You know you're an EVO fanatic when...

258•Upon seeing a vending machine,you attempt to disable it.
259•When the security guards ask you why,you tell them that you're trying to get the vaccine for the New Calcutta plauge off the Izagdra.
260•You try to get to Geneva by pressing the "F4" button(FrozenHeart).

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

*261. You spend over an hour reading this topic from beginning to end at 1:00 in the morning.
*262. You read "You throw plums off the roof of your car and brag about your neutron weaponry", and laugh so loud you wake everyone up.
*263. You lie in bed at night trying to decide which strand you really are.
264. You start your own "Frontier Express" going to buy groceries on the crime-ridden part of town.
265. While doing #254, you wish you had your cloak...
266. You're dissapointed after finding out the "cloak" you bought at K-mart is just made of cloth.
267. You try to take the Cloak back, and when they refuse, you threaten to demand tribute from K-mart.
268. You realize you're out of secondary ammunition, so you decide to plant a Voinian Space mine at the front door of the K-mart.
269. You can't find one, so you make one out of aluminum foil and firecrackers.
270. you get arrested, and jump on your bike to get away, while dumping water on your back tire, thinking "Why wont this damn afterburner ignite?"
271. You get caught, and arrested, because your bicycle didn't have enough upgrades, and sitting in the police station, you realize the worst part- you forgot to save.
*272. You're typing a research paper, and press the caps-lock key thinking it'll make you type twice as fast.
*273. You stare at your computer trying to come up with 15 original signs for this topic, and realize that it's 3:00 am.
*274. You keep trying to think of another sign and it's 3:30am.
*275. You lie awake at night wondering what the signifigance is of the human scientist you kill on the Zidigar mission string.
*276. You ask your physics teacher about shields, and learn that it is possible.
*277. You collect 'equipent' (really just pieces of every single electronic component you've ever thrown away- or found in the trash) hoping, soneday, to be able to build a needle missile launcher.
*278. You're talking to your girlfriend on the phone, and she asks you why you're so quiet. You say that you're not feeling well, but you're really reading up on Wave of Destruction.
279. You perform some enhancements on your mothers toyota- including removing the engine block for a little more weapon's space.
280. You keep expecting missions to pop up when you're on the computer at school.
281. You sit in Math class, and stike up a conversation with the cute girl behind you. Your ice breaker is listing the cargo space, weapons space, guns and secondaries of your UE cruiser, bragging about your 4 Igadzra escorts, and about how you killed the UES Incontrevertable with your cruiser, and used the 8M credits to help buy the cruiser.
*282. You stare into space for hours, wondering what spl_cadet's name REALLY means.
*283. After a few months of wondering, you finally get up the courage- and ask Carno what EXACTLY is a Carnotaur?
*284. You fall asleep, hitting your head on the keyboard while trying to come up with more ideas for this thread.
*285. You almost cry when your computer nearly freezes on number 283
*286. You finally leave hit send.. at 6:00am, thinking you're done, but your subconscious is really thinking "There's always 'edit'. I can add some more later"

(Note- a * means I've done it)

Falls asleep and hits his head on keyboard, accidentally hitting send

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

*286(?) You think of another reason seconds after your last list of signs, and you have to post it. Your conscious mind has already lost all control.
*287. You wonder if the Ambrosia Logo will keep the little piece of holly as a fashion statement.
*289. you get so sleepy you forget how to count, but you keep with the signs anyway.
*288. you stare into space trying to figure out a few of the jokes back there were all about. Esp. the one about the disabled ship/frozen heart joke, posted by someone who's name has to do with UE. Too sleepy to remember anything more.
*289. you have to .... you forget how you were gonna end this sentence (you know it had somethign to do with EVO.. and addiction..), but promise yourself to return and reply, to finish the sentence.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

LOL!LOL!LOL!I love it!
"Carnotaur" is the latin name for a certain species of large,stupid and flesh-eating dinosaur.It means "flesh-eating bull"(This is true).
"Spl_Cadet" is the latin name for a small,irritating dinosaur.I don't know what it translates as(I make no guarantees about the validity of this statement).
As for the significance of the "Keri Somebody" you kill on the Zidagar string,only you can answer that.Make a plug about it or something.
Oh hey,there's another one.
291•You remember every single name,and the correct spelling and pronounciation, of every NPC in EVO.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

When you risk your life performing heroic acts of courage to impress the AI as if they care, or are real. Oh god why dont they thank me! just once, ya know. is that too much to ask for?

Everyone thinks I'm psychotic except for my imaginary friend who lives in my finger...


When you risk your life performing heroic acts of courage to impress the AI as if they care, or are real. Oh god why dont they thank me! just once, ya know. is that too much to ask for?



The reason computer chips are so small is that computers don't eat much.

You know you're an EVO (Frozen Heart) fanatic when discussion turns to last November's presidential election, and you suggest that maybe the Bush campaign replaced all of the ballot boxes with fake ballot making equipment from the Galaktek business interests!


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Hehe, there are some really great things in this topic!

Someone should probably make a little document with all the stuff from this topic and then post it on the EVO addons page.

Sound interesting?


Ill do it

"Mind Benders, Time to
bend your mind"

292: You throw your StarWars boxers on the highway.
293: You wonder why your car cant drive in space.
294: You dress up as a human for Halloween.
295: You spend hours looking for buttons hyperspace, target, communication and fire in your new Twingo.
296: You always have a handy spacemine in your pocket.
297 you wondr how anyone can breathe on Earth without a bio-suit.
298: You say youre new in this galaxy to everyone.
299: You eat daily nitrogen cubes for breakfast
300: You ask youre friends in Igadzra, Zidara, Miranu, Emelgian and Voinian, how to get a cheap CW. They ont know.


301- When your Mom tells you to off the computer, you say that she can't boss you around, cus you just dominated earth.( she almost slapped me. 🙂 )

302- Right before she slaps you, you yell shields up, gunner's stand by, and start running backwards.

A life??? Ooo thats a new plug-in right?
"Borb II of V.S.S Hellfire."

(This message has been edited by Borb II (edited 10-26-2002).)

303- you ask for Saalian Brandy at the Liquer store

I found out why cats drink out of the toilet. My mom said that it's cold in there, and I'm like how did my mom know that?

You do realise that this topic was made more than two years ago?

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).


Originally posted by grunadulater:
**You do realise that this topic was made more than two years ago?

shrug it made sense, and even though I hate grave digging, I'll let it fly.

However, EV DUDE, please refrain from digging up old topics.

Also, the post before his was about two months ago, so it isn't that big of a deal.

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") :: (url="http://"")Lair Forums(/url)
(url="http://"")pftn(/url) | (url="http://"")dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"")davidarthur(/url) | (url="http://"")ucplugs(/url) | (url="http://"")jager(/url) | (url="http://"")stark(/url)

Hey everyone, I am searching for an EV-Edit for Windows' version of EV Nova..Does something like that exist please let me know 🙂 -

Posted Image

Take your post to the EVN Board. Now I will answer the question. Up to date, there is no plugs development programs for Windows. David Arthur is looking into a Window Version of Mission COmputer.


can I still add some?

#_)When you're at the slot machines at the casino, you can't see why some cherries and number sevens are better then highly advanced space ships.

#_)You can't figure out why a car hasn't been designed to have an afterburner.

Oh i'm not addicted, it's a hobby

As long as this topic stays on topic, despite it's age, I'm willing to leave it open.

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") :: (url="http://"")Lair Forums(/url)
(url="http://"")pftn(/url) | (url="http://"")dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"")davidarthur(/url) | (url="http://"")ucplugs(/url) | (url="http://"")jager(/url) | (url="http://"")stark(/url)

305: When you realize you have seen this topic brought back 4 times and each time you read it all the way through.
306: When you make a hard copy of this topic to show to your friends.

"What if to reach the highest place you had to fall?"
Peter Mayer

307)Your friends actually care

308)You have friends

309)You can't watch Star Trek because you always see the Klingons as Voinians and the Federation as the UE

Oh i'm not addicted, it's a hobby
Cannot join #real-life(you are banned)

-310•I throw cherries (blaze cannon) and lob pears (phase cannon) at the person who made the plumb comment.