What Would Of Been

Resources scrapped due to HD death.

I would of posted this in the image gallery, but from what I heard, it will go under revisions as I think a few image gallery are going to be combined or something, that's why I think they disabled the posting and the reply features. Anyways, if several of you know what my biggest tragedy was, it is that my future projects going down the drain because my backup external HD died on me (P.O.S. drive ($&)(W&)$%&)*).

This image is a compilation of image resources that are the remains of what could of been one of my finest project (Hell, I didn't even got a chance to Christen the project either):

Posted Image

Of course, what you see was not meant to be as the finals, but you can get an idea as how the ships would of looked like. As for the sprite animation, when the time comes, I may decide to show them. In anycase, I was thinking about my Infini-D 4.5 and realized that this version makes a duplicate of everything that it renders, so in other words the only file that has managed to survive the tragedy intact along with the texture files was an incompleted freighter-courier design.

As for future ressurection of this doomed project, I was taking it into consideration. If I do, then I will have to start from square one (except possibly the freighter-courier). But I think they will be much better looking ones than what you see now, for example, I drew a rough sketch of the re-redesign of the UE shuttle which looks close to the original design but helluvalot better.

This post has been edited by Coraxus : 13 September 2004 - 12:56 AM

Friggin awesome.

Shoot, didn't realize but I thought the image gallery was still in the works, now it's all organized and stuff. Should this thread be moved over there?

It's a shame about your HD; your work looked very promsing.

Keep at it. Don't let a set-back (major though it may be) screw your future in graphics. 🙂


I've also lost some other PSD files in which I drew people from #ev3. I guess I'll have to start anew. BTW Skyblade, how do you make those engine flares? I've been meaning to find out how to do it in Infini-D but it never turns out the way I want them to.

-wipes drool from chin- Wow. For some reason all of a sudden I feel like going on a test-drive spree.

Tha... That... That... is EVO?!
Faints and thuds on the floor

Wow. Nice work you got there! All I have to say that if you decide to continue that project you should definitely make regular backups of it, just it case. It's what I do every few days. Good luck!!! 😄

Edit: If I'm right by saying that the last picture on the third row is a hunter-missile launcher, sinec you put red lines on the rocket launcher 2 pictures left, I'd say that the hunter launcher should have white lines also, for better recognition. Just a suggestion.

This post has been edited by Cooldude : 25 September 2004 - 10:06 AM

Coraxus, on Sep 13 2004, 09:44 PM, said:

I've also lost some other PSD files in which I drew people from #ev3. I guess I'll have to start anew. BTW Skyblade, how do you make those engine flares? I've been meaning to find out how to do it in Infini-D but it never turns out the way I want them to.
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In Infini-D, the trick isn't too difficult for engine flares. I used to attempt using Infini-D's built-in lighting features to make decent flares, but the truth is... they suck. 🙂

As Weepul explained to me a year or two ago, you've got to create a flame texture with appropriate alpha-masking.

Posted Image

Above, the flame appears to be a 3-dimensional true light source, when in reality it is approximately 30 or so flat, rectangular objects that wrap around each other (or if this makes more sense, all of the objects run into one another at the very center of the flare). So pretend for a moment that you're looking at an unrendered wireframe of the flare. It would look much like the turbine fans of a jet engine when looking at it from the front (example. The only real difference would be that the objects are totally flat, instead of slightly angled as they are in the picture of the turbine.

If you know how to use Infini-D's texturing features pretty well, the next step shouldn't be too difficult to grasp. Once you see how the objects are positioned to make a flare appear to be a real light source, then you'll know how to create your texture. The outer perimeter of the alpha mask will need to be totally transparent, and you'll need to make good use of fading your mask from black to white (black being 100% transparent, and white being totally visible if I remember correctly). The blue and red glow that's visible on the beams was created through alpha masking... the darker the glow gets, the darker the alpha mask is. So obviously, the core of your flame texture will need to be 100% visible.

(I have no idea if the above makes any sense... I think it took Weepul at least a month to explain this proceedure to me ;)).

If you understand the texturing and application process alright, you're in good shape. You simply need to place the texture on every flat object that forms the "turbine". That's what makes the flame look 3D.

Gah, I haven't used Infini-D in so long... I can't remember anything else to add that might aid you in understanding my explanation. Hope it helps. 🙂


thanks for the tutorial.