How do you do the observe the Dreadnought mission?

Dreadnought observe mission

How do you complete the mission where you get given the divice that makes you invisible so you can go to the Isled system and observe the dreadnought? I get the invisibility device (I know it isn't called that but I can't spell 'clokeing'), go to the Isled system, use the invisibility device, see the dreadnought, go back to earth but nothing happens!!! Am I doing something wrong?

Plz help someone!

Have you scanned the Dreadnought or just seen it on the screen?

I targeted it (you know, pressing tab untill the picture of it appears in the box underneath the secondary weapon info), if that's what you mean by scaning.

Hm, that is strange.
That is what I meant by scanning. Make sure that the mission is still visible in your current missions. Try going there again, waiting a few seconds, scanning every ship in the system, and then head back to Earth.

Also you could try going uncloaked thats what I did and I got the mission

It's strange. I just did the mission easily. Thanks for your advice, even though I didn't really need it.

P.S: Afterwards I compleated the mission where u had to destroy the dreadnought 1st try 😄

Umm... how do you get rid of this topic?

You just leave it. That is how you get rid of the topic as time goes by :hums:

simply target it...

Edit: Deleted. Arguing isn't worth my time.

This post has been edited by PigDog4 : 06 December 2004 - 08:30 PM

I always destroy the prototype dreadnaught. Fighting this monster ship is the highpoint of the game, for me, and that way, I get to do it twice 🙂