Practical effective or just awsome weapon concepts

Any ideas?

Has anyone got any ideas for really handy weapons?

I think a cool weapon is one that creates a circle around your ship that dammages or pushes away any ship that touches it. It would be usefull when you fight renegades or the Azargi (did I spell that corectly?) 'cos being stormed by lots of little ships wouldn't be a problem.

This post has been edited by blah sailor of the seas : 20 January 2005 - 06:29 PM

That's a great idea, but if you have enough shielding and armor, and improve your skill at fighting, you wouldn't even need it.

I think half the fun is seeing how low I can get on my armor and still be victorious.

What I think would be really useful is some sort of mass tractor beam that can slow down an area in space - perfect for trapping those damn Azdaras and making them easy to kill. But that's probably not possible to do with the game engine. Oh well, I can still dream.

Long ago, I once made a plug-in, which I never released, that allowed players to rent a defense grid around their ship. Basically, I created a ship that looked like a ring. It's acceleration and speed were fixed so that it would not move on its own. The reason for this was because the defense grid ship would be acquired by hiring it as an escort (AI was set to wimpy trader). After "renting" the defense grid, the player would position its ship in the center and order it to resume escort mode. The ring had lots of turret weapons and would still surround the ship at matching speed.

how much did you make it cost?

I think every trading ship should have a repolsor (did I spell that right?) beam.

Coraxus, on Jan 21 2005, 06:00 PM, said:

Long ago, I once made a plug-in, which I never released, that allowed players to rent a defense grid around their ship...View Post

It seems we have a similar problem, if somewhat reversed!

Samurai's plug-in, Dark Station, incorporated 'gunpods' - satellites armed with Blaze cannon that were dumb, but lighter and cheaper than fighters. Unfortunately, whenever you launched them, they had a tendency to stay in formation with you. I wanted them to stop where you left them... with your defense grid, pressing 'V' (hold position) would rob you of your grid, and leave an odd-looking ship adrift on the starfield?

Dark Station made the game a bit too easy for my taste, so I've long since removed the plug, but it did include one weapon that I thought was particularly nice; the Neutron Ram; a very short-range weapon that worked in much the same way as present-day (EVN) thunderhead lances... although it wasn't a beam.