The No Name Bar

((ooc: sighs I've tried to talk to Jacey, and he's like...NOT RESPONDING GRRRRR....and I can't do ANYTHING until he does. And he told me he would. But he didn't. grahhhh....Hamster, you can't leave! You're the reason I'm here!!!))

Things have been busy lately, k? <_<
And I've been enjoying myself in college. 😉
But if y'all insist, I'll post on Saturday. 😛

And in response to Hamster's approaching departure, what was the whole point of the green spheres you wrote about in your first few posts? :huh:

:blink: It must have been a small reference to the hitchhiker's guide series.

I like this new board.

ooc: Ah, yes. They are the creatures that make up the MMC, Multiverse Monitor Corporation. Also the little green dudes that cater at the restaruant at the end of the universe. And no, Himitsu, I won't be leaving the bar completely. You didn't think Fettrin wouldn't leave a few Nirttefs behind, now did you? 😉

OOC: -Barely noticed hamster 2's hamster picture with that was trying to lift weights-..... :laugh:

Just dropping in to make sure you guys don't forget I'm alive...

In short, life is crazy, and my writer's cramp is so bad I'm probably failing English. I'll post when things get back to normal, I guess....

a post

OOC: Valence to the Rescue!!! Hey all, i've finally been able to create an account. The mods are working on fixing my old one so this is my handle untill then. Sorry i havent posted, so i'm gonna get crackin.
Page looked into fettrins eyes.
"Going so soon?"
"I'm afraid so, sorry."
Page turned his head and sipped his drink. He watched fettrin carefully with his minds eye. untill he left the bar.
Page continued to sip the drink. He was thinking... Fettrin was right it hadn't occured to him that he missed the place he called home. It had been maybe a month or two since he saw anyone he knew other than Larra and Demon.
Page was bored, here he went unchallenged, and he could easily be the most powerful being in this whole universe. Back home he always felt the warmth of his people. Off in the east he could feel the calm presence of the polaris, and to the south he felt the battle \hardned minds of the aurorans. And then all around him he could feel his people. Even though most of them were enslaved it was just comfortable to know they still exhisted.
Here they were all a memory. All he could feel is the presence in the galactic north but it was just a weak telepathic anomoly. Not someone he recognized or was interested. Infact it wasnt even someone.
This place wasnt all that different. He still had a place to drink. There was still Larra and Demon. There was booth he could sit at. And there was a sunglass sporting palm tree that annoyed him to no end. He was sure the palm tree was just as annoyed at him at times aswell.
But still Page couldnt help but look back.
He let the smoke creep out of his nose and mouth up into the stale air above.
He would try to reach them.
Page sat for several moments perfectly still, untill suddenly the stool he was on exploded and he was hurled across the bar. Page caght himself upside down on the floor with his arm and flipped himselfonto his feet.
"What the ######?!" he said aloud.
Several people in the bar began to clap.
"Uhh... thanks," Page said backing up towards his booth. He heard the chuckling behind him again. This time he was angry enough to do something. The vellosain whirled around and stared deeply into the sunglasses he put on the palm tree.
"Why are you always ######ing laughing at me?"
"Maybe because you always seem to get into ironic and enetertaining stuations."
Page replied by putting his cigarette out in the soil. The palm tree stayed still and silent for several moments.
"How was tha-" A coconut snapped off of the tree's top section and bounced of page';s head into his hand.
Page scowled at the tree for a few minutes and then removed a large stiletto knife. he cut the coconut open and leaned back in his booth. He raised a quarter to the tree and began to eat it.
"You win this round.." he mumbled in between chews.

OOC:Okay, i'm gonna be checking up here every day again, and trying to get back into the swing of things, Its good to be back.


I love the stories that's been posted here
not like other boards on this site 🙂
Keep up the great writting all 🙂
I would love to read more.

ARG! When are the new boards going to be up?

Not that it really matters. My creativity just kind of got shot to hell when my girlfriend, out of the blue, dumped me. Women... :mad: :huh:

Anyhoo... Once I recover, I'll write.

NOW it lets me. Infernal message board...

So yeah. I'm rather out of it... :mellow:

testing, testing

TheGreenFile, on Sep 19 2004, 01:02 AM, said:

So yeah. I'm rather out of it... :mellow:
View Post

OOC: oof, that sounds rather rough. 😞

Fettrin strode down the corridors of The Rock, chuckling to himself.
'That Page He'll be a tough nut to crack once he returns to Eversor Ah well. If all goes to plan, I won't give him anything to return to! '
With this thought, Fettrin gave a sharp laugh, startling a passing security guard, who continued on, after shooting Fettrin a dirty look. Fettrin paused, then turned around towards the security guard.

"Come here, human."

The security guard continued walking, and said, "Sorry man, I'm on duty."

"Such insolence is common, no small wonder I must resort to violence when dealing with your species." Muttered Fettrin, and drew his arm up, palm facing the retreating back of the security officer.

"I said, come here. "

The security officer jerked, and flew backwards, heels skidding on the floor.

"Hey man! I'm gonna-"
The guard was cut short by Fettrin's fingers, which were impaled through his back and stuck out from his chest.

"Gonna what." Mocked Fettrin, as he filled the guard with ichor.

Fettrin removed his hand with a sickening schlop , and let the guard fall to the floor, in a puddle of his own blood, mixed with the foul black liquid.

" Kerronogroth domineh, gorrentorcotto requiem. " Muttered Fettrin.

As Fettrin turned from the scene, and walked away, the guard slowly rose to his feet, the blood and ichor reabsorbing into his possessed body. The wounds in his back and chest sealed shut, and the ripped fabric was mended by unseen forces. He looked very much the same, save for his irises, which had become a deep shade of yellow.
The undead guard walked calmly off to the bar, carrying his pestilence payload.

Fettrin stopped at a lift, pressed a few buttons, and entered. The lift shot up, and up, and up, until it reached the surface of the asteroid.


Ignoring the racks of space suits on the walls of the exit room, Fettrin strode towards the airlock, and with a flick of a finger, blasted the entire wall out into the vacuum of space.

With the wind of the escaping air whipping his hair and robe about him, Fettrin stepped out onto the dusty silent asteroid, and looked up at the stars.

So many stars. So many creatures, doing good, doing evil. So many, many souls.

'Ah, the opportunities are endless.'

Fettrin smiled, then brought his chin down to his chest, and raised his arms up from his sides, until they were stretching above his head. He locked his hands into strange, claw-like shapes, and a hum began to vibrate through the ground. Photons of light, emitted from the stars, began to bend towards the figure wearing the preachers robe. Fettrin began to glow, as he now raised his head, ever so slowly, up to face the blackness of space. The hum grew to a rumble, and the asteroid began to tremor slightly, making glasses of spirits ripple in the bar. The rumble crescendoed, Fettrin's face began to twist and warp, his eyes became like beams of pure light, stabbing into the vastness of space.


Page looked up concernedly from eating his coconut. Something was about to happen, and it was making the milk from this darned coconut spill all over the floor.


Glowing cracks flew across the surface of the asteroid, emanating from the place Fettrin stood. Once they had reached to about midway across the surface, they stopped, and emitted blinding sheets of light. A pillar of light shrouded Fettrin from view, composed of all the stolen souls he had taken to perform this ceremony, ever since he began using Nirttefs to kill while imprisoned in his sword, he had been preparing for this moment, the moment in which he would complete his final ascendance, and face his enemy once more, this time with a much more serious intent than merely vengeance. The pillar of light widened into a cone, and the cone widened into a wash of blinding life energy, streaming out in all directions, casting stark shadows behind all living creatures on The Rock, and nearby ships.

Then Fettrin screamed.

A single, dissonant, piercing note, which stung the ears of the patrons, and stabbed with a deeper fear into the heart of Page. The note spoke of death, and Page had a very bad idea he knew who's death it spoke of, even though that made little sense. Where was Jasan?


Just after boarding the Spirit Lance, still thinking about that strange message that had stung his soul, Jasan felt another strong transmission, with the same feeling of distance. This, however, was audible to Jasan's mind; a single note jabbed through his entire body, causing him to clench every muscle, and grit his teeth, squinting. This was impossible, there must be something wrong with him


The Rock lay silent. The cracks now merely black lines etched across its surface, the only evidence of what had happened was the smashed surface exit building.

Fettrin had left The Rock.

_Find the deadcell.

Capture the deadcell.

There can only be one Deadcell._

A tall figure strode down a brightly lit corridor. It wore some sort of armor, but no seams were visible as the lights glinted off the polished black surface. No features were visible anywhere on the figure, actually. The face was a blank shell.

Find the deadcell.

Stopping at a corner booth, the featureless figure grabbed a cloak. Slipping it on, it simply walked away, daring the shopkeeper to do something.

"Hey, you'd better pay for that!" Drawing a blaster, the shopkeeper started after the figure. Not wanting to shoot a hole in a perfectly good cloak, the man refrained from firing. Instead, he laid a hand on the figure's shoulder.

Quicker than most could see, the figure had spun, and slammed an iron fist into the shopkeeper, propelling him back, though the air, and wrecking his stand of clothing.

Without a word, the figure continued on its way, headed towards the No Name.

OOC: KILL 'EM! KILL 'EM ALL! Or something.

EDIT: Or something, definitely. Dah dah duuuuuh!

This post has been edited by TheGreenFile : 19 September 2004 - 11:48 PM

May I join?
I'd gladly like to bring
Scott and Crystal here...
and leave Seth on the other bar...

OOC: I don't think that we've ever objected to new writers. Feel free to join. (Edit) In fact, I'm thinking that joining Eversor might be fun...

The death was wrong.

_He was pretty relaxed, his pay wasn't normally good enough for extra pleasure but last night he'd taken a rare bribe in order to get fifteen minutes with the sensory enhancer. Those things beat real women hands down. It was still pretty early in the day but he could normally reminisce on nights like the previous for weeks.

Most of his pay normally went to get food and the rest went in a fund to get off the Rock. It was too dangerous and even his employers were known to kill off guards who found out the right information. That's why he stayed unconnected, if he was finally able to get married his wife would be a way to control him. He really couldn't subject anyone to that, and kids were definitely out of the question until after he was out of this hellhole.

He kept patrolling and musing to himself when he nearly jumped as a strange looking man laughed sharply. People shouldn't surprise him like that, they were all crazy. He hadn't done anything wrong. "Come here human."

What did he mean human? He was Miranu and any blind fool should have been able to tell that. "Sorry man, I'm on duty." He needed to get the hell away from here, something wasn't right.

"Such insolence is common, no small wonder I must resort to violence when dealing with your species." What was this lunatic talking about? "I said, come here. " At the words come here the opposite happened, something pushed him back. The guard didn't know of any kinds of weapons that would do that but he wasn't gonna stand for this.

He started to pull his gun out and yelled at the madman. "Hey man! I'm gonna-" Then he felt it. There wasn't much if any pain, but he knew he was dying and in that moment he knew that he should have tried harder to get off the Rock sooner, he never had the chance to have a family._

Matt wanted to stay and protect Yume but he knew something about this death was wrong. He'd felt countless billions of other people die and this was different. He picked up his staff and ran out of the bar until the blast hit him. The energy was too intense, even as a mere waste product. He began to once again transcend, but he could hold it down. He'd doubtless regret it in a few hours, but he needed to find that corpse.

This post has been edited by Paranoid : 21 September 2004 - 07:43 PM

OOC: Okay all... For all those from other bars i have one request... One, dont draw attention to this one. (HAMSTER! I WILL KILL YOU! IF YOU READ THIS BEFORE YOU GET MY MURDEROUS EMAIL, EDIT YOUR POST ON EVERSOR AND REMOVE THE NAME PAGE FROM IT OR DIE A THOUSAND DEATHS!) Remember my character is dead, or at least thats what everyone on the Nova Bar thinks, and i'd like to keep it that way, untill My character makes a mysterious return.
On that note, yes, Page will be returning to the Novaverse, certain things need to happen in the story there before this will happen. He will be asking several patrons of this bar (mostly closer ones to my character) to come with him. I also want to ask that all telepathic characters follow for this universe's continuity.

Anyways.. on with the show..

OOC: Gomen nasaaaaaaai Valence! -_- It has been duly edited. Sorry! 😞

OOC: Whoohoo! A story post at last! Time to finish what I started all too long worries, this will only take a couple long posts on my part...

Nothing fazed her, nothing mattered. Larra sat quietly on KamikazeÂ’s wing, staring blankly at the rest of her docking bay, where Demon was attempting to cheer her up. The shapeshifter was chasing her latest stalker with the cattle prod he had stolen off some cleaning bot, but even that held no amusement for her. FettrinÂ’s cry had been nothing more than an empty sound.

She was trapped in a sense of the deep depression that followed losing to Nevell. Even being near the place where it had happened brought back memories that Larra wished would just go away. The idea of helping Page shop for new pants had actually brought a temporary breach in the depression, though. Maybe that was because her conscience hurt her the worst for what she had done to her friends, and the fact that some of them still cared to be around her helped alleviate that pain.

Larra closed her eyes. Though she was on a crowded asteroid, she felt lost and alone. Due to the general mistrust that plagued her, she had blocked not just Nevell, but all the telepaths from her mind. She hadnÂ’t realized how comforting their voices could be until she had forced them into silence. One violet eye opened slightly, and she glanced at the swords that lay on the wing beside her.

Though still the weapons she remembered, the cold black surfaces of the blades clearly held darker intent. Honestly, Larra had no clue as to what to do with them. Wielding them would be like an open invitation to Nevell, but she couldnÂ’t just use her knives for weapons. It would just feel wrong.

Tilting her head back, Larra cast her gaze up at the bland, rocky ceiling of the docking bay. She knew what she missed the most. More than anything, the young Acaran simply wanted to go back to the place she felt the safest, to run back to the most protected dimension ever and stay close to Darbain so he could defend her from the darkness in her own mind.

Independence was the only thing that made her stay. In a way, Larra needed to know that she could get through this on her own. At least, she hadnÂ’t tried to kill herself, like she had last time.

But maybe she could bring part of that comfort here. Not Darbain, but her fellow Codebreaker battle elites, a.k.a. Paranoia. If they werenÂ’t busy with some dimensional business, and some of them were sure to be free, the would be happy to drop by to visit her. The members of Paranoia looked out for each other.

Larra smiled faintly. Yes, that was what she would do. Ignoring buzzing and screaming sounds that occasionally erupted around her, she extended one hand out in front of her, pushing her awareness down into the tips of her fingers. In a weird way she could feel the dimensional barriers weaving around her, and just like she had been about to open a portal, Larra reached out into the mixture.

Instead of pushing certain ones aside to open a gateway, she instead warped the barriers, wrapping certain ones around her fingers. Pulling the right parts of the complex barriers would send tiny tremors through the dimensional balance, only one of the strange ways in which Paranoia had learned to communicate. Any one member in a life-threatening situation could very well call the entire force of thirteen upon their enemies.

Larra could feel the unique barrier signatures of an uncountable amount of worlds; some she recognized, many she didnÂ’t. With a twinge she felt a part of the Nova dimension, and for a moment she was deeply curious of the goings-on there. Passing the thoughts away, her attention was suddenly drawn by a powerful sense of deja vu.

Letting ther perception of the other dimensions slide away, Larra focused on the place that had been brought to her attention. Even as she did so, and odd sensation washed over her, as if every single part of her wanted nothing more than to open a portal and step through. Still unable to trust herself, Larra read closer into the place. All she could tell about it was that the dimension was small, about one system in size.

Long strands of straight black hair staticked out twisted around her, the ends reaching towards her connection with the dimensional barrier. Larra shivered, a small part of her wondering what could possibly call out to her like this. Every other thought, every fiber of her existence ached to breach the barrier between the two worlds.

Finally she could hold out no longer. Larra swept her hand across the barriers, smoothly bridging the dimensions with practiced ease. Most of her portals could be seen only by the rippling effect they had on the air around them, a sign that while she was close, there was still room for improvement in the subtlety area of the technique. This one, however, was different.

There was no movement around the portal. At all. Nothing told her it was there except the fact that she had made it herself. Larra had only a moment to ponder this, before the swords sitting beside her hovered up, and shot through the invisible gateway as if pulled in by some unseen force.

The next moment, it turned on her. It seemed to Larra that there was nothing she could do to resist as she was drawn in. Instinctively she moved to close the portal, but succeeded only seconds after she had been sucked through.

The world Larra found herself in seemed to consist of absolutely nothing. She was only consciously aware of pure blackness surrounding her. Larra spread her senses around to take inventory of her surroundings, but a sharp pain struck her mind at about the same time as her probes rebounded back upon her.

Larra nearly choked when she recognized that the pain came from inside her mind, breathing in the sheer terror that seemed to dwell in the world around her. Nevell. It had to be Nevell.

Any logical thought would have told her that the Fourth Telepath was still safely trapped the depths of her mind, but for Larra, all logic had melted down into panic.

Something struck her on the back of the head, then, and the panic ,too, dissolved into unconsciousness.


Not caring or even noticing that his ‘prey’ was escaping, Demon stared, slack-jawed, at the spot where Larra had just vanished.

Blah! Firefox crashed and I lost my post... that'll teach me to write in-browser...

EDIT: I started that post-apocalyptic story on my boards... all are welcome. Link's in my sig.


This post has been edited by TheGreenFile : 20 September 2004 - 10:23 PM