention. Jacey... She wondered as she stared down at him with some amuzement.

She had sensed...almost another being when his eyes had darkened. And somehow, she liked the one who had spoken to her like that much better. Or a part of her did. Her lovely toned legs crossed over one another while one of her hands rested upon her thigh. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad in trying to interact with this boy with a split personality.

Although other thoughts were running through her mind. Bounty hunters...? That would cause a problem. She shouldn't stay here too long unless she wanted to be caught. She wondered how much higher the bounty on her head had become since the last time she checked and just thinking about it amuzed her more. Perhaps, she should stay a little longer and wait for the bounty hunters to come. She wouldn't mind a little action...

She then grabbed her bag, took out a piece of paper, and a pencil before she started to write something down. After she had finished, she handed it down to Jacey to let him read it. Her hand writing was quite beautiful with all the swirls and curves but it was still legable and this is what it said.

If you want to try to get a girl for a date who looks like me, how about you try to tell her this? Your eyes are like sapphire beneath a morning sun, burning with a fire of a crystalline soul. A laughter that never quite reaches inside, where secrets weather like untouched gold. Such a pure color, not washed out at all, deep as the ocean.

Your skin is like ivory, perfect; a goddess you must be. Slender fingers, unadorned; beautiful simplicity. A single teardrop, when did it fall? Could you, goddess, be mortal after all?

Your hair is like a short, shimmering waterfall. It's so fair that it catches the light and makes you seem like you have a halo about yourself.

That was the last thing that was written. She then took off one of her gloves and showed him a tiny scar on her hand that resembled a teardrop which went along with the poem before she put the fingerless black glove back on and leaned back in her stool to see what he would say to that.

She really wasn't being smug about her looks. In fact, she did not even care about it and found it more a curse then a gift since it got her too much attention from the males sometimes. Her tongue flicked out to lick along her pale, cool lips ever so slowly to leave them to glint temptingly in the light while her tongue went back in its den.

She shifted her black bag amongts her shoulder as some clinks could be heard from within it from the items she had inside. While she did so, she rubbed the back of her neck as there had been an ache and she seemed in some unease at the moment.

Blue hues disappeared for a moment before they revealed themselves once more as she took a deep breath. For a moment, she had almost lost control... She was glad she didn't as she really didn't feel in the mood for trouble. Relaxing once more, she resumed in staring at Jacey.

(This message has been edited by Seraphim (edited 06-30-2004).)

Jacey shut his eyes tightly as he fell.
He kept them shut as the laughter reached a terrifying crescendo within the confines of his mind.
The laughter ceased.

Opening his eyes again, Jacey looked up and found the girl offering him a note.

Five minutes later, Jacey read it quietly for the third time.
He sniffed and looked at her with glistening eyes. Holding onto his stool for support, he got up shakily, then opened his mouth to say something.

I told you, we're done with her for now.
But I just want to say one thing.
-Just ONE thing!
No. But here's an idea. If you continue to find out more about everyone else in this bar and discover something pertaining to the upcoming bounty hunter attack, I'll have a reason to begin preparations on my own, thus leaving you two alone. Assuming you understand what I've just said, you should be content knowing that I'll let you return to her later.
I only have one thing to say to her though.
It'll have to wait until later.
And after reading that note of hers, I doubt anything YOU could think of would interest her.

But that note... what she said... it touched me.
And I swear, if you were crying when you read it, I would surrender my soul to the abyss in an instant.
Like you have a soul...
Your commentary is lame, unnecessary, and ineffective as usual.
Now stand up straight and get moving!


Jacey stepped away from Yume, then stopped to look back at her. Gentle green eyes gazed upon her in admiration, then faced Page's table.
Jacey rubbed his eyes before he made it back.

He scanned the table quickly to see who were his companions.
"So, Page, you haven't formally introduced me to your friends yet."


She watched Jacey as he walked away from her. She was not disappointed nor glad to see him leave... She just felt...void. Always, void. Never really feeling anything at all unless something managed to get to her actually. Always locked up in this bubble she was in without letting any one in. It was just too dangerous...wasn't it?

She let that thought linger for a moment before she stood up and jumped over the bar in one graceful motion to see what there was to drink around the place. She found many things she really didn't feel like drinking for a moment. Any kind of alcoholic breverage she didn't want since she didn't want to get drunk in this place.

She found a cup and went to the sink as she turned it on to pour herself some water before she jumped back over the bar in that gracefulness she seemed to naturally have to land perfectly in her seat without spilling one drop of her drink which she then raised to her lips to take a sip.

Her eyes now roamed the bar to watch its inhabitants in the present moment just to pass the time away. She didn't mind if Jacey took the note with him since she had no real need for it. She remained there in her cold silence as she watched everyone with those piercing orbs of hers. Never keeping her gaze upon one person for too long.

Though, soon she found herself lost in deep thought without actually meaning to...

_The faint sound of some sort of machine was heard in the background. While the screen of a computer was seen.

Bzzz... Bzzz... Beep!....
Project Seraphim
Password: ______

Access approved.

...Vital signs: Stable....
...Mental signs: Stable...
...Heart rate: 80 bpm...
...Strength Increase: 30%......

" is the subject fairing?"
"The specimen seems to be fine, Sir. All vital signs are stable."
"Posibility of it surviving?"
"At the moment, 80%, Sir."
"Good... This project must not fail this time. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sir. Project Seraphim shall be perfect this time..."
"Very well then. Keep me updated."
"Yes, Sir."


She blinked as she rubbed her head. What was that? Had she dozed off? She couldn't remember but her head now hurt a little now and she whiped the sweat that had formed on her forehead. She really need to stop doing that...


OOC: Hey, when y'all read this post could some of the bar vets remind me who is the original author of each character?

as in...
Valence: Page
Ta-vora: Ta-vora
and so on...
and if some characters are shared by multiple writers, could you let me know which characters those are too?

as in Larra, whom Synesthesia seems to control but might allow Valence for example to write about as well. (and I thought I saw Larra as a username in The Albatross too. Any relation?)

I hope you all understand what I'm trying to get at.
I'm just curious about the author/character relationships.

OOC2: Ta-vora, in one of your initial posts on this thread you posted a link to a pic of Ta-vora, directed at those who might be interested. I'm really interested in seeing Ta-vora, but the link didn't work. Is there any way you could hook me up?

That's all for now. Thanks.

at 12:56 PST

(This message has been edited by JaceySquires (edited 07-16-2004).)

Yep, my mistake. Forgot to at .jpg at the end. Thanks for pointing it out.
(url="http://"")Here is the link again.(/url)

Synesthesia controlls Larra and Demon. She changed her username in the end of The Albatross. Before that she called herself Larra.

TheGreenFile, who originally named himself DoubleZero (if I'm not mistaken), is in control of Dech (formerly known as DZ), Ace and Nicol.

The lie is a truth, too. The truth of the one who believes it.