Ship Info

Domination, Escorts...

I currently have over 11M Credits, a 10M Credit-worth Crescent Warship and four Crescent Warship Escorts. I get in average 40,000 Credits per day by domination and I just don't know what to buy. Are you guys all in the same case as me? Because I get stuck on almost all of the strings because I only have 10 Cargo Space left (Stupid me 😛 ).
I'd like to know how much you guys get per day and what kind of ships you own.

Also, since I'm bored, I'd like to know how I can do the Voinian Strand, if possible. I'm already a Felon in the Dogovor system and a Galactic scourge all over voinian space... 😞

Thanks for your answers!

Vonion String probably won't be happening. I did it a loooooooooong time ago and I honestly can't remember how I got into it. Possibly by frequenting Vonian bars.

Best bet on getting the Vonian missions is to start a new pilot.

Shrout1, on Sep 24 2004, 07:03 PM, said:

Best bet on getting the Vonian missions is to start a new pilot.
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Eek! :blink: Oh well... Let's start it all over then...

If you lack cargo space, just sell 20T of weaps and either buy a cargo pod or a cargo expansion, although I think you lose some space whenever you buy mass/cargo expansions. And it costs some credits, but it's worth it to get missions. To start the Voinion String, don't you have to increase your rating with them?

To get the Voinian string you can't have done much of the UE string. If I remember correctly it's begun by dropping by the bar at Pax in the Dogover system. I'm not an authority though, I haven't played the game in years...

You remember correctly Paranoid...

...Cooldude, did you get a frieghter upgrade or just a whole lot of mass expansions? You can get away with only 20 tons in most strings, but occasionally you will be required to have more...

Btw, what outfits do you have? We could probobly give you some pointers on what to ditch...

Thanks to all of you. I just sold one phase turret (I have a Crescent Warship) and got a cargo expansion. I finished the string now, and the only thing I can do is dominate moer planets.

The Voinian and UE Strings are interesting in how you can do some but not the others. To get into the Voinian string, which does start at Pax Station, you cannot have started the mission string which leads to the Dreadnought. The UE/Hinwar objective and the Voinian string are independent though and you can do the Voinian string even after having done the objective. Correction, you can START it. Due to changes in the map you can't complete the Voinian string.

You can however do the Voinian string first, then work on getting your reputation back up in UE space to the point where you can get the UE/Hinwar objective and the Dreadnought missions. The only changes through the Voinian string aren't relevant to any other strings so those won't matter. If you go through the Voinian string and then the various UE strings you'll have access to both UE and Voinian technology, which is handy when entering the Crescent as having Voinian armour enhancements there can be very good. If you choose the Azdgari string and can purchase an Azdara then you'll be able to equip it with the heaviest Voinian armour, which makes your ship virtually indestructable due to it's high recharge rate.

Of course it's your call...

Beg your pardon? f-o-r-g-e, none capitalised, around ten thousand posts? And the same way of talking (ahem, typing), as if he had been always there? If I'm not mistaken (the greater B&B community will know for sure)...

Welcome back, forge. There's a couple of whiners that needed spanking.

I've seen him several times... Forge weren't you a moderator?

I think that you need to be slightly liked in voinian space to get the mission from dogover. Maybe if you blow up a lot of UE ships in voinian space?

You can't get it if you have already done the "rescue scout ship crew" mission for the UE. Thats the limit.

I think that you need to be slightly liked in voinian space. I suggest that you kill some UE ships in their space.

You also CAN'T do the voinian string if you completed the "Rescue Scoutship Crew" mission for the UE.

first - I´m german^^
sometimes u can´t begin a new mission string if u already follow the wrong one .
for example u cant enter the igazra string if u already finish the zidagar missions. if u destroy a planet or a system or if u change the goverment of a system in a misson string and in another misson string u have to deliver a cargo to this system there are some probs and so u can´t finish you mission. for the rest my enlish isnt good enough
if there are any mistakes correct me please^^

(okok nobody knows me nobody nobody )hehe I´m a little Perfectionist

EVGarfielt, on Oct 28 2004, 03:46 PM, said:

first - I´m german^^
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If you have cheats and things you can get the ships and armor and the just take over all the systems

lol i get 600000 in tribute a day and i have like 750mil and thats why i dont play much anymore...

took forever to take over agidzara or w/e they r called...

Cooldude, on Sep 24 2004, 06:59 PM, said:

I currently have over 11M Credits, a 10M Credit-worth Crescent Warship ... and I just don't know what to buy... View Post

I'd be shopping / raiding for an Igadzra warship; monster of the Crescent! I only ever really used the Crescent warship as a stepping stone to that one. Getting one sorted out with all the upgrades you like will take all your money, I think. It might keep you busy for a while.

My totally stupid campaign of galactic domination eventually ground to a halt after I had dominated all the renegade and independent human worlds, all Voinian space except Voinia itself, and all the Zidagar worlds except the homeworld. I started on the Azdgari... but my enthusiasm was waning.

(I didn't use plugins - I never cheat - and I didn't exploit the 'max 36 ships in system' limitation. If I had, maybe the conquest could have been more thorough.)

I think the best thing to do is start a new pilot, though.