Galaxy of Strife

(- The Myrihas Wastelands, Chaka IV, Chak -)

While the atmosphere of Chaka IV was completely incapable of sustaining life, and the vast oceans of the planet were notoriously polluted with radioactive materials and tended towards a rather yellow hue, the cold, unfriendly planet had one saving grace. Almost one fifth of the planet's surface was made up of a choked nightmare of a landscape that the Azdgari called the Myrihas.

While such a landscape might seem an odd saving grace of any planet, the bizarre rock formations of these wastelands had one interesting use. It was the perfect place for a young, naďve Azdgari to race his Azdara through in a contest of their skill and total disregard for their own personal safety.


The Raniras smoothly barrel-rolled out of the way of a giant rock formation at the very last moment, in a terrifying display of insanity. The beautiful Azdara handled well, but compared to her opponent her flight was far too erratic, every dodge resulting in yet another near miss. However, as the near misses tallied up and the Raniras continued to resist the compelling probability of being reduced to nothing more than a burning wreckage, it began to become certain that whoever was piloting this sleek craft might have been insane, but was at least marginally competent.

With hypersensors deactivated, the Azdara's pilot, Rhuikadar Zosen, was flying in the old fashioned way, and doing a remarkably good job of not crashing. Zosen, like many Azdgari, lived life constantly on the very edge, and spurned the idea of applying any sense of logic to his flying. As such, he tended to fly with very little sense of direction, only vaguely keeping track of where exactly it was that he was flying to.

In this case, the endpoint of the race, which spanned over one thousand kilometres, was almost in sight. The impossible rock formation ahead of and around Zosen seemed to be ascending higher and higher, to a single point far above, beyond the green-yellow clouds that obscured all sight of beyond. Only another minute now, and Zosen would win. The higher he flew, however, the worse visibility would become... Of all the trials across the Myrihas Wastelands, nothing came close to the final ten kilometres, where visibility was almost always poor (bordering on near zero), and the mountain formations became so complex as to reduce the already dubious conceivability of survival.

More interestingly, in the spare moments between the chaotic moments in which Zosen's quick thinking saved his life time and time again, he began to wonder what had happened to Nahari. He hadn't seen his opponent on his tail for nearly ten minutes now, and Nahari was a better pilot than Zosen. Unlike the young Zosen, Nahari had earnt an honorary name, Chyi-Azhar (literally "late, yet deadly" after he famously was late to the defence of Muid some years ago against a Zidagar raid, and caught a group of Zidagar fighters by surprise, annihilating seven of them in a matter of seconds).

Zosen began to seriously consider that Nahari may have misjudged a turn ten minutes ago and met a fiery end. There were alternative paths for most of this race, yet Zosen wasn't aware of any in the last stretch. He knew that Nahari didn't know any, because Nahari had been the one who had taught him the paths not two years ago, when he came of age.

As the Raniras rose into the clouds, Zosen blinked. All he could see in every direction was yellow - his Azdara hovered in the air as he instinctively switched the direction of its vectored thrust with lightning fast reflexes. In all the times Zosen had run this race, he'd never known visibility to be this bad... Usually he could make out enough of the rock formations ahead to stumble his way riskily to the Azdara-sized ring at the very top of the highest spire, keeping close enough to rocks as not to break the first rule of the race. The way things were here, he could break the first rule without ever knowing about it - or crash and burn with a similar lack of warning.

His Azdara continued to hover, and Zosen began to panic. His features compressed slightly, a rare tangible sign of his worr. He didn't for a moment believe that someone like Chyi-Azhar could've lost his Azdara on this course, and he was losing seconds. The opacity of the pale yellow clouds was not going to change... The winds were not blowing, and the clouds were not moving.

Only a few seconds had passed, when Zosen made his mind up and went with a gut feeling, switching the vectored thrust back and immediately diving forwards, spinning apparently out of control. Vague memories of the shape of the rock formations in this area came to his mind, but he wasn't sure if he was on the same side of the endpoint at all. Two short bursts of energy seared out of the Raniras, and their warning illumination barely thirty metres ahead drove Zosen's Raniras into a desperate U-turn to escape the rockface ahead of him.

Vision was impossible through the clouds, yet he continued to ascend, using an increasingly unlikely gut instinct and the fluoresence emitted by the phase bursts he shot out. Determining distance was nigh on impossible, but he quickly adapted, turning two of the Azdara's swivel cannons to shoot out at forty five degree angles while the other two discharged right ahead of him. They were all low-powered, so the bursts did not damage the Azdara at this range... At their full power firing from this range would've vaporised his Azdara quickly, as its shields were inactive in accordance tot he race's second rule.

Zosen blindly circled the mountain, coming even closer to his end than he had been doing for the entire duration of the course. Again he wondered about Nahari. He was almost tempted to turn on sensors and scan quickly... It was against the third rule and would force him to forfeit the race, but if Nahari was injured...

He shook his head, and almost lost it in the process, blinking and rolling out of the way before crashing into the side of the mountain. If Nahari had crashed, he was dead. There was no point worrying about that. What was of slightly more concern was the fact that right now Zosen himself was about a quarter of a second off dying too.

Only thirty seconds had passed so far, since the Raniras entered the fog, and Zosen knew he should've reached the top by now. The ring was lit, and should be visible even through this. As he continued to travel up in a chaotic spiral, diving out of the way every few seconds as the bursts of phase fire gave him warnings that he was off course, the clouds seemed to be thinning.

Again he blinked, shifting the thrusters back to hover. There was no point continuing on madly if he was going the wrong way - now that visibility seemed to be improving, at least temporarily, he decided he might as well wait, to see how far off course he had wandered.

Slowly, he began to be able to make out vague shapes. The familiar demonic spires of the Myrihas surrounded him everywhere, and to his left was one taller than all others - he could even see the ring far above, just vaguely glimpsed.

I flew off-course... How did I manage to fly this far away? I'll have to descend before I can ascend again, or I'll end up straying too far from the sur-...

Something was moving. Fast. A flash of green caught Zosen's eye far above, and he reacted immediately. The Raniras shot forwards, faster due to the returned visibility and Zosen's sudden realisation that Nahari was not only alive, but that his Kohatsa had somehow managed to pass him.

The race was in many ways unrealistic, as the Azdara was forced to fly with shields down, power limits on everything (mainly engines) and no hypersensors, but in keeping with tradition, there was a "quasi afterburner" system. In reality this involved a temporary increase to the power to the engines, nothing particularly innovative, which increased the Azdara's maximum race velocity by 50%, which was still only a fraction of its maximum velocity in normal conditions. According to how the race was run, this drained energy reserves quickly - as did the phase bursts Zosen had been using to stay alive just moments before. Normally, the enhanced speed would only be activated in a straight, and the Raniras was low on energy as it was, but as Zosen saw the Kohatsa climbing the mountain with awesome speed and no apparent trouble whatsoever, he realised he was going to have to use it.

He descended in seconds, and activated the speed enhancement as he began to rose, and was immediately stunned by the increase in his velocity. He barely rolled out of the way of the side of the mountain, spiralling around clumsily but quickly. Zosen ignored the Kohatsa now. It was only a few seconds ahead, but there was no point worrying about it. The only way he'd reached the ring first was if he concentrated on what he was doing. Nahari must not have had any energy reserves, because the Kohatsa had seemed to be moving at a normal speed... Zosen had a good chance, if he just kept his cool.

He almost spun completely out of control, but skillfully kept his Azdara from spiralling to its destruction and lost little time - but it was another second off, and the Kohatsa was not in sight. Zosen glanced at the energy reserves of his Raniras, discovering that they were almost out. Twenty more seconds. Nineteen...

The ring was in the distance, but the way the two Azdaras were moving, the two remained out of sight of each other. The incline was far too steep to climb up directly, and besides, that was against the rules of the race, so they circled around, out of each other's sight, approaching the ring.

Seven. In a few more seconds, the speed boost would be gone and Zosen would have no chance of passing Nahari if he was still behind. He knew he was closer, and as expertly as Chyi-Azhar could fly, Zosen knew he was flying faster... Even without the boost, he was flying faster. Five seconds.

Barely fifty metres ahead of him, suddenly the Kohatsa was in sight. He was close. Zosen grinned, and dove straight towards it, doggedly chasing it. He would've even fired phase bursts, if not for the fact that his Azdara didn't have the energy and that without shields, he would've killed Nahari instantly he had did.

The distance closed within half a second, and as the two Azdaras ascended to the small plateau at the very top of the tallest mountain in the Myrihas, they flew nearly side by side.

The Raniras moved to pass the Kohatsa, in the blink of an eye, but the second Azdara rolled into the first's path at the last possible moment. Zosen cursed and rolled his Azdara to the other side quickly, determined to pass the ring first. At this rate, he could win... In just one second, he would-...


Rhuikadar you idiot... What the hell were you thinking...

The Kohatsa flashed by, passing through the ring, and dove upwards into the sky, engines powering to full. In seconds, the Azdara left the orbit and a distress call was sent out to Morin.

A few seconds later, the Kohatsa dove back down into the lower atmosphere, hypersensors active, and came to an insane halt on the plateau, shields burning away to cushion the near crash landing as the Azdara landed next to the ruins of another of its kind, flames billowing from the wreckage.


(- Kisande (Sai-Varitair's Azdgari Warship), Tollb -)

Zavhranal Rokii Hyaishi was something of a legend amongst the Azdgari, and for a society that is impressed by very little, that is saying something. A few years ago, when he was ranked fourth of all living Azdgari in the Index, that legend may have been at its strongest, but even now, there are few Azdgari who haven't heard of his name, and fewer still who would willingly do him any dishonour.

While now considered past his prime by most, no Azdgari living today has participated in so many military conflicts as Hyaishi, or served as Commander of more warbands. His history of battles against the Igadzra and Zidagar is so vast that even they have at least heard of his name in conjunction with many defeats.

In particular, fifteen years ago Hyaishi commanded a warband codenamed the Crescent Claw, one of four warbands assigned to raiding the Crescent rim. After a successful raid on Qerid, Hyaishi sent the freight Aradas and warships back to Muid while he struck deeper into Zidagar space with a fleet of Azdaras and Aradas, reaching the Zidagar's capital system and causing massive destrucion before leaving after having taking significant losses and destroying more than thrice his band's number.

However, it was not his command of the Crescent Claw that earnt him his honorary name, but something that happened years before that, on Zavhranal Rokii's very first raid, against Mordus. The raid was a disaster, and was ambushed by an Igadzra strike force in Novish. Every Azdgari ship was annihilated, except for Rokii. He crash-landed on Novitia and powered his badly damaged Azdara down, making it look like a wreckage. The Igadzra did not notice it, and Rokii returned to Diumin alone, and was given the honorary name Hyaishi, after the hyaharashi, an extinct species of predator famed for its ability to play dead and return to haunt whoever attempted to slay it.

With the likes of Tsarunis Edas Kyhaan and Marakitarun Lyaadn Dakun-isei both dead, Hyaishi is considered by many to be the premier Commander of the Azdgari (although this title is of course not even remotely official), although he only recently joined the Council of War itself. Since becoming a member of the Assembly, Hyaishi has been attempting to revitalise the conflict with the Igadzra and Zidagar, and has already convinced many other Azdgari that now is the time to once again dominate the Strand War.


Four Azdgari sat on the floor of a small circular chamber with one single door, the walls covered in depictions of a great many battle scenes, the drawings of widely differing quality. The chamber was otherwise quite bare, dimly let by a domed flourescent ceiling that emitted a soft green light. The four sat at roughly equal distances from each other, two of them leaning against the far walls and the other two sitting upright. The distances seemed strangely significant - not far enough that they could not hear each other, but with each given a significant amount of personal space.

"Hyaishi, lately you have spoken to an awful lot of us about your latest intentions," an aged Azdgari began to say, "but on the whole we have heard little of your strategy. Many Azdgari now speak about how it is time for us to begin increasing our raids against the lesser ones... Yet few consider the implications."

The Azdgari speaking so boldly to someone as respected as Hyaishi was an ageing council member with his long grey hair flowing down his back and more than partially obscuring his keen silver eyes. He was one of the two who sat upright, and he possessed an aura of a wisdom earnt by many years of experience. While compared perhaps to his current company, he might have seemed physically less threatening, a long, curved knife hung from the left side of his belt, and a pistol hung from the right. His eyes, while carrying a sense of age about then, were nonetheless very, very aware.

Hyaishi's cool black eyes switched their attention between each of the three, before settling back on the one who had spoken. He was one of the Azdgari who was leaning back, apparently at ease. Dressed in darker colours, his ashen grey skin bore an ancient symbol on his left cheek, in green and black. "Sai-Varitair, my concern up until this point has been convincing a sufficient number of us that this is the opportune time for us to strike. Now that I have gained this support, I am at liberty to speak openly about what I intend. Is that not the reason we are gathered here now?"

Sari-Varitair glanced at the older of the two other Azdgari, a tall figure who was sat in a far more comfortable position than appropriate, apparently admiring the drawings on the opposite wall. The stillness of his body was remarkable, and there was something very strange about his eyes. His left eye was silver, but his right was a rare bronze, and it seemed as if while his silver eye was out of focus, his bronze eye was always sharply in focus. The effect was quite dizzying to watch.

"It's about time!" the fourth Azdgari interjected, his eyes only barely hiding their distaste for Hyaishi. The speaker was the largest of the four, and wore a type of light plate armour in emerald and dull grey. By the look of him alone, he seemed to think a lot of himself, the way he held himself, and how he dressed even for something so simple as a meeting... His hair was the shortest of the four, and black, but was still below the shoulder and was tied back. He was large for an Azdgari, and bore two vicious scars on his face. "You've been talking about this for months now, Hyaishi. Let us know what your plans are, and the Council of War can discuss it."

Hyaishi touched his hand to his left cheek almost absently, and glanced again at Sai-Varitair. When the aged council member nodded, Hyaishi began.

"Over the last decade, we have been fairly apathetic in regards to our responses to the lesser ones at our borders. While it is true that there are more important matters of concern to each of us than their lives, it is also true that we have both gained and lost much because of them. We cannot ignore that we are, in a sense, at war," Hyaishi said, addressing his comments to Sai-Varitair, who seemed to command respect from everyone except the third Azdgari, who still seemed not to be listening at all.

"At war? I'd hardly call it that, they are just animals-..." the scarred Azdgari cut in, his face divided by his sudden grin.

"Hyaanl, I for one wish to hear what Hyaishi has to say without interruptions," Sai-Varitair responded almost sharply. There seemed to exist a certain tension between the two, which Hyaishi must have been fully aware, for he quickly continued before Hyaanl could speak again.

"I will cut to the chase, then," Hyaishi continued, smiling faintly as if almost amused. "Firstly, we are not maintaining a reasonable level of information on our enemies. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of young but capable Azdara pilots who would willing patrol the uninhabited systems between us and enemy outposts, and at the small risk of having some of these Azdaras enter hostile-controlled systems with the express intent of scanning the area and leaving immediately, we can gain accurate information on enemy fleet positions."

"Furthermore, our enemies are incapable of holding all their systems with an adequately sized defence fleet. At the moment, the majority of our ships are stationed in Molar, Azdgari or Chak for defensive purposes. The fleets in Diudir, Muid and Apert are minimal, as we have no intent on defending those systems if they are attacked... Our enemies, however, need to defend most of their colonies, because that is what they are - not isolated bases, but populated colonies."

"With improved information, we can isolate which systems are not well defended and strike them quickly and efficiently with Azdara-Arada forces... We can be in and out before the nearest reinforcements are able to arrive. However, my intentions do not stop here. There are some other things I must speak with you about."

Sai-Varitair nodded slowly. "Your agreement with Aynakurai Vakhys, to secure funds for his research?"

Hyaishi smiled faintly once more, and inclined his head respectfully to Sai-Varitair. "You hear much. That was one of the things I wished to speak about, but there are other-"

"Aynakurai Vakhys is not a trustworthy, nor a respected, nor an honorable, Azdgari," the quiet Azdgari said softly, not taking his eyes off the far wall.

"Yain speaks the truth," Hyaanl added, with some strain in his voice, as if either he wasn't too keen on agreeing with Yain, or perhaps that he wasn't too keen on speaking after Yain. Hyaanl glanced at him for the briefest of moments, and immediately glanced away.

Hyaishi sighed, and shook his head. "Believe me, I barely tolerate him at best, but he is intelligent. While I am not convinced that he will supply the Council of War with a weapon, his theories, if realised, may have longer term implications. Particularly, he is exploring the possibilities of creating an alternate, finite, subdimension... He seems to believe it is possible and that, more to the point, it can potentially have military applications. He spoke to me about something regarding flipping a particle into its respective anti-particle by passing it through an artificial subdimension... I cannot say I fully realise the implications, but he seems convinced - as do several council members in the Council of Science - that it would have major military applications."

Sai-Varitair nodded. "You do not read enough, Rokii Hyaishi..." He paused briefly, apparently thinking, and then continued. "Matter antimatter reactions are the most advanced means of powering a vessel, or a weapon, and while the technology exists, it has never been implemented on a wider scale because it is simply not possible to apply it at any useful level. Antiparticles can only be created in very small quantities, and then they must be contained, which requires a constant power source and is often not useful. Simply speaking, if you were able to create a device which could transfer matter into a subdimension and transform it into antimatter, and then return it to containment systems - or even leave it then and return it as required, antimatter power would become viable. There are other ways, of course, but theoretically, massive amounts of antimatter could be produced this way."

There was the slightest of nods from Hyaishi, as if he had actually known that, but none of the others seemed to notice it. "Furthermore, there is something else... Regarding the shield generators of our existing ships. I have been informed that..."


(- Residence of Aynakurai Vakhys, Xarnes -)

“Who are you?” the ill-tempered Azdgari demanded in a raspy voice, his squinting eyes regarding the intruder with distaste and anger. He was physically unimpressive, with short golden-white hair and small emerald eyes, and he waved a strange device about as if it was some sort of weapon. He looked in his seventies at the least, and was dressed in clothes not far short of rags, with his small wiry tail hanging limply from his back, trailing along the dusty floor at his feet.

Facing him were two Azdgari robed in white, both with long black hair and dark eyes. They stood side by side, about the same height, and looked almost exactly the same as each other. Their names were Xiaan and Karyd, and they were, respectively, an engineer and a scientist, although both were quite capable in a fight, unlike Vakhys.

“We were sent by your sponsors, Vakhys,” one of them began calmly, motioning with his hands and speaking slowly as if he had tried to explain this several times already. “The Assembly is willing to contribute to your weapons project, but only if your work is overseen so regular updates can be sent to various interested parties.”

Vakhys cursed in both Common Azdgari and Ancient, switching fluently between the two, a rare talent for any Azdgari. He raised the vicious looking device in his hand and muttered something to himself in Ancient, and then spat on the floor. “If I needed help from others, I would have asked for it earlier. Besides, what have other Azdgari ever done for me, eh? Nothing. Nothing!” He took a step forward, and made some show of looking threatening. “Now get out of here!

The two Azdgari twins did not even flinch, to Vakhys’ great displeasure. After a moment, the other of them spoke. “We are here because we were asked to watch over you by people far greater than either of us. We do this despite knowing we are your superiors. Do not get ideas above your station, Vakhys. We have been asked not to kill you, but nothing was ever said-”

“-About beating you to within an inch of your life,” the first twin finished with a sly grin.

Vakhys swallowed hard, and looked between the two twins, his eyes widening. “You wou-... you cou-...”

Two eyebrows rose, and Vakhys swallowed again.

“I trust you want me to show you what I’m working on?” Vakhys said hurriedly. “Come this way, I’ll show you... I’ll show you my work.”


R &D
Full descriptions of all projects will be posted on the OOC thread.

Subdimensional Research, Stage One: Hypercube Project
0/12 days.

Level 4 Phase Shielding (Upgrade)
0/7 days.

Azdgari Hyperdrive (Upgrade)
0/5 days.


Azdgari Fleet

Fleet: 1340 Azdaras, 473 Azdgari Aradas, 150 Azdgari Warships.
Production: 140 Azdaras, 23 Azdgari Aradas. (Initial makeup of fleet construction modified, 1 Azdgari Warship -> 10 Azdaras.)

Azdgari: 70 Azdgari Warships, 150 Azdgari Aradas, 500 Azdaras.
Molar: 40 Azdgari Warships, 140 Azdgari Aradas, 400 Azdaras.
Chak: 40 Azdgari Warships, 143 Azdgari Aradas, 330 Azdaras.
Muid: 10 Azdgari Aradas, 30 Azdaras.
Diudir: 10 Azdgari Aradas, 30 Azdaras.
Apert: 10 Azdgari Aradas, 30 Azdaras.
Raigar: 10 Azdgari Aradas, 30 Azdaras.

This post has been edited by SilverDragon : 11 February 2005 - 11:23 AM

Ordanance Master Hure grinned as he watched the only refitted fighter so far demolish two older Zachit fighters in a mock space combat. The new shield upgrade was certainly impressive when combined with the piloting skill of a more experienced Zachit. Now if only Orazeno would authorise refits for the rest of the fleet. All delaying would do is lead to more deaths. Maybe once this new phase enhancement was complete. The Miranu sure liked certain aspects of it, and they'd been convinced to work with Zachit advisors on enhancing Zachit weapons even further.

After confirming the 'destroyed' fighters in the mock combat had made it back safely, Hure shut down the Combat Control room with its impressive holographic displays and headed back to his office. Hopefully resources could be allocated to the new warhead designs soon enough, the Zachit force could use them.



Micro-Pursuit Missile & Launcher
ETA:3 days 12/02

Shield Enhancements

Phase Enhancement
ETA:3 days 14/02


Total Forces
200 Z.Aradas
600 Z.Fighters

100 Squadrons of 2 Z.Aradas, 6 Z.Fighters
10 Groups of 10 Squadrons

3 Groups
3 Groups
1 Group
1 Group
1 Squadron
1 Squadron
1 Squadron
1 Squadron
1 Squadron
1 Squadron
1 Squadron
1 Squadron
1 Squadron
1 Squadron
1 Squadron

(b)Production-two days**
60 Z.Fighters, 20 Z.Aradas, located in Zachit.

This post has been edited by RMA : 11 February 2005 - 05:53 PM

Outpost Alpha, Bakka system

A shuttle blasted off of the station. However, despite the battered appearance, and the fact that shuttles are just pitiful ships, there was something special about this one. First of all, there was the IFF decoder in addition to the usual density scanner...but the real thing that made this ship different is that it was currently ferrying Director Bob to Earth, where he would resume command of his fleet.

Inside the Shuttle, Bob thought back on the last time he had flown in this Shuttle, and on the Voinians that had nearly blown it to pieces with their neutron guns. “Space travel would be much safer if we had more ships along the border,” he thought. “The Voinians wouldn’t be able to just march on in and try to blow up all of our shipping.” However, he knew that the existing ships were all assigned to the various borders, and that they wouldn’t be able to do anything more than what they were already doing. However, safety could be improved if more ships could be diverted. Bob thought about the problem all the way to Sol, and, when he saw the system itself, he had the solution.
“We’ll build a battlestation up here. It’ll increase the defensive firepower in the system, and we’ll be able to divert more ships to the border.”
With that thought, he landed at Luna, and began to work on his basic blueprint for the design. Actual construction would take a while, of course, but with Earth working on the production, along with the normal construction crews, he was sure it would be completed relatively soon.


Admiral Rivers, standing on the bridge of his mighty U.E. Carrier, looked out over his immense fleet. After issuing some orders to certain ships to stay on as a defensive garrison, he prepared the remains of his fleet for the jump to Troub. With careful ship planning, he managed to get things set up so that all of the ships would jump on certain days so that all of the ships would arrive at the same time. Upon arriving at Troub, he looked his fleet over, and then sent off another order. "Prepare a hyperspace jump to Pariah."

The fleet finally emerged, ready for battle.

A lone Scoutship drifted through northern U.E. space, on the way to map out the unknown territory above. Several other scoutships like it had been sent towards certain destinations, although some were being dispatched to scout out Voinian space to see if the rumours of an alien race above the Voinians were true, or simply another fish story designed to bring up morale.

United Earth Fleet and Construction
189 Carriers
683 Destroyers
1050 U.E. Fighters
700 Freight Couriers
100 Scoutships
Per Day: 9 Carriers, 33 Destroyers, 50 Fighters
Earth: 4 Carriers, 10 Destroyers, 20 Fighters (Production ceased after tonight. All work will be done temporarily on station construction.)
New Taranto: 2 Carriers, 13 Destroyers, 20 Fighters
Paaren: 3 Carriers, 10 Destroyers, 10 Fighters

United Earth Force Locations:

Grand Armada (Commanded by the Director)
30 U.E. Carriers
105 U.E. Destroyers
200 U.E. Fighters
Location: Sol

Earth Force (Controlled by Admiral Rivers)
25 U.E. Carriers (15)
60 U.E. Destroyers (30)
150 U.E. Fighters (100)
Location: Huron

Defense Fleets:

Huron Fleet
(10) U.E. Carriers
(30) U.E. Destroyers
(50) U.E. Fighters

Thoso Fleet
10 U.E. Carriers
33 U.E. Destroyers
50 U.E. Fighters

Valos Fleet
10 U.E. Carriers
25 U.E. Destroyers
50 U.E Fighters

Yandros Fleet
20 U.E. Carriers
50 U.E. Destroyers
100 U.E. Fighters

Bakka Fleet (Commanded currently by the Protector)
20 U.E. Carriers
50 U.E. Detroyers
100 U.E. Fighters

DSN-1810 Force
5 U.E. Carriers
10 U.E Destroyers
20 U.E. Fighters

Centauri Fleet
13 U.E. Carriers
75 U.E. Detroyers
100 U.E. Fighters

Saalia Fleet
13 U.E. Carriers
75 U.E. Detroyers
100 U.E. Fighters

Sol Defensive Fleet

43 U.E. Carriers
200 U.E. Destroyers
180 U.E. Fighters

Scout Locations:
Five Scoutships are being thrown towards the northern division of Voinian space. It is expected that most of the Scout patrol, if any, will be destroyed en route. Five other Scoutships are being sent off through various uninhabited systems (below Miranu space and above U.E. space) to map some territory out. There are ninety scoutships undeployed at the moment.

Earth Station
Will take three days for planning. Since all Earth production will be focused on the station, production will take merely four days.
ETA: One week.

Hunter Missile power upgrade. ETA: One day.
U.E. ship refitting program. Will replace all rocket launchers and rockets with hunters. ETA: Tonight.

OOC: I think I'll be doing weekly fleet production updates every saturday, and post fleet movements only when my fleets move. I'll go ahead and post locations right now.


Fleet Location

Emalghia Defense Force
50 Emalgha Warships
100 Emalgha Fighters

Group Enu
80 Emalgha Warships
120 Emalgha Fighters

Group Xued
50 Emalgha Warships
100 Emalgha Fighters

Group Siort
50 Emalgha Warships
100 Emalgha Fighters

Kelmaon Defense Force
50 Emalgha Warships
100 Emalgha fighters

Around 140 Freighters deliver cargo to and from the two systems constantly. Ship production occurs in systems as follows:
13 Warships per RTD
24 Fighters per RTD

1 Warship per RTD
2 Fighters per RTD


"Call the Emergency Team, dammit. What the hell are you waiting for?" Pael, Director of Mining, grimaced with each tortured cry echoing out of the collapsed tunnel. This was the third time in two weeks. Two weeks, dammit.

If one were to compare take a cross section of an ant hill and a cross section of the Alpha Mines on Kelmaon side by side, there would be no difference in the intricate patterns of the tunnels. Hundreds, thousands of tunnels snaked deep beneath Kelmaons surface. The last calculation, a year ago, supported the fact that only 3% of them were stable.

Pael knew these tunnels better than anyone alive, partially because the people that knew the really valuble and dangerous ones were buried in them. Decades had passed since Kelmaon had been colonised, tunnels bored deep into the planets surface. It was a gold mine, so to speak, of rich minerals and naturally formed substances. The main city, named of course 'Alpha City', sat only a mile from the Alpha Mines. Sure, there were dozens of other cities around the planet, but only this one and it's mine were blessed with the greatest payload and cursed with the greatest tragedy. Day in and day out, people slaved, risking their lives in these dank, dark mines, if only to provide food for their families and to help the war effort. Cave-ins were common, but it was beginning to get out of hand. Something would be done , Pael thought, as he began to write a letter personally to The Board. Screw the Director of History, Pael knew that bastard would try and dissuade The Board. People were dying in the mines, not in the textbooks.

Technology and Development:

Attack Drone: ETA: 2 Days (Sunday, February 13th)
Enhanced Sensors: ETA: 3 Days (Monday, February 14th)
Turret Upgrade: ETA: 1 Day (Saturday, February 12th)

The Master stood, staring out into space through the large window in his office. Behind him, the doors opened and his aide entered.
"Master? The network is ready for your transmission, as you ordered."
"Good. Leave me."
"Yes, Master."
Without another word, the aide bowed and walked out.
The Master turned approached the desk sent the following message to the nearby systems:

Brave denizens of the Southern Tip of the Crescent, I salute for your bravery in the face of the struggles you face.
However, I must tell you that I am not your true enemy.
Rather, it the other races of this galaxy that turn a blind eye to the South Tip and and contribute to the troubles here by sending their criminals here. They are your enemies! Have they ever aided you in times of trouble? Have they ever defended you from the former South Tip Renegades?
No! They ignore your struggles and continue their petty fights with each other. It is clear that a new era is approaching. Should we face it divided and struggling with each other? Indeed, we must not. The only way to survive is unite. That time to unite has come now. I wish for no further conflict with the noble people that populate this part of the galaxy.
I am offering peace to any who are willing to trust me and accept it.
I must tell you that the group that you knew as the South Tip Renegades has changed.
There have been no attacks for some time and, if you accept the offer peace, there will be no more.
Again, I must state that only if we unite and stand together can we hope to survive the coming dangers.
Goodbye, may you fare well in whatever comes.

The Master turned away from the network, turning it off as he did. He doubted anyone would accept, but some might see the danger that he did. He wanted peace, but for that to happen the corruption is several of the lesser colonies would have to be rooted out. He didn't know how far he could trust the other governments, but he hoped that they would consider an alliance.

Research and Development
Armor Upgrade
Estimated time to completion: 3 days

Improved phase weaponry
Estimated time to completion: 2 days

Mavs System:
9 Crecent Warships
19 Laziras
73 Renegade Aradas
450 Crescent Fighters

DSN-6107 System:
8 Crescent Warships
20 Laziras
64 Aradas
430 Crescent Fighters

New Ship Construction
1 Crescent Warship (in Mavs)
2 Laziras (1 in DSN-6107, 1 in Mavs)
6 Aradas (in DSN-6107)
40 Crescent Fighters (in DSN-6107)

This post has been edited by Selax : 11 February 2005 - 06:49 PM

(- Residence of Aynakurai Vakhys, Xarnes -)

Vakhys sighed in relief the moment the door closed behind Xiaan and Karyd, those two cursed Azdgari who the Council of War had set on him. It had only been a week now, and already Vakhys’ frustration was at its limits. The two of them wanted to know everything, and they were slowing him down. At least, he’d thought he could stay up longer than they could, forcing them to sleep, but they only took shifts. He had realised about four days ago that ever since they had moved into his home, they had not once both been asleep at the same time. They had virtually taken over his entire home, and he’d barely slept. The only way to escape their questions was to work in his makeshift laboratory, which now was looking far healthier. All thanks to the funding supplied by the Council of War and the Council of Science (the latter had only come after the former, apparently down to some pressure amongst various council members - Az only knew what sort of pressure the senior members of the Council of War put on people).

He technically had access to various scientific facilities across Xarnes now, and a number of massive complexes on Dirach. Xiaan and Karyd could not seem to understand why he was remaining in his dusty laboratory despite of this, but for now, it wasn’t necessary.

Two days ago, Roshiakar, a renowned Azdgari physicist, had turned up at Vakhys’ door. Roshiakar was unlike Vakhys in two ways. Firstly, unlike Vakhys, he was a member of the Council of Science, and so had always had the funding to carry out his research. Secondly, unlike Vakhys, Roshiakar was a mindless idiot who didn’t have the slightest clue about how the universe actually worked. Apparently he had been “asked” to visit Vakhys to “help” him with his project, along with a slew of other lesser known scientists. Vakhys had sent them all away. They were useless.

He glanced back at the display in front of him, and frowned once more. No matter how many times he repeated the experiment, the result was the same. It was almost as if his entire theory was false, but that was clearly impossible. He had, in the last week, patched together something he had wanted to build for decades... He even had the blueprints stored away, in waiting for the time that he might actually have the funding to gather the necessary equipment. It was a primitive hyperdrive, which is to say it actually only involved the most basic component of the hyperdrive and was completely incapable of faster-than-light travel or anything even like it. In actuality, all it did was make a blip appear on a display. The problem was, that blip wasn’t appearing.

According to all my theories, it should still be here, only... at a different frequency. Yet the moment I attempt to phase beyond hyperspace, there is... Nothing. It’s almost as if hyperspace and realspace are the only two levels of existence...

Vakhys stood up, and walked across his laboratory again, his tail once again limply dragging itself across the floor dejectedly, gathering dust. He studied a sketch he had drawn last night, before he got his first good night’s sleep all week. He barely even remembered drawing it now, and as he looked at it, he cursed under his breath in Ancient for the utter stupidity he was capable of when that tired. He really shouldn’t stay up that late, he just wrote absolute drivel that-...

He blinked. He then allowed his eyes to close, and tapped two long fingers against one edge of the sketch, as if thinking. He opened his eyes again, and blinked once more.

“ Chre’toh ,” he swore harshly in Ancient. “You stupid fool.”

Turning backwards quickly, his tail whipped around, knocking over a priceless phase crystal he had requested, which promptly shattered beneath his feet into thousands of tiny blue shards. He didn’t care. Last night’s sketches suddenly made sense, and he had an idea, and it came with the added bonus that if it went disastrously wrong, it would at least kill Xiaan and Karyd in quite a satisfying way indeed.


(- A waiting room in a hospital, Akhrista, Dirach -)

Nahari stood in the waiting room of the large, meticulously clean hospital in which his youngest student was currently not being dead. At least, he seriously hoped that the fool was not dead, because the boy had shown promise. Despite his naďvete, his unreasoning prejudices and his competitive nature, Zosen had more potential than any of the other young Azdgari Nahari had mentored. If only he could stop acting like a damned idiot.

The waiting room was spacious, and almost completely bare. There were a few uncomfortable chairs, but apparently various Azdgari over the years had taken a chair at a time when they felt like it, virtually ransacking the entire hospital piece by piece. Nahari didn’t feel like sitting down anyway. It was all he could do to keep from pacing.

By the time an Arada came to respond to the distress call, Nahari had already recovered Zosen’s crippled, badly burnt body from the wreckage of his Azdara. He had been unconscious, and his respiration rate and heart rate had been dangerously slow. His left arm had been virtually torn off, barely hanging on to the rest of him by scorched flesh.

Once the Arada had arrived, everything had been taken out of Nahari’s hands and he was respectfully, but firmly, told that Chyi-Azhar must have better things to do than sit around waiting for a lesser Azdgari to heal. Which was perhaps why Nahari was standing, in some obscure way. It almost made it seem reasonable.

Loyalty between friends in the Azdgari was above almost every other virtue, but for someone like Nahari to spend an entire week in a minor city on Dirach waiting for news on his friend’s condition, was almost unheard of. He’d turned down over a dozen offers from other acquaintances to go on hunts, or races. He’d even turned down a challenge from a young upstart, and had lost Index ranking for ignoring the challenge. He didn’t care. There was something about Zosen that nobody else knew about, that no Azdgari would even care about, except for him.

The door opened. Nahari took a half step forward, and a surprisingly short Azdgari with an officious attitude stepped through. In one glance, he seemed to sum Nahari up, and nodded absently.

“Chyi-Azhar, correct?” He asked, eyeing an old fashioned clipboard and musing to himself.

Nahari took six steps forwards, and in an instant smacked the clipboard out of the other Azdgari’s hand, smacked him across the face and pinned him to the wall with one hand, his eyes cold. “You would not treat me with such disrespect outside of this building.”

The whole thing had only taken two seconds, Nahari’s motions precise and extremely fast, but the shorter Azdgari had been able to offer no resistance whatsoever, and he now hung limply in the air, his eyes wild. “I’m sorry, I just-...”

Nahari backhanded the doctor with his free hand, and then let him go. He didn’t even land properly, falling to the ground with a crash, ending up on his knees. Nahari found it somewhat satisfying. After standing around waiting for nearly four hours, he wasn’t very happy. He had been promised he could see Zosen today.

Surprisingly resilient, nonetheless, the doctor stood right back up, retrieved his clipboard, and even made a fairly good effort at pretending that Nahari hadn’t hurt him with that last strike. He had enough sense to lower his eyes, however. “There is not much hope for your friend, Chyi-Azhar,” he said bluntly, keeping his eyes lowered... His face muscles seemed tensed, as if expecting another beating.

Nahari remained still, and after a few more seconds, the other Azdgari continued. “We thought his condition was stable, but it seems to be deteriorating rapidly over the last four hours. That’s why we’ve kept you waiting so long...”

Nahari said nothing, and after an uncomfortably long moment, the explanation continued. “He lost a lot of blood, and his blood type is strange - we don’t have enough blood synthesised, and so we’re struggling to keep him alive. He suffered major burns, and his left arm... It’s possible we can heal it, but the priority is getting him stable.”

“A donor?” Nahari suggested softly.

The doctor nodded slightly, glimpsing at his clipboard again. “We have found one. He’s in another city on Dirach though, he offered to take the mag-rails and will be here by tomorrow.”

Nahari turned on his heel and walked across the waiting room. “Transfer the details to the Kohatsa, I will pick him up personally and have him back here in two hours.”


“What is your name?”

“My name is Hiatsa, Chyi-Azhar. I am not-”

Nahari nodded, as if to himself, but he did not turn back to look at Hiatsa. “I have been told that you are a good doctor, and that this is a good hospital. I will bring you a donor in two hours, and you will heal Zosen. “


(- Somewhere in hyperspace... -)

Hyaishi reclined in his pilot seat, finding the prospect of having to wake up a rather disappointing one. He hovered inbetween consciousness and the warm, friendly embrace of oblivious unconsciousness, knowing that he had a few more hours before the Zaarisha would exit hyperspace at his destination. A few more hours sleep would do him good, and he needed to be as alert as possible for when...

His head nodded, his eyes closing fully. There was a polite cough from behind him, at the door to the cargo bays. Hyaishi’s eyes opened immediately, and then he sighed softly as he realised who it was.

“Inys...” Hyaishi muttered, quickly glancing over the display before him to check that all the ship’s functions were normal before he continued, “Even I need to rest. Tomorrow will be a long day.”

From the corner of his better eye, he could see Inys, standing one step behind the threshold of the open door, wearing an unassuming black and green robe in the style he preferred, with the symbol of the Azdgari serpent appearing just below the high upturned neck. His hair was black and, oddly, streaked with a rare green, and it was held in a multitude of braids. His pale eyes were ghostly and held no semblance of emotion.

“A message from Zsotas, Rokii. It seems important.”

Hyaishi paused for a moment, a thin smile reaching his lips. “Any messages sent to the Zaarisha should have appeared on this display... I have told you not to do this, Inys.”

“I did not wish for you to be disturbed. If you received every alert from messages recieved, you would not have slept at all,” Inys replied smoothly. He said it matter-of-factly, as if expecting Hyaishi to simply accept it. And in reality, Hyaishi didn’t see the point in arguing. This wasn’t the first time Inys had bypassed his security codes to do things like this, always with his well-being in mind in some way. It was a strange way for a subordinate to show that he was loyal to his master, but that was Inys’ way. Their relationship was indeed an odd one, for very few people indeed called Hyaishi by his birth name anymore.

“Return control to me and I will read the message,” Hyaishi said at last, wisely choosing not to enter another debate with Inys over his unconventional methods.

Inys coughed softly again, and Hyaishi blinked when he realised that the message was already on his display. Inys must have switched control back and opened the message while he had been speaking before. Still glimpsed from the corner of his eye, Hyaishi could not see how Inys had moved, but his friend was a strange one indeed.

Hyaishi quickly began to skim through the message, aware that Inys had not departed. For some reason, Inys wanted to discuss the message’s content with him. He was hardly surprised that Inys had already read the entire message.


(- To Hyaishi, From Zsotas: Worrying developments. -)

I received an anonymous warning earlier to stand against you in the Council when we meet to decide on whether or not to allow you the influence over the Council of the kind Dakun-isei and Kyhaan once held. I was similarly warned to urge my confederates and sponsors to do the same.

Somebody has acted foolishly. A cabal is operating against you and your rising influence. Either this movement is intended to prevent an increase in hostilities against the lesser ones, or it is specifically aimed against you.

I suspect a link between Tyikhar and his subordinates, and someone else influential in the Council. I have not been able to discover who his contact is, but will continue my inquiries.

To’taron Azaar , Hyaishi.


Hyaishi read through the message calmly, and then re-read it slowly, word for word. Out of habit, he traced its origin quickly back to Ranuthos on Meagh, and confirmed that the message had indeed originated from Kiarhat Sharad Zsotas.

Zsotas was a member of the Council of War, which made him one of seventy three - unless that had changed in the last few days - who held a degree of influence over the Azdgari as a whole in terms of military matters. Unlike himself, Zsotas was a fairly inactive member, and in secret was a close supporter of Hyaishi. In a sense, Zsotas was Hyaishi’s eyes and ears within the less active ranks of the Council of War. Hyaishi dealt with the likes of Sai-Varitair, Yain and Hyaanl, while Zsotas was well acquainted with a vast number of Azdgari. He was well respected and had massive influence, particularly in Ranuthos. The only reason he was not one of the four Azdgari council members currently at the head of the “war effort” was because he expressed no interest. Hyaishi had asked him to express no interest. He needed Zsotas in the background, where nobody knew of the connection between them.

Tyikhar was an interesting name for Zsotas to have brought up. He was one of the highest ranking Azdgari on the Index - he ranked fifth last Hyaishi had heard - and he was also extremely well respected. He had never wished to join the Assembly, despite easily having far more than one hundred acquaintances willing to sponsor him to join. He had long expressed a dislike in the Assembly, particularly the Council of War that restricted the freedom of individual Azdgari. Twice he had been called for attempting to instigate illegal raids against the lesser ones, twice he had been intercepted and sent back. The second time, Hyaishi was the one who had brought him back, which may explain why Tyikhar had reason not to like him...

But a link between Tyikhar and an influential figure in the Council of War? From everything Hyaishi knew of Tyikhar, it was completely improbable. Influential figures in the Council... There were about eleven of much significance, who had any chance of surpassing Hyaishi’s influence over the Azdgari. Sai-Varitair, Yain and Hyaanl left eight, and the other eight were all trusted by at least one of the other three. It seemed impossible that any of them could be intending to stand against him. And to stand against him with Tyikhar made no sense whatsoever.

Hyaishi sensed Inys take one purposeful step forward, and turned his head to the side. “What do you make of this, Inys?”

“It seems quite plausible that somebody may dislike you, Rokii. For someone who only joined the Assembly six months ago to have gained this much power so quickly, it is hardly surprising,” Inys offered coolly.

“We do not scheme like cowardly dogs,” Hyaishi muttered to himself. “We are Azdgari. We settle our disputes with a challenge, be it a mortal one or otherwise.”

“Doing such would be embracing defeat against you, Rokii. There are few people who could defeat you in a challenge.”

Hyaishi fell silent. “Zsotas is usually right about his suspicions,” he said finally, his voice firm but quiet. “I cannot risk challenging Tyikhar yet, as without some evidence I will lose too much support form others if I do so. I trust that Zsotas will reveal more information.”

“And the meeting you are about to attend? There may be danger.”

Hyaishi chuckled softly, glancing away, studying the message once more. “It is true that the meeting tomorrow will be an excellent opportunity for any enemy to rise against me and attempt my assassination.

But if anyone has the audacity to try it, it is their blood which will stain the halls tomorrow, and not mine. I will not be frightened away by cowardly fools.”

“And if they are more than you can handle?” Inys inquired, his voice low and level.

“Your name means Death for a reason, Inys.”


R &D

Subdimensional Research, Stage One: Hypercube Project
1/12 days.
Vakhys’ research is going. Sort of. This sort of stuff takes time, y’know. Don’t pressure the poor guy...

Level 4 Phase Shielding (Upgrade)
1/7 days.
The Level 4 shielding project has been going smoothly as of yet, but some difficulties later on are expected. For now, it is simply a case of designing the specifications for the enhanced shield regenerator and beginning to implement the theory into very simple models.

Azdgari Hyperdrive (Upgrade)
1/5 days.
The upgrade to the Azdgari hyperdrive is going smoothly, and engineers estimate it will be about four weeks before the final design is ready for implementation on all Azdgari vessels.


Azdgari Fleet

Fleet: 1490 Azdaras, 496 Azdgari Aradas, 150 Azdgari Warships.
Production (this day): 140 Azdaras, 23 Azdgari Aradas.

Tollb: 60 Azdgari Warships, 158 Azdgari Aradas, 490 Azdaras.
Molar: 45 Azdgari Warships, 148 Azdgari Aradas, 440 Azdaras.
Chak: 45 Azdgari Warships, 150 Azdgari Aradas, 430 Azdaras.
Muid: 10 Azdgari Aradas, 30 Azdaras.
Diudir: 10 Azdgari Aradas, 30 Azdaras.
Apert: 10 Azdgari Aradas, 30 Azdaras.
Raigar: 12 Azdgari Aradas, 35 Azdaras.

Marafey: 2 Azdaras.
Kelmaon: 2 Azdaras.
Leka: 2 Azdaras.
Emnin: 2 Azdaras.
Elder: 2 Azdaras.
Dafi: 2 Azdaras.
Elridi: 2 Azdaras.
DSN-2143: 2 Azdaras.
Novish: 2 Azdaras, and 2 Azdaras enroute to Racet.

The fleets defending Azdgari have been moved to Tollb, in accordance with Hyaishi’s plans. The Azdaras in the above listed uninhabited systems are far from the system centre and are on patrols. At some instances, only one Azdara will be present - they are assumed to be taking shifts, returning to the nearest Azdgari system. It is up to whoever passes the system to determine whether one, two, or three (possible in the shifts) Azdaras are there. They will leave immediately if hostile ships go after them.

This post has been edited by SilverDragon : 21 February 2005 - 07:40 PM

A lone trannsport left Nimor, but it left behind a single small package that to a centain Igadzra was more valuable than its worth in credits...
(Iagrez pounces on the much-awaited crate of cookies and proceeds to devour them)

"Pace yourself please, or we'll Razel will write another Sonnet about how we're OUT OF COOKIES!"

"Ok, fine Greg. But Razel is as meladramatic as the rest of his strand he'll sing about ANYTHING."

"Amazing how you can be so calm and collected one moment, and absolutely insane the next! You're as paranoid as most Igadzra come and yet you let everyone know your favorite type of cookie. You have too be the most Bizarre Strandee I have ever met."

"Why do you think I was assigned to 'peacekeeping' on this dump? The fuzz trade is of only minor concern to my supiriors, and yet despite my outstanding millitary record I was sent here. Obviously they didn't like my occasional lapses of cookie-induced insanity, every time I passed Ragni I must have halved thier cookie supply...Thank my father for my insanity and my mother for my appitite."

"Perhaps if you do a good job here, in thier favor of course, they'll transfer you back to your old duities...but you can't do that if you do this every time a package of snickerdoodles or oreos arrive!"

"I hate to interrupt but I've got news."


"Yes, news. The zidigar high council is cutting all ties with the miranu, trading, politics, immigration--You name it. I havn't seen the MTC wreathe in agony so much in decades."

"Unfortunately that means the MTC will be relying more on thier other...'associates' prevent hemmoraging credits. That means the Igadzra and us."

"A mixed blessing to be shure...but the rising tide may yet work in our favor"

"The chaotic shift in trade should provide enough cover for my associates to smuggle significant amounts of supplies to aid our cause. And if we're lucky I may be able to prrocure some intel on the sentinels my spieces has been sending out to snoop on other races as of late, and perhaps a way to avoid them

"Why would we want to? They mostly patrol 'the belt' and there is nothing there that is to our intrests..."

"I shall personally enlighten you when we have some free time, but first we need to oversee Razel's work of turning that old landing pad and run-down flee market into a low-grade shipyard and outfitting facility"
"Things going well Cayole, or would you prefer me to call you Razel?"

"Either one is fine, you come to check on my progress?"

"Yes actually, we'd like to see how things are coming along..."

"We are on schedule for both facilities, but I checked out the flea market before I shooed the peddlers off and I found some...shall we say 'interesting' artifacts.

"Please make this quick, I'm in the mood for chocolate chip cookies not another opera"

"Har Har Iagrez, very well. In addition to the useless junk that regularly accumulates here I found one stall that sold rather--Expensive--Items"


"I thought I might be able to spare you the shock but since you insist..."

(Razel pulls open his cloak, revealing some large fragments of yellow crystal--phazed beam twynus crystal. Iagaz proceeds to faint)

"I warned him. I'd like to inspect these as soon as the construction is complete--these were NOT cheap. I bought the se for half-a mil out of pocket, I intend to use these for something useful"

"Heh heh, very well.
Status Unchanged
Research status

General Facilites Upgrade: Adds minimal outfitters (better than standard flea-market), and a small shipyard. Allows minimal retrofitting when nescessary
ETA: 6-7 days

Crystal Research: Testing and experimenting with 'procured' phazed-beam twynus crystals. Pending completion of Facilites upgrade...

This post has been edited by ~vIsitor~ : 11 February 2005 - 07:54 PM

Third Executor Shaei Kadrim marched confidently onto the bridge of the Ultimatum , an Igazra en route to the Threefrog system. It had been sent on a special order by Grand Executor X'el himself. "Report?" Shaei demanded, quickly taking two data pads and looking them over.

"Executor, message received at 0800 hours. Contained special orders in addition to those sent at 1900 hours yesterday," his lieutenant replied, handing over a coded data pad. "You are to proceed with the orders after receiving a final message which we expect shortly."

Shaei nodded quickly. "Any other news?"

"We are to expect the new Igaras in a little under a week. A couple days after that, we are under orders to go under refit to receive the new weapon systems."

Shaei nodded again. "Once we arrive at Threefrog, put into port and await the final order. I'll be in my ready room looking over the reports and latest message."


Research Projects

Particle Beam -- 6 RTD remaining

Graviton Beam -- 5 RTD remaining

Igara Upgrade -- 3 RTD remaining


Naval Statistics

Current Ship Count
210 Igazras
630 Aradas

Production (per RTD)
10 Igazras
30 Aradas

Defense Fleets
Igadzra, Ersadt, Innirian, Mark, Nujja, Mordus, Norhis, Motif
15 Igazras ( 120 total )
45 Aradas ( 360 total )

1st Armada -- Mark
40 Igazras
120 Aradas

2nd Armada -- Innor
40 Igazras
120 Aradas

3rd Armada -- Igadzra
10 Igazras
30 Aradas

The little globe on the left side of the commander’s desk blinked a sequence of colors and he reluctantly cleared his desk of all the text that had accumulated before acknowledging the doorbell. “Come in please.” The door slid open and the young Miranu woman walked into the Commander’s Spartan office. She looked fairly well composed unlike the reports he’d heard, but she was just as frail as everyone kept telling him. He didn’t have any Miranu on his staff, so he wasn’t sure if it was natural or just the fact that she hadn’t been eating enough. “Please, sit down.” He stood up and pushed his chair to her and waited for her to sit. She looked a little uncomfortable so he tried to explain a little bit. “I’m sorry, giving your chair up for an honored guest is a tradition among the natives here. We used to continue standing while the guest was here as well, but many people found it intimidating so we sit down now. Just ease yourself down and I’ll pull up a chair for myself.” She slowly eased herself down and he slid a chair out from the wall.

“They told me you were in charge sir. I’d like to ask you why you wanted to see me.”

“You seem to want to get set in on business right away, is that a typical Miranu trait? You must understand we don’t get many Miranu down here.”

She seemed very uncomfortable about this question, but that was typical. “I I don’t know what you mean. You requested that I come and meet you, don’t you want something.”

“I always enjoy meeting new people and you seem like an outstanding young woman to represent your race. Now, I’ve been completely forgetting my manners. Would you like something to eat or drink?”

There was that discomfort again, this was more unusual. Most people weren’t incredibly uncomfortable about being asked about food. “I I’m sorry if I’m being rude sir, but I’d like to ask you what you want from me.”

That seemed incredibly awkward to the Commander, she used so many extra words to say nothing. Then she used some strange nonsense word that he didn’t even understand to address him; Miranu culture must be very strange. “We haven’t even been introduced, at least let me tell you my name. I’m Gręthul Urvön. What is your name?”

Once again she cringed back as if she was disgusted by him when he her for her name. “I I’m Lœthe.”

“Lœthe, you know that you are brilliant?”

“I’ve been told I’m fairly smart.”

“You also know that to survive out here you need to work.”

“I’ve made that assumption. Am I permitted if you are going to offer me employment.”

“Of course ‘you would be permitted to ask.’”

She looked at him again with a mixture of disgust and pity. “Will you offer me employment?”

“Yes, I’d like you to research for me. The history I received says that you have worked in designing weapons and defenses against Renegade incursions in the North. We are fighting the same foe here in the South and we need your help. Will you honor me by accepting?”

She looked at him once again, as if he were a disease but she caught herself and looked thoughtful for a moment before replying. “Asking questions is not impolite here.”

“No it’s not. I’ve never met anyone else who thought it was impolite and I’ve met people from almost everywhere in the Galaxy. You’ll find that many different things are polite or impolite around here. We have such a hodge-podge of cultures that you have to be very careful to avoid offending someone.”

“In that case I’ll accept. May when do I start?”

“I’ll give you a tour of our facilities right away. Please, follow me.

Fleet Status:

5 Crescent Warships
15 Laziras
42 Aradas
210 Independent Crescent Fighters.

Technological development

Outfitting all vessels with afterburners and arm Aradas with Dispersal Missiles and launchers: Complete

Technology status report said:

The scientists have continued working on the new breakthrough. I don’t understand the majority of the technical stuff but as far as I can tell it’s two separate chemical substances. The scientists keep telling me it is an amazing breakthrough and completely fascinating, they all want to talk with the inventor but in all honesty, I don’t think he’s going to make it he has some massive burns, his face is disfigured badly and he has internal injuries. Anyway, one chemical has an extremely dense core, the atoms are supposedly incredibly unstable and have to be kept at extremely low temperatures to avoid decay. In all honesty, I don’t know what to make of it. The other chemical is much more simple, I remember most of the atoms but it’s also really big, almost enough to be visible. The two chemicals together create a massive explosion as you probably know. What’s even more interesting is that it’ll explode even in vacuum, apparently the stuff it needs to blow up is produced by the early stages of the reaction. The scientists tell me it’s too unstable for use as a weapon and I think they may be right. We’ve run a few tests with it as the explosive device in Dispys, but it almost always detonates only seconds after leaving the launcher and the launching ships are knocked out of commission. No one has died, but it’s getting hard to find volunteers to fly the ships anymore. The techies are planning to try again by removing the detonation device to make room for two chambers to separate the chemicals. The rockets will be completely airtight until some kind of hard jolt hits them, like hitting a ship. This’ll make it so the damage is less, but I think the explosive will make up for it. I just pray it works.

The Miranu you came down with has been perusing the grounds since you left. She knows what she’s doing. She quietly listened to several of the bastards down there and then gave them advice in a heartbeat. One of the Igadzra got all pissed and started yelling her down, shouting that she was a “stupid female sub-sentient” well, that was as far as he got. The Azdgari working next to him nailed him in the ribs so hard he doubled over, she has the typical temper for an Azdgari. Then I told him to try what she suggested and it fixed the overload problem he’d been having. Stupid bastard has probably never been more embarrassed in his life. Absolutely hilarious! Too bad the only thing he was working on was a farm processor, it should increase production but it isn’t a weapon so it was relatively worthless. The Azdgari and the Miranu are now firm friends and have settled together on a defensive project that they won’t let me see! I probably wouldn’t understand it even if they did, I’ve asked the Miranu (I wouldn’t talk to the Azdgari if you paid me, I’m so glad you outlawed knives in the researching facility after last time) to write a report as soon as possible and send it secure to you. The way she works is amazing! I know it would be against protocol but if you could allow her to see the top-secret material we could move much faster as it is I’m willing to be that her work will be top-secret before the week is up.

On a slightly related note, these scientists are driving me nuts! Can’t I please transfer somewhere else? I’m willing to attack Mavs single-handed! They seem to think I must understand everything they say and then if I admit I’m lost they look down at me like I’m some kind of imbecile. Do you take bribes? If so, how much do you want? If not, please?

Tr. Grűthner

The holo-projector on his desk flickered, and the Master entered the proper activation code. His young aide appeared before him.
"Master, we have received no answers from any of the worlds in the South Tip. Systems like Tibidat still seem to view us as a threat. However, there is a delegation of captains here to see you."
The Master grimaced. He had been expecting this, ever since his speech.
"How many?"
"Seven, Master."
"Hmm. Send them in."
Seven? The most that had tried had had enough sense to bring along nine. These ones must think that he was weak or something.
The doors slid open and seven burly ship captains-each heavily armed-entered the room.
"Yes, gentlemen? Do you have something to talk about?"
The largest of the seven answered,"Yes. We do. We don't like that speech you made. You're going to rethink that offer, aren't you?"
As he spoke, he pulled out his blaster and the others with him did the same. The Master raised his eyebrows in amusement.
"Am I? I wasn't aware that I had changed my mind."
"Well, either you change it or we change it for you. Understand, Master?" the captain spat with derision. The Master stood up.
"No, I think that you shall change your minds. I meant what I said. I am offering peace and even an alliance to all who are interested."
"Then, I guess that I get to be Master," said the captain with a smile. The seven raised their weapons and fired.
Suddenly, the room was filled with smoke. As it cleared, the Master could be seen standing behind his desk. Three of the captains lay sprawled on the floor. One of the handy traits of having been an energy life form once was the ability to store and reflect limited amounts of energy, as well as telekinetic abilities.
The other four captains backed up, terrified by what they had just seen. Wildly, they raised their weapons to fire again.
There was a bright flash of light and the other four captains lay on the floor.
The Master shook his head and hoped the new captains would have more sense.
He activated his communications panel and sent a message to his aide.

Have diplomatic delegations sent to the systems of Tibidat and Akrayheck. Send someone who can be trusted with this assignment. Oh, and have the remains of these unfortunate captains removed.

An hour later, two old Miranu Couriers set off toward Akrayheck and Tibidat, each carrying a diplomatic team which hoped to negotiate for peace.

Research and Development
Armor Upgrade
Estimated time to completion: 3 days

Improved phase weaponry
Estimated time to completion: 2 days

Mavs System:
9 Crecent Warships
19 Laziras
73 Renegade Aradas
450 Crescent Fighters

DSN-6107 System:
8 Crescent Warships
20 Laziras
64 Aradas
430 Crescent Fighters

This post has been edited by Selax : 12 February 2005 - 02:21 PM


The UE ships dropped into the system. A krait emitted a desperate message just before it was destroyed. Crazy Face Jones, overlord of Pariah, received the message and immediately sent out an edict to every ship in the system to escape immediately.

On the surface, there was pandemonium as everyone rushed for his or ship. Many pilots took off immediately, heading straight for the opposite edge of the system. This wave made it out with considerable time to spare.

A second wave of the ships blasted off a few minutes later as the UE forces began to close, having stayed to take some advantage of the chaos, or having missed the initial edict, were late to their ships; a small minority of these had even missed the first wave because they were gathering others for evacuation. A group of Kraits escorting these ships broke off, under the mistaken impression that their skills would somehow allow them to fly through a nearly solid wall of hunter missiles. They were destroyed so thoroughly that it would take the sensors of a scoutship at close range to detect that they had ever been there.

The third wave was the last to lift off. By then most of the Helian pilots, who tended to be the most pragmatic among the three groups of Renegade captains, were gone; however, a handful of them remained with the third wave, as well as a group of some fifty Kraits who thought they could make a difference, and five Turncoats, fully a third of those commanded by the Parianae, whose captains had been too drunk or arrogant to evacuate earlier. Seeing as they could not hope to escape, the five Turncoats turned as one to attack their enemies. The Kraits followed their lead and both groups of Renegades met death head on. The few lingering Helians followed them to the next life with the succeeding volley of Hunter missiles.

Those that had fled set course for Yelts, because it was a jump closer than Freeport and because the Augorkians, being much of the same character as the Parianae, would be far more likely to take them in than the Captains of Freeport. Mostly they traveled as a group, except for one squadron of 12 Kraits that proceed at their top hyperspace speed, ambushing some unlucky merchant captain in Hatuli to refuel.

Their arrival sent ripples through the great arms fair that was Gorky, ripples which were picked up immediately by Freeport agent Ralph Fox, who stole a Krait and reported to his masters.

“So I have heard, Fred,” replied Ascia. “Business indeed. The UE has finally decided to move against Renegade space in force, taking the Pariah system. It seems that they are no longer content with only holding us at bay. It is time for us to make a choice.”

“We need more ships! Kraits, Helians, captured freighters with guns strapped to the sides, even ” This came from Shawn, who was interrupted by Jo.

“Even shuttles filled with explosives from space-mines and laced with radiation that we can detonate over UE population centers.”

The others looked at Jo for a second.

“Well, we’ve gotta do something!” Exclaimed Fred, breaking the uneasy silence.

“But what? We’re outclassed like rats fighting a threshing machine. The other day I was out arranging a shipment, and a pair of UE Destroyers set upon us. My Jailhouse Rock lost a wing in that fight, taking so much structural damage, I’ll probably have to have the old girl scrapped.”

“That’s because you can’t fly worth a damn,” Trisha contributed out of her sheer hatred for Proxima and his occasional lewd comments directed towards her.

“You say one more word like that and I will rape you, b*tch. Yarr, don’t even * think * about talking to the King that way.”

Helen turned to Jo. “Aren’t you glad that we two don’t need men?” Jo smiled back briefly.

“Come on people, get it together!” shouted Ascia, bringing a fist down onto the table. “Freeport, if they refuse to work together like adults, kill one of them. Capice?”

“Arr, loud and clear, Captain”

And then something truly rare happened: Edwards leaned forwards out of the shadows that projected from the corners to engulf his particular seat and spoke:

“Here is what we must do: we must defend ourselves, prepare an escape route, and seek ways of gaining an advantage by means of exterior factors. Ms. Jo, Ms. Helen, you will be in charge of increasing our defenses. I want any captured merchant ships we have, from shuttles to freighters, filled with whatever explosives you can cram into them. These bomb-ships are to be placed all around the perimeter of the system. Mr. O’Grady, you will be in charge of normal raiding activities. I want a constant stream of low-intensity raids into every human systems in the area: if there are any exposed merchant ships, attack them, otherwise, jump out. Every raid must have at least two Kraits that do not engage any prey; these Kraits must be kept fueled and ready to fly back to Freeport at a moment’s notice, because the true purpose of these raids is to serve as an early warning system. Mr. Ki, your function will be to travel to Iothe for the purpose of recruiting additional skilled craftsmen of ships.

“These measures will address our first concern. Now I will address the other concerns. Mr. MacDarien, you will proceed to Iothe with three Turncoats, raid it for fuel, and then head east. Do not engage anything you encounter past human space without explicit provocation; the purpose of this mission is to explore new territory and to find allies ”

Ian cut him off. “I can’t let you rape my homeworld again!” he cried.

“It is necessary,” replied Edwards, voice and eyes cold. “If you attempt to hinder this operation, you will be eliminated without a second thought. Now, as I was saying Mr. Ascia, your mission will also be exploration and diplomacy; you will take a triad of Turncoats to the south. Mr. Presley, you will have a somewhat different mission. You will proceed north by means of merchant transport and meet with your contacts. Let them know that should we be allowed to fall to the UE, an important market would be lost to them. Also, let it be known that any man to assassinate the commander of that mercenary fleet will receive a bounty of One Million Credits. Mr. Fred, you will continue your duties here.” Edwards leaned back into the shadows to a stunned silence.

“What about me?” asked Trisha.

Edward’s voice took on a strain. “You and I have unfinished business with the Nadir.”

Krait Needle Initiative: ~3 Days  
Interference Capsule System: ~2 RTD.  
~~~~~~Ship Production~~~~~~~  
For this Day, ship production has been replaced, by order of Captains Jo and Helen, with the production of minefields for Gorky and Riomar (to supplement the perimeter of suicide ships).   

OOC: Sorry for the lack of anything more meaningful. These are my fleet numbers if anybody is curious.

Zidagar Navy: 552 Zidaras, 1150 Zidagar Fighters
Daily Production: 24 Zidaras, 50 Zidagar Fighters
Redirected to: 26 Zidaras, 30 Zidagar Fighters

Fleet Distribution by System

Zidagar - 52 Zidaras, 100 Zidagar Fighters
Vastan - 80 Zidaras, 200 Zidagar Fighters
Terapin - 80 Zidaras, 178 Zidagar Fighters
Plogok - 70 Zidaras, 150 Zidagar Fighters
Fluron - 40 Zidaras, 75 Zidagar Fighters
Qerid - 40 Zidaras, 75 Zidagar Fighters
Saffera - 60 Zidaras, 75 Zidagar Fighters
Twyus - 30 Zidaras, 75 Zidagar Fighters
Neeg - 25 Zidaras, 75 Zidagar Fighters
Pozdag - 30 Zidaras, 75 Zidagar Fighters
Stror - 45 Zidaras, 72 Zidagar Fighters

*Note: All uninhabited systems within two jumps of Zidagar systems are constantly patroled by flight groups of three Zidagar fighters. Their orders are to observe enemy movements, but avoid engagement if at all possible. When enemy fleets more towards Zidagar worlds the flight group will split to inform all systems in range.

Outside the MTC headquarters building on Blaga, it was a gloomy, rainy day. Claps of thunder could be heard in the distance, and bolts of lightning lit up the eastern horizon. Inside the office of the CEO, things were just as stormy.

"You heard WHAT?!?" exclaimed a Miranu man in a business suit, pounding his fist against an ornately carved desk.

"Rumor has it the Zidagar are planning to cut all diplomatic ties with us. Maybe even the government too!" the younger man in front of the desk said, a little fear evident in his voice.

"Forget the government," replied the CEO, "the bottom line is we stand to lose millions of credits in trading revenue each and every day! This is a disaster!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Veraga," said the young man, "but I'm just reporting the news. I didn't make it. Anyway... what do we do now?"

"We need to shore up our interests in other areas of the Crescent," Veraga replied. "I agree with the government on one thing - this Zidagar situation has the potential to destabilize the entire region, and that would be bad for business. We need to try and contain the economic damage as quickly and as effectively as possible."

"And... how exactly do you propose to do that?"

"We'll tell our trade contacts with the Igadzra, Azdgari, and Strandless to deliver a message on behalf of the MTC that we wish to continue and expand trade as much as they are willing to. And for now we'll honor the Zidagar's wishes, and steer clear of their space, but send a message encouraging them to reconsider possible trade in the future. No need to further inflame a dangerous situation."


Professor Priashi sat back and smiled - the prototype of the sensor buoy was finished, and he, along with two dozen other scientists from the Academy, had worked hard to complete the project on schedule and on budget, and now it was time for the first test run.

In the empty space of the Holmm system, a crescent fighter dropped the prototype, and then hovered several million kilometers away to observe the test. The buoy came online as expected, and immediately began returning data to the fighter. This was met with many cheers from the scientists at the academy.

"We did it," yelled one, "it really works!"

"But that's only the first step," said another, effectively ending the celebration. "These buoys are great, but they won't do us any good as an advanced warning system unless they can communicate their readings all over Miranu space quickly - much more quickly than we can now. That's why the government is sponsoring research into faster-than-light communications. Hopefully we'll find a way to transmit signals through hyperlinks in a tiny fraction of the time that it would take to relay them through the current network. Otherwise all we've got is an expensive video camera."


"We've been out here for three days now," Kotik sighed. "And I'm getting pretty sick of the scenery." His Miranu courier hovered silently along the eastern fringes of the the DSN-4044 system, taking low-power, long-range scans of Saalia, one hyperjump to the south.

"Two more days and we can move on," his co-pilot said, trying to cheer him up. "How about another game of cards?"

"I'm sick of cards..." Kotik mumbled, laying his head on his hands dejectedly. He sat like that for several seconds, until he was interrupted by a loud series of beeps from the console in front of him. "Umm... Jarin..." he said, "I think we may have a prob-"

He never got the chance to finish his sentence, as both he and Jarin were knocked out in a powerful explosion. Five minutes later, Kotik had come to, his co-pilot Jarin standing over him, relieved that he was also okay.

"What the heck was that?"

"A power conduit blowout - we've lost half of our generators, too!"

"Is the ship okay?"

"A little damage to the cargo hold, but otherwise no major holes."

"What about our sensor readings?"

"They're intact," Jarin informed Kotik, "but we've got a bigger problem."


"We won't be able to go to hyperspace until we get at least a few of these broken conduits fixed - and that'll take at least an hour."

"But we're not planning to go anywhere for two days..." Kotik said, standing up and rubbing his forehead. "why is that a problem?"

"When the explosion hit, it sent out a powerful shockwave. Anybody nearby certainly knows we're around. And the explosion also took out the controls that regulated our power usage - we're going to be lit up like day on anyone's sensors if they enter the system."

"Crap..." Kotik swore, remembering that the prime mission of a Sentinel was never to be seen. "Then we'd better get on those repairs right away. The sooner we can get out of here, the better."



  1. Miniature Sensor Buoys - completed
    New project - Faster-than-light communications - ETA: 3 days (complete Tue. Feb. 15)
  2. Hyperspace jumps from anywhere in system - To be completed on Feb. 13th (4 days total - changed according to moderation)
  3. Zachit slot - currently being used by RMA for phase enhancement


Production per day
30 couriers, 20 freighters, 12 heavy freighters, and 36 crescent fighters


Fleet information
Trading fleets (consist of couriers, freighters, heavy freighters): Normal operations, except all traders are now steering clear of Zidagar space.

Defense/Peace Corps squadrons (consist of freighters and crescent fighters): Currently stationed mostly in core systems - Mirava, Himgro, Blaga, Priat, Leita, Zimla, Nadej

This post has been edited by Thunder : 12 February 2005 - 04:43 AM

Pariah System

“The place is deserted, sir. All of the renegades are gone.”
Admiral Rivers looked up at the screen. “How could this be?!?” He asked his question passionately. “They must have heard about our approach somehow, sir...maybe a Helian or something slipped through without the fighters noticing.” The Admiral looked around at the readings. This was an outrage. “Prepare to jump back to Troub. We’re going to drop by Huron; I hear that there are some upgrades being done to U.E. ships, but after that, we’re attacking the Renegades. They must DIE.” The first officer sighed quietly, knowing how the Admiral reacted to even the slightest setbacks. “Aye aye, Admiral.”
The fleet, after much preparation, finally arrived at Huron six days afterwards, and landed to resupply without any events.


In the DSN-4044 system, a Scoutship under the command of a person named Zach Corridon flew on through space. He had searched around the nearby systems, mapping out places close to U.E. space instead of the faraway places his comrades were trying to shoot for. Looking over the map, he realized how little had been achieved in his journey...after a few minutes, he decided he might as well go back to Saalia and refuel for more explorations, when his sensors went wild. An immense energy shockwave, near the middle of the system...this ought to be good. The Scoutship pilot started to fly over to where the force originated.

After what appeared to take forever, Zach finally arrived at the scene. A small, half-circle purple ship, although admittedly much larger than his own vessel, was drifting through the area. Zach cautiously targetted the vessel, and was shocked to see that there were no significant readings. A wireframe version of the ship was there, but all of the systems were unknown...he gulped slightly, and, on an impulse, opened a channel to the ship.
“This is Zach Corridon operating under the United Earth Exploration Force. What is your name, race, and purpose near our space?”


United Earth Fleet and Construction
194 Carriers
706 Destroyers
1080 U.E. Fighters
700 Freight Couriers
100 Scoutships
Per Day: 5 Carriers, 23 Destroyers, 30 Fighters
Earth: 4 Carriers, 10 Destroyers, 20 Fighters (All work will be done temporarily on station construction.)
New Taranto: 2 Carriers, 13 Destroyers, 20 Fighters
Paaren: 3 Carriers, 10 Destroyers, 10 Fighters

United Earth Force Locations:

Grand Armada (Commanded by the Director)
32 U.E. Carriers
118 U.E. Destroyers
220 U.E. Fighters
Location: Sol

Earth Force (Controlled by Admiral Rivers)
15 U.E. Carriers
30 U.E. Destroyers
100 U.E. Fighters
Location: Huron

Defense Fleets:

Huron Fleet
10 U.E. Carriers
30 U.E. Destroyers
50 U.E. Fighters

Thoso Fleet
10 U.E. Carriers
33 U.E. Destroyers
50 U.E. Fighters

Valos Fleet
13 U.E. Carriers
35 U.E. Destroyers
60 U.E Fighters

Yandros Fleet
20 U.E. Carriers
50 U.E. Destroyers
100 U.E. Fighters

Bakka Fleet (Commanded currently by the Protector)
20 U.E. Carriers
50 U.E. Detroyers
100 U.E. Fighters

DSN-1810 Force
5 U.E. Carriers
10 U.E Destroyers
20 U.E. Fighters

Centauri Fleet
13 U.E. Carriers
75 U.E. Detroyers
100 U.E. Fighters

Saalia Fleet
13 U.E. Carriers
75 U.E. Detroyers
100 U.E. Fighters

Sol Defensive Fleet

43 U.E. Carriers
200 U.E. Destroyers
180 U.E. Fighters

Missile Jammer
Can jam general missiles by sending out hundreds of special signals. U.E. hunter missiles, although simplistic, can ignore them because they cannot read such signals; more complex missiles such as needle missiles are jammed because of their advanced detection systems.
ETA: Two days.

Hunter Missile power upgrade. ETA: “Tonight.”
Earth Station. ETA: Six days.

U.E. ship refitting program. Will replace all rocket launchers and rockets with hunters. ETA: Completed. All U.E. ships now mount hunter weapons instead of rockets. All ships that already mount rockets and rocket launchers have extra hunter missiles and launchers instead.

This post has been edited by Consul Bob : 12 February 2005 - 02:01 PM

"Crap, crap, crap..." Kotik muttered to himself. "This is the last thing I need."

"They're still closing," Jarin reported. "We'll need another fifteen minutes before we can go to hyperspace, minimum."

The two Miranu worked frantically on the repairs, but to no avail. Before they could even think about leaving, a light flashed on the main console indicating an incoming hail.

"This is Zach Corridon operating under the United Earth Exploration Force. What is your name, race, and purpose near our space?" said a strange voice, with an accent neither Miranu had ever heard before.

"Umm... what now?" Jarin asked.

"Don't answer. We'll be able to leave soon." Kotik continued frantically soldering together conduit, but withing seconds, the hail repeated itself, again with the same request for Kotik to identify himself.

"We'd better answer," Jarin said, "before this human gets the idea that we're hostile."

"You're right, you know..." Kotik sighed. "We're going to get sacked for this, you know."

Jarin managed a helpless smile, and Kotik crossed the cockpit and manned the comm.

"Human vessel, this is Miranu Sentinel Vessel #031. Please forgive our intrusion near your borders. We are representitives of the Miranu, a peaceful race in a nearby region of space. We are here to keep watch on our neighbors... erm... that is, your race, until such time as our government decided to initiate first contact. But I suppose that time is now."

Here Kotik paused breifly, the enormity of the responsibility of making first contact with an alien race finally setting in. After a moment, he continued. "We've been keeping watch for quite some time, and it's a pleasure to finally meet in person, unexpected as it may be. Please forgive our delay in responding - we are conducting repairs on our ship which was damaged in the explosion you undoubtedly saw a short while ago."


Research, production, fleets

Same as last post.

It was a tense meeting. For several moments, Zach believed that he might very well have to retreat to warn command of yet another potentially hostile race, when the aliens responded.
"Human vessel, this is Miranu Sentinel Vessel #031. Please forgive our intrusion near your borders. We are representitives of the Miranu, a peaceful race in a nearby region of space. We are here to keep watch on our neighbors... erm... that is, your race, until such time as our government decided to initiate first contact. But I suppose that time is now."
There was a brief pause, and Zach caught himself wondering how the aliens learned to speak English/Earth Basic, when the voice continued.
"We've been keeping watch for quite some time, and it's a pleasure to finally meet in person, unexpected as it may be. Please forgive our delay in responding - we are conducting repairs on our ship which was damaged in the explosion you undoubtedly saw a short while ago."
Zach breathed deeply, thinking that this was the first contact between United Earth and an alien race...he remembered the Voinians, then, and corrected himself. It was the first friendly one, at any rate. After a moment, he responded.
"For the entire human race, I greet the Miranu, and hope that we can cooperate in the future. I suppose we'll have to stick around here until your ship is partially repaired; then we can move over to my race's space. There's not a whole lot else to do, and not much would be achieved if we were to just go our seperate ways again."
There was a pause, and Zach continued.
"I'll send a message out...maybe we'll find ourselves flying in to Earth with a military escort."

Encryption: Earth Standard Encoding XI

You're not going to believe this. I've just made contact with a race called the Miranu...this ship of theirs was damaged up in a system next to Saalia. I think I'll be able to get them to come back to Sol. They're friendly, so be sure to set up the food...seriously, though, we should be there soon.


Ship construction and research is the same as it was last post.

Having received the follow-up message from Central Command, the Ultimatum was no streaking full speed through hyperspace. Third Executor Shaei Kadrim stood on the bridge, looking through his special headset which displayed the outside world. Igadzra vessels lacked a viewscreen. Instead, they only had special headsets, which gave the commander of the vessel an excellent view of the unfolding situation outside. As well, command Igazras such as the Ultimatum were equipped with large holoprojectors to aid in the viewing of the overall battle.

For now, Shaei could only see the blue swirling mass of hyperspace outside. Suddenly, the nav officer spoke up. "Sir! Exiting hyperspace in thirty seconds. Approaching threshold."

Shaei nodded. "Power up the inertial dampeners to maximum. Prepare for hyperspace exit. Raise shields and go into defensive status two."

"Exiting in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Now."

The Ultimatum shuddered, the backup generators powering the inertial dampeners straining as the ship lurched out of hypespace and into the Feviry system in a violent blue-white flash. It was immediately followed by two other flashes as two other Igazras, escorting the Ultimatum , exited hyperspace.

"Exited hyperspace sir. Beginning cooldown on engines."

"Good. Scan the system and give me a tactical report. Have our escorts move into a flanking position," Shaei ordered, looking around the system slowing with his viewfinder.

"Sir, tactical reports no hostiles. Only merchant craft."

"Executor, the two Igazras are moving into a flanking position to follow us."

"Sir, cooldown on engines completed."

Shaei nodded twice. "Scan the planet, and set in a course for a geosynchronous orbit. Ahead at one-half impulse."

"Yes, Executor."

The engines on the three Igazras lit up brightly as they began to move forward, approaching the world slowly. Their shields were still up, but Shaei had decided against powering up weapons. It was, after all, a diplomatic mission. It would be bad to scare the poor people so bad they might try and fight back. The Igadzra were more than capable of capturing the world, except X'el had decided that tact instead of force might come in more useful.

"Sir we are approaching a geosynchronous orbit. Orders?"

"Hail the planet. Patch me in to their leader. Use voice distortion program two."

The communications officer nodded, quickly working on the various consoles before looking up again at Shaei. "Com link established, Executor."

Shaei nodded before speaking, his voice being distorted by a specialized computer program before reaching those on the planet. "This is Third Executor Shaei of the Igadzra Directorate Igazra Ultimatium. I am the negotiator the message spoke of. I wish to meet on your planet with your leader to discuss a possible treaty. Please respond immediately."


"Feviry? You want to ally with Feviry?" Praetor Zhu'ka asked indignantly.

"Yes, Praetor," X'el replied solemnly.

"But they're strandless. We've never associated ourselves with that kind of people!" Zhu'la snorted, shaking his head and sitting back down in his chair.

"Yes, Praetor, but I believe it is time to adopt a new policy towards such outcasts. I don't ask to let them into Igadzra space, but they may prove a useful tool in our plans. Even more, an alliance, rather than conquering them, might become quite rewarding," X'el replied, still standing at attention, but looking Zhu'ka carefully in the eye.

Zhu'ka sighed. "Some in the Council would be upset... I haven't a clue what Rune might say."

"I already spoke with Rune."

"You did?"

"Yes. He agreed, but suggested a strict separation between military installations and the Strandless. No one not with the Military would be allowed onto the station, and no Igadzra would leave the station. I doubt we would have a problem, though; I doubt any Igadzra would want to leave the station," X'el replied, pausing for a moment. "Praetor, I understand this is very different, but I believe if we don't bend a little to changing times, we will be unable to adapt. I don't mind breaking with our traditional lifestyle or anything so drastic. I only ask to explore a valid military opportunity relating to some Strandless worlds, such as Feviry."

Zhu'ka nodded slowly. "You have my permission to proceed. I believe the Council will follow."

X'el nodded again, grinning very slightly. "Thank you, Praetor."


X'el returned to Central Command, quickly walking to Asai, who had another data pad for him to review. "The Ultimatium has reached Feviry and Third Executor Shaei is preparing to begin talks. As well, an Azdgari raider attacked an Arada patrol in Dafi, and a Zidara was chased away from Innirian. Very little overall happening."

X'el nodded slowly. "Quiet... doesn't happen often, does it?"

"No, Executor. Not very often."

"Any update on our new armada?"

"The Third Armada is gaining strength and is still undergoing numerous battle drills in this system. I am in temporary command until they are dispersed to the defense of border worlds."

"Very good, thank you," replied, nodding again and sitting down in a chair. Ordering a Ragnian Coffee from a nearby lieutenant, X'el leaned back slightly to look over reports. He wondered if the war would ever end. But that was beside the point, really. Victory was what mattered. However, one who had been fighting as long as he did inevitably asked those questions. Most merely kept it was distant musings. A few misguided ones had taken it to the level of violent protests against the war. Rune took care of those.

X'el was aging for an Igadzra. He was fifty-seven years old, nearing the end of his prime. He was legend amongst most of the military. He knew most of the fleet commanders and a lot of the ship captains. For years he had fought and fought for the Igadzra. X'el took a sip of coffee and sighed slightly. Ragnian Coffee was some of the best out there, but was rather rare. Only high ranking officers like himself could get it.

"Sir, First General Lathe would like to speak with you," a sergeant suddenly piped up from nearby.

X'el nodded. "Yes, sergeant. I'll be there in a moment," X'el replied, drinking some more of his coffee before heading over.


Research Projects

Particle Beam -- 5 RTD remaining

Graviton Beam -- 4 RTD remaining

Igara Upgrade -- 2 RTD remaining


Naval Statistics

Current Ship Count
220 Igazras
660 Aradas

Production (per RTD)
10 Igazras
30 Aradas

Defense Fleets
Igadzra, Ersadt, Innirian, Mark, Nujja, Mordus, Norhis, Motif
15 Igazras ( 120 total )
45 Aradas ( 360 total )

1st Armada -- Mark
40 Igazras
120 Aradas

2nd Armada -- Innor
40 Igazras
120 Aradas

3rd Armada -- Igadzra
20 Igazras
60 Aradas

"They've arrived. Time to suit up and prepare to be negotiated into submission. I'll open a chanel"

(Iagraz donns his aged headset and begins a reply)

(The administration, Including myself, will meet you at the following co-ordinates. (Heavily Encrypted Data almost indestinguishable from static) Bring sun shades and cookies, we'll discuss matters soon.)

"That was easy" Greg replied

"Not for me, I'll likely be lynched" Razel complained

"Oh, shut it you meladramatic! We have work to do!"

"If you don't mind I think we should get ready, they'll be at the drop zone in two hours"


Who are these mysterious Igadzra, and what do they want? Plans are ment to change.

Fleet Status:

General Facilites Upgrade: Adds minimal outfitters (better than standard flea-market), and a small shipyard. Allows minimal retrofitting when nescessary
ETA: 5-6 days

Crystal Research: Testing and experimenting with 'procured' phazed-beam twynus crystals. Pending completion of Facilites upgrade...
ETA: Unknown

Great Hall, Voinia System
On the horizon, deep within the heartland of the Empire that had conquered Voina, and then later the many star systems around it, an ancient gigantic palace is perched. Though new technology has changed much of the inside, the exterior is as brilliantly stunning as the day it was completed, over a millennium ago. Backlit by one of the glorious sunsets that Voinians so often enjoy, the Imperial Palace looks all the more incredible. Towers climb toward the heavens as if trying to pluck the sun from it's place in the sky, and the great hall stands proud arching above all other sections of the building. In the front, massive twin doors, fourteen meters tall and ten wide, mark the enterance to the great hall. On the other side of these doors, a room large enough to contain a Frigate awaits. The interior's walls are uncolored grey stone with the occasional indentation where a flame dances, lighting that section. Pillers stretching upward into the blackness that is the huge unlit dome of the ceiling. Of course, standing all around the perimeter, is a small legion to protect their leader. It is in this room that the current Imperial Emperor of the Voinian Empire, resides for the bulk of his day, retiring to his chamber only for reflection and sleep.

A hulking figure by the name of Zou walks toward the throne where an aged voinian sits. Zou is a voinian born of the homeworld Voina, and had joined the military at a young age. He has risen through the ranks over many years and many victories to become the Grand Admiral in command of all the Voinian fleet. Zou kneels, and speaks. "Imperial Emperor Oberon..." he says, pausing in wait for permission to speak, then looking up. "My leige, these humans, as they call themselves, are becoming increasingly troublesome. In the last ten solar days alone we have lost three battlegroups, on both the offensive and defensive. If you would permit me, my lord, I suggest a refit of our fleet." he explains. "Much of our technology remains superior to our opponent's own, but we continue to fail in distributing it properly." Zou finally finishes, returns his gaze to the floor beneath, and waits for Emperor Oberon's response. Oberon considers this action, doing all he can to convince himself that it is not necessary, but in the end deciding that a refit is required. "Very well, Admiral Zou. You may begin the refitting at the earliest oppertunity. What else?" Emperor Oberon inquired. Zou, looking up yet again "The former slave race in the north, the Emalgha, are perhaps becoming too confident. Admiral Azura would reccomend that we move sizeable fleets to the systems of DSN-2061, and DSN-4743 from Niot and Fridion, to make them feel like the trapped animals they are, as well as reducing the number of targets they'd have to attack, should they grow bold enough to go on the offensive. I'd of course have a supply line to keep their fuel and ammunition replenished.". Emperor Oberon needed not ponder this for a moment, and agreed. With that, the Emperor waves his hand, sending Grand Admiral Zou to tend to these plans.


Denlon Command, Fridion System
Denlon is the world where Admiral Azura conducts her war effort against the Emalgha. She had gone through the ranks rapidly, due to her ruthless attitude and hatred toward 'inferior' species. She had been posted at Denlon, in hopes that her hatred could make up for the general lack of ships in the area.
"Any reports from our patrols in this sector?" Azura breaks the silence.
"No, Admiral. All is quiet." came the quick, efficient, but bored response from the comms operator.
"Alright, keep an ear out. If anything happens, anything at all, i want to know about it." Azura's order was more just to make a short burst of conversation than anything. Grand Admiral Zou had instructed her to stay put and not launch any raids as of yet, so things on the northern frontier were somewhat of a bore.
It had been a slow day, even by this outpost's standards, and Azura had retired to her room for the day. Just as she was settling in for a nap, her comms unit starts beeping at her. Throwing her blanket off in an agitated fashion, she answers the call with a certain annoyed tone in her voice. "What is it?!"
"...Uh, I'm sorry, am i disturbing you Admiral?" came the startled response from the comms officer.
Azura sighs. "No, no, go on." She was calming down now, having remembered the order she's last given.
"Admiral, a recorded message for you from Grand Admiral Zou is coming in. Should i patch it through to your room?"
"Yes, go ahead."
Her screen flipped to the Imperial flag for a moment, before revealing the aging image of the Grand Admiral.
"Admiral Azura, I am sending you your orders over a secure channel. Read them over, and execute them as soon as possible. Your plan against the Emalgha has also been approved." Shortly afterwards, a text file appeared on her screen containing her orders for the next few days. Upon reading over it in great detail to make sure she remembered everything, she makes her way back to the command center and issues several orders to have fleets from Niot, Romit, and even Fridion form up in DSN-2061, and DSN-4743, then boards her personal cruiser.


DSN-2061 (One jump west of Emalghion)
A fleet that had been building up for weeks at Niot enters the system with the flash of light typical of ships exiting hyperspace. The sensor drones that the Emalgha had sent to warn them of coming attacks worked like a charm, reporting the exact size and composure of the fleet to the Emalghion Militia.
During the routine initial sensor sweep of the system, the ensign posted at the controls of the V.E.S. Haakai found something disturbing...
"Admiral! The Emalgha seem to have developed some sort of drone. Scans indicate no lifeforms or weaponry. It would appear to be simply a sensor array to warn them of our approch."
Admiral Azura acquired a sly grin and motioned to the helm. "Excellent. Let them see us for a while so that they may suffer in fear all the longer. Bring us in, but slowly. Destroy the drone when we're in range." she pauses for a second. "Have the other part of our fleet in DSN-4743 do the same if they encounter one."
Before too long, the cruiser V.E.S. Haakai glides in gracefully, for a cruiser anyway, and floods the sensor drone with neutron pulses, destroying it.


Voinian Empire Research and Development, Isled System
Aleator, the head of Isled's R&D teams, and many of the scientists are scurrying about, tidying up the lab from a recent project that had explosive results, having heard that one of Grand Admiral Zou's messengers, Lieutenant Larus, was coming in to look into progress, and he wasn't exactly a fan of his appointment on such a de-militarized station. No sooner did they finish than when the door to the lab smoothly opened.

Larus steps in to see the voinian science crew sitting down, trying to look calm. "Aleator, It would appear that you and your aides have got nothing better to do than loaf about wasting your research grants. " before Larus could speak again, Aleator quickly stands, saying "My apologies. We only took a break for a moment. We'll return to work immediatly."
"Enough. Admiral Zou has instructed me to inform you that your group are also to work on other projects. The Imperial Navy requires something to counter-act these guided rockets the humans have used to such great effect. We have tried shooting them down with our current weaponry, but have not had success in the least." Aleator smiles. He is visibly relieved to hear that he can finally divert his attention from neutron particles and expand his field. "Yes, yes of course. What is the other project?"
"Imperial warships are having increased difficulty with the advanced fightercraft our galactic opponents employ. Grand Admiral Zou would like you to try and create a neutron weapon that will take to hitting fast craft better than our current model without a drop in power." Larus can not help but smirk at Aleator's sudden changes in expression, from nervousness, to a certain excitement, to boredom, all in the course of a minute. As Larus is on his way out he turns, and calls to the scientists, "You are of course to continue work on the Vengeance Dreadnought as well." He then leaves Aleator and his aides to their job while he returns to his quarters.

Research & Development;
-Dreadnought Project- : 0/9 Days.
-Neutron Upgrade- : 0/4 Days.
-Counter Measure Rocket- : 0/4 Days.

Other Projects;
-Warship Refit- : 0/2 Days.

Fleet Movement Notes:
-I have yet to disperse all of my Supply Ships. I will get around to it by tomorrow night.
-Fleets from Niot and Fridion create the fleets threatening Emalghion, leaving those systems defenseless in their own right, but no Emalgha ships should be able to break the blockade.
-10 Interceptors are patroling all uninhabbited systems(with the exception of DSN-4420 below Obron) within one jump of eastern outposts at any given time, and will retreat if faced with combat. They are transmitting their sensor logs at all times through a direct link to their Outpost.
-Fridion's Construction divided evenly between Punishment Force 1 and 2.
-Voinia's Construction sent to Avann (Interceptors refueling at Mihal and catching up with the main fleet at Avann due to faster jumps).
-Gamur's Construction sent to Vorik.
-Gualon's Construction sent to Obron.

-Voinian Fleet- : 158 Cruisers, 578 Frigates, 945 Heavy Fighters, 840 Interceptors, 252 Supply Ships.
-Special Fleet- : 40 Cruisers, 100 Frigates, 180 Heavy Fighters.

Daily Construction:
-Fridion- 2 Cruisers, 6 Frigates, 14 Heavy Fighters, 0 Interceptors, 2 Supply Ships.
-Voinia- 2 Cruisers, 7 Frigates, 14 Heavy Fighters, 14 Interceptors, 6 Supply Ships.
-Gamur- 2 Cruisers, 7 Frigates, 9 Heavy Fighters, 13 Interceptors, 3 Supply Ships.
-Gualon- 2 Cruisers, 8 Frigates, 8 Heavy Fighters, 13 Interceptors, 1 Supply Ship.
-Otid- Standing by.

Offense Fleets

Punishment Force (1)
16 Cruisers
43 Frigates
7 Heavy Fighters
200 Interceptors
11 Supply Ships
Current Possition: DSN-2061 (One jump west of Emalghion)
Punishment Force (2)
16 Cruisers
43 Frigates
7 Heavy Fighters
200 Interceptors
11 Supply Ships
Current Possition: DSN-4743 (One jump east of Emalghion)

Defense Fleets

22 Cruisers
82 Frigates
134 Heavy Fighters
94 Interceptors
6 Supply Ships
22 Cruisers
82 Frigates
129 Heavy Fighters
93 Interceptors
3 Supply Ships
22 Cruisers
83 Frigates
128 Heavy Fighters
93 Interceptors
1 Supply Ship
12 Cruisers
40 Frigates
100 Heavy Fighters
32 Interceptors
x Supply Ships
12 Cruisers
40 Frigates
100 Heavy Fighters
32 Interceptors
x Supply Ships
12 Cruisers
40 Frigates
100 Heavy Fighters
32 Interceptors
x Supply Ships
12 Cruisers
40 Frigates
100 Heavy Fighters
32 Interceptors
x Supply Ships
12 Cruisers
40 Frigates
100 Heavy Fighters
32 Interceptors
x Supply Ships
30 Cruisers
75 Frigates
135 Heavy Fighters
x Interceptors
10 Cruisers
25 Frigates
45 Heavy Fighters
x Interceptors

Heh, edit this whole post, for one bloody number. :laugh:

This post has been edited by U.E. Admiral : 12 February 2005 - 06:49 PM

The Ultimatum descended through the skies to land on the planet with a great thud, huge landing pads extending from the underbelly. It's ventral shields were lowered, leaving only the half-sphere dorsal shields enabled. A walkway was then lowered, with a squadron of Igadzra marines in fully battle armor and large phase rifles disembarking first. Wearing helmets which hid their faces, the marines formed a defensive perimeter, then signaled that it was clear. Third Executor Shaei walked out, with a bandana hiding most of his face, except for his eyes. He was flanked by several more marines, also with helmets.

Shaei looked around as he stepped off the ship, quickly noticing the diplomatic envoy sent by the Feviry government. He nodded, quickly marching towards them, followed by his guards. On the Ultimatum , Templar Hzad'ai was left in command. Two phase turrets had been powered up, and watched Shaei carefully.

Shaei approached Iagraz and then stopped a couple feet away. Shaei was not incredibly tall, but muscular, and young for an officer of his rank. He had long, waist-length dreadlocks of light brown hair, and fierce yellow eyes.

Bowing respectfully, Shaei regarded Iagraz and the others. "I am Third Executor Shaei of the Igadzra Directorate. I have been sent here by Grand Executor X'el and Praetor Zhu'ka to open diplomatic negotiations with Feviry."

Shaei looked around cautiously for a moment, watching the reactions of those present. "I shall present the terms that we had initially conceived for your review. The Igadzra have an interest in expanding their power into generally unclaimed realms, as well as Strandless worlds. In order to secure our western border, Feviry is at the perfect strategic position. However, in the interests of peace, we have decided against some sort of armed conflict. Instead, we wish to work jointly with you. An alliance, if you will."

Pausing for another moment to judge their rections, Shaei continued. "We request to be allowed to build, with your help, a station in orbit of Ursla. It will be heavily armed and armored, and will hold a defense contingent of at least 15 Igazras and 45 Igaras, the new refit of the Igadzra Arada we have been working on. It will also be home to a moderately sized force of soldiers.

"We will not request placing any sort of military contingent on either of your worlds, unless you request it. In the event of a foreign military invasion, our forces will work together to defend the system. I'm afraid we cannot grant you access to our latest technologies, but perhaps we can lend you some of our less classified equipment. That is a matter that can be settled later.

"This is not a one-way alliance. We wish to cooperate, not to subjugate. We will trade technologies when we can. As long as we stay in Feviry, we will protect you. We would, however, appreciate help in constructing the station, in order to expedite its completion.

"And the final matter; you are strandless, yes. But we will not hold that against you. Our only request is that you do not have any lasting presence on our station, or travel onto our worlds, for security reasons. I hope you can understand that the Igadzra are a very isolated people, and do not welcome strangers.

"What is your response?"