ATTN: Author of submitted, "Override Data 2"

You need to do the following-

  1. Submit your modifications in plug-in format unless you have some valid reason not to.

  2. Your email address needs to be included in the description or zipped up with the plug-in.

  3. You must compress (.sit, .bin, etc) files before submitting them.

Your plug-in submission was declined. This post was created because you did not leave an address to contact you by.

The following was the description you included in case you wanted it.


Good mney maker. Buy Explosives at Their and sell them at Gribn. Also note if your crgo space goes down during flight, thats normal. Or you could imagine the explosives exploded in your cargo bays. But it is for More money to be made.

This post has been edited by Soviet mikee : 20 November 2004 - 01:01 AM