ATTN: Author of submitted, "Tesseract"

You need to get permission from the author of graphics you used. Your submission has been declined.

If you can not contact the author, or get a response within a few weeks, you need to at least give them credit for their graphics. This can be done by a Read Me, credit in the description or by some other means (About Box, etc).

I can not, in good conscious, allow you to submit your work with another person's work without getting permission or giving them credit.

I am contacting you by post because you have not replied to my email or offered another submission. I have sent you another email with this topic link in it.

The following was your submitted description, in case you needed it again:


Tesseract is a plug-in that adds a new ship called a Tesseract. It's graphics are not mine so I do not take credit for them. I used Ship Write to make this plug-in. Problems, suggestions, questions contact me at (I also made Homing Rocket, but forgot to put the contact info on it)