Mission Computer Having Problem

It isn't starting

When I open Mission Computer it asks for the EV Data file. When I click open or cancel a message comes up that says "The application cannot run at the moment because of a NilObjectException in PrepareDataFiles. Thank you for your patience." and then it quits. I've used this program before with no problems at all. Does anybody know why it is doing this?

I haven't used Mission Comuter. Maybe someone could help if you give a little more info.

Are you using a mac or pc?

Is EV running while you have Mission Computer running?

Do you have a back up copy of the original EV Data file you can try and open? If not, have someone email it to you and try opening THAT file.

Try running Norton Disk Doctor or equivalent.

Download a new Mission Computer and try opening the file that way.

Good luck.

I think you'd better mail David Arthur about this, giving as much info as possible.

2-No and I use Mission Computer for Override
3-There's nothing wrong with the EV Data file. Before when I said cancel it worked fine and now when I hit cancel it gives the error message.
4-I don't think I have to run Norton's
5-Already tried it

Well anyway I found a better program to use. I use EV-Edit 3.2. Plus if I want to use Mission Computer I tried it with the OS X version and it worked so I'll just go on X to use it.