Mission's legal status bonus not working...?

I'm playing the EVO Nova Conversion, and none of the missions I do add to my legal status in the government they are for. I've completed half the Azdgari string (got to and evacuated the new base), but the Igadzra still like me fine (I killed some renegades around them earlier), and the Zidagar only dislike me in the systems near where I killed their ships!

Now, I've started an new pilot and I'm doing the Voinian string, but I'm noticing the same problem! This is a major pain in the voinian string because deep in their territory I can't land anywhere because there are no UE/Emalgha ships nearby to kill. The first mission I got from them did me a clean record throughout their space, but missions after that, and all the supply missions, aren't adding to my legal status!

What should I do?
Is this a known bug? Or are my data files corrupt or something? I've checked the data files with ResEdit and the Mîsn resources say I should be getting the bonus...

I'm using the 1.0.8 version of the Nova application.


May I strongly suggest stopping in Dr. Trowel's website. There are mission fixes as well as the Cold Fusion plug-ins package for the Override port on Nova. Those are the best you can ask for!!!


Prof. ADN

Thank You! That's what I was looking for, and I also found there a fix for an outfit bug that's been annoying me!

Many Thanks!!