You know you're an EVO fanatic when...

*401: You spend time comparing the two Bibles, the data files of the port, and your game experience of the original EVO and the Nova port just to help fixing the issues in the Nova port.

The (url="http://";=breakdown.html&BREAKDOWN;_SKUID=1480")Ambrosia Mac CD(/url) with other registrations - 5$. Paying for (url="http://"")EV Nova(/url) as it's such a great game - 30$.
The (url="http://"")1337 EV Nova T-shirt(/url) - 22$. The (url="http://"")NovaTools(/url) by wOOtWare to tinker with your Nova - FREE!
The feeling you're a Nova geek - priceless.
There are things money can't buy or that are free, for everything else, there's indeed Mastercard.

Wow, this topic has reached the 400'th sign and 200'the post.

401-when you play nova you are annoyed that there are no renegades for you to plunder

402-you are even more annoyed when the plugin you made for EVO doesn't work.

403-finnally you beg for help on the EVO board and get blank looks and your topic moved to a board you can't find.

Cmon people, the (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) are worth looking at.


Originally posted by Captain Phillips:
403-finnally you beg for help on the EVO board and get blank looks and your topic moved to a board you can't find.


If you experienced that, then send a mail to the appropriate mod, and explain him/her the problem, and I'm sure that they are gonna do all they can to solve it.


404. You can't download (temporarily) any plugs from ASW site, and there are no fires to put out on the discussion board, so you dig up an old (thankfully not dead) topic.
405. Your mom says you are having ambrosia salad with dinner, and your eyes glaze over in a cataleptic state of sheer joy.

"Open the pod bay doors, Hal."


Originally posted by Opalius:
**If you experienced that, then send a mail to the appropriate mod, and explain him/her the problem, and I'm sure that they are gonna do all they can to solve it.


some people are way too serios about things.

405:You get a warm freindly feeling inside you when somebody resurects this thread. 😉

406: You pay for nova so you can play the EVO total conversion, and discover that pirates still don't board you.

Cmon people, the (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) are worth looking at.
I love Frigates, as is easily seen:(url="http://"")EV Frigates(/url). Visit the web board of (url="http://"")my Total Conversion.(/url)


Originally posted by Captain Phillips:

406: You pay for nova so you can play the EVO total conversion, and discover that pirates still don't board you.


I sometimes read this thread. But I havent found any of them funny. But now when I read being disappointed because the Pirates dont board you in the EVO total conversation, I chuckled. Kudos, Phillips! Oh, and number 395 by wondergirl which I read after it was funny too. "You wish you could use Resedit on your hair". lol.

I am eager to try to answer mission questions
"There is nothing certain but and taxes"- Benjamin Franklin


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**I sometimes read this thread. But I havent found any of them funny...


Humor is based on a modicum of truth. It might not be hilarious, it's just that we say "Yes, yes, me too!", thus laughing at ourselves.

407. You practically weep with relief when Ambrosia's ftp servers are back up 🙂 because there are SO MANY plugs you haven't tried. Just the thought of them being down for an extended period puts you in panic mode.

"Open the pod bay doors, Hal."

*408. You download all the plugs the day you find the addons page, even if you never play them.

Heh, i did that...

Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

409•You faint when this topic is ressurected for the (sixth? seventh?) Time

vIsitor faints

I am the everpresent guest-The one who may never leave. Til death do I part with these forums. I am the vIsitor

*410. You happen to be one of the people that ressurected this thread (and wasn't a newbie that didn't know any better).

Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**I sometimes read this thread. But I havent found any of them funny. But now when I read being disappointed because the Pirates dont board you in the EVO total conversation, I chuckled. Kudos, Phillips!

I meant it!

I thought it was unrelistic that you could neither be disabled, nor boarded. And I was annoyed when nothing was changed in the total conversions. And the things that did change, namely the use by AI ships of secondary weapons, made things too easy!

Cmon people, the (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) are worth looking at.
I love Frigates, as is easily seen:(url="http://"")EV Frigates(/url). Visit the web board of (url="http://"")my Total Conversion.(/url)

411. Half your web bookmarks are for EVO-ASW.

"Open the pod bay doors, Hal."

(This message has been edited by wondergirl (edited 08-28-2004).)

(^ Might wanna fix the number)

*412: You read this thread and find you actually do most of the things listed...

Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**(^ Might wanna fix the number)


Sorry, I was in a hurry and couldn't get my shoes off fast enough...

"Open the pod bay doors, Hal."

413-You actually read all of the 412 previous reasons.
414-You spend your time wondering just what formula the Vonian engineers used when creating the Neutron Connon/Turret heat sinks
415-You improve said formula

-Vive diuque prosperat.


Originally posted by Terminator:
**413-You actually read all of the 412 previous reasons.
414-You spend your time wondering just what formula the Vonian engineers used when creating the Neutron Connon/Turret heat sinks
415-You improve said formula


413 has been said a few times already. 😉

416- when you wake up from a good nights sleep and find yourself destroying an voinian dreadnaught on your computer

417- you threaten to burn your mum's best dress if she dosen't register EVO

418 When you are in the most desperate situatiuon on evo your friends call at your house and your mum makes you go out and then turns off the power supply to your mac becasue it is using 0.00000001 watts.
I know it happened myself on many ocassion

419- You take ships from EVO, and put them in plugs for EVN, then give them insanely powerful versions of EVO weapons, and watch as 2 Crescent Warships tear apart a Polaris Raven.

  1. You accidently blow your sister up with your brand new heat-seeking neutron-rocket launcher.

  2. You beg everyone that has a positive karma on the boards "How they did it?"
    (Why did the karmas go away?)

  3. You try to convince your boss that you'll write the article of the millennium if he gives you a raise of 10,000 Credits.

  4. You inspect your car for hours trying to find out how your Crescent Warship turned into this.

  5. You save up all your money to buy a game-boy 2500 (It's an antique, you know!)

  6. You run out of ideas when you wanna post something. :blink: