Infini-D & EVO models

I'm wanting some renders of some EVO ships but can't find even a demo of Infini-D anymore. If anyone knows if you can still get this somewhere that'd be great, otherwise, if anyone has it would they be willing to do a couple of quick renders for me?

I can do the renders you need.

Cool, thanks. I want 200x200 shipyard pics of the Igadzra Arada on the orange gradient and the Zachit Arada and Fighter on the blue gradient. The Zachit Fighter should have the same colour scheme as the Arada - dark blue body with crystal blue trim.

This post has been edited by Guy : 13 October 2005 - 10:01 PM

How do these look?

(old links erased)

Hopefully that's what you were looking for. If you were hoping them to turn out even just a little differently, please don't hesitate to tell me, and I'll do my best to get them they way you want them to look.

This post has been edited by Azdara Ace : 14 October 2005 - 11:28 AM

Yeah, that's awesome. 🙂 I wanted the fighter in the colour scheme of the arada though - dark blue body with crystal blue trim. And if you could do them in png or some other lossless format that'd be great.

Ohhh, I see what you were saying now about the color. 🙂 I'll get right on that.

Okay, how's this?

Posted Image

And here are the other two in png:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Perfect, thanks heaps for this 🙂
(ah, I was hoping the png would avoid the blockiness in the gradient but I think I can live with that)

(EDIT): Oh sorry, just one last change if it isn't too much trouble. The Zachit Fighter model should be like the normal Crescent Fighter with the two little eyes rather than the monobrow.

This post has been edited by Guy : 14 October 2005 - 05:25 PM

Like this?

Posted Image

Yeah, sorry about the slightly blocky background. I've tried a few different things, but whenever it's raised to 200x200, it gets a little blocky.

Azdara Ace, on Oct 15 2005, 04:47 PM, said:

Like this?
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Yup, thanks again 🙂

Azdara Ace, on Oct 15 2005, 05:10 PM, said:

Yeah, sorry about the slightly blocky background. I've tried a few different things, but whenever it's raised to 200x200, it gets a little blocky.
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When what is raised? The gradients are both 200x200.

Oh my goodness, you're right! It would appear I saved the thumbnails to my desktop instead of the actual gradients. Let me fix that...

edit: How's that (original links above replaced)? 🙂 Sorry for the ordeal I've made this.

This post has been edited by Azdara Ace : 15 October 2005 - 06:11 PM

Ah, now that does look better. 🙂 In that case I'm surprised the old ones looked as good as they did. Thanks for all your trouble.

Wow, it's cool to see that some people are still working with these things...I don't know if it's appropriate for this topic, but I've been thinking it'd be really cool if some of the ships could be redone using the texturing scheme seen in the splash screen (the UE fighter and destroyer look soooo good in that). Just a thought, anyway.

Yeah, we could also create some of the 'mystery ships' that appear in the splash, but were never seen in game, as the splash was drawn in an alpha stage of the game. 😛