You know you're an EVO fanatic when...

311: During a game of "Star Wars" you watch your babysitting charges fight over who gets to pretend to fly the Millenium Falcon, before calmly announcing that you are flying an Azdara.

To err is human.
To err and blame it on someone else, is even more human.

  1. You come across porn on the net and you can't help thinking how much bigger your Igazdra is so much bigger then that guys

Oh i'm not addicted, it's a hobby
Cannot join #real-life(you are banned)


Originally posted by EVula:
As long as this topic stays on topic, despite it's age, I'm willing to leave it open.

Yeah, agreed, I looked through the topic, and it has a history of being raised from the dead, at least 5 times. So as long as people keep adding to it, then great.


313. The closest you get to "a piece of the action" is destroying the vionion dreadnought.

EVula's Edit: Number your contribution next time, please.

Are we sad because it rains or does it rain because we are sad?
An eye for an eye and soon the whole world will be blind.

(This message has been edited by EVula (edited 09-29-2003).)

You hyperspace into a galaxy, a bounty hunter appears, you sigh as you kill it.
You hyperspace into a galaxy, a bounty hunter appears, you sigh as you kill it.
You hyperspace into a galaxy, a bounty hunter appears, you sigh as you kill it.
You hyperspace into a galaxy, a bounty hunter appears, you sigh as you kill it.

Enough said 😉

I never think of the future - it comes soon enough. - Einstein

318: You wonder why the United States is sending tanks and soldiers to Iraq when a UE Destroyer could take care of them easily.

319: You wonder why NASA is making such a big deal about heading to Mars when you were in the Gymkata system 2 weeks ago.

*320: You consider posting in this topic

*321: You decide to post in this topic

*322: You actually make a post in this topic

*323: You make an edit just to make sure people see this topic

Maniak hacks like

(This message has been edited by Maniak (edited 10-12-2003).)


Originally posted by Maniak:
*323: You make an edit just to make sure people see this topic

Edits don't put a topic at the top of the list.

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") :: (url="http://"")Lair Forums(/url)
(url="http://"")pftn(/url) | (url="http://"")dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"")davidarthur(/url) | (url="http://"")ucplugs(/url) | (url="http://"")jager(/url) | (url="http://"")stark(/url)



*324: You bump this topic with a post.

Maniak hacks like


Originally posted by Maniak:
*324: You bump this topic with a post.

If you don't have anything to say, don't bump the topic.

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") :: (url="http://"")Lair Forums(/url)
(url="http://"")pftn(/url) | (url="http://"")dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"")davidarthur(/url) | (url="http://"")ucplugs(/url) | (url="http://"")jager(/url) | (url="http://"")stark(/url)

*325: You havn't played the real EVO in over a year, but when you download the EVO-EVN port, you can instantly point out all the things done wrong.

Believe me, I can.

One day, everyone will realize they are covered in feathers and clucking.

326: -has, sadly, actually happened- you play EVO so much that your father decides to throw it away. Fortunately, I had a backup of my pilot files.
327: long after you have stopped playing it and you have had in the mean time the possibility to pay for it, when your little brother plays it seriously, you consider he will have difficulty because of capt'n Hector rightaway and it decides you to pay for EVO (has happened to me, too!)
328: when playing another, 2D or 3D, spaceshooter (ranging for X-Wing to Freelancer) you wonder why you can't "Monty Python"ise the ennemy ships.

M'enfin! Y'a personne qui parle français ici?
Suport the ß! Replace all your ss's by ß's! -feature currently unused

329: You've seen every possible spelling of "Emalgha" from "Emalphalans" to "Elgama"



Originally posted by dutchie:
**68. You buy EV Edit and arm yourself with a copy of ResEdit.


I have ResEdit 😄

<EDIT>Whoops. Off topic.


330. You cry when the UE takes away your computer, because you can't blast them away in your ship anymore. </EDIT>

<EDIT>Numbered my contribution.</EDIT>
Maniak hacks like

(This message has been edited by Maniak (edited 10-22-2003).)

(This message has been edited by Maniak (edited 10-22-2003).)

331: Pikman's "The PC Nova Song" is at the top of you 25 most played playlist AND the top of highest rating playlist.

now back into seclusion from the boards......

"Chaos is our ally, discipline our mortal foe" --Azdgari Commander
Long live the Azdgari!
"Guns don't kill people, ammunition does."-Garison Keeler


Originally posted by Bomb:
**329: You've seen every possible spelling of "Emalgha" from "Emalphalans" to "Elgama"


I still thought the guy on the Discboard who misspelled Voinians as "Voinionions" was funnier. Fear the onions.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
-esw-dragoon_77 is in my signature for no apparent reason


Originally posted by Mazca:
**I still thought the guy on the Discboard who misspelled Voinians as "Voinionions" was funnier. Fear the onions.


Heh. 🙂

Maniak hacks like

332. Your mac just broke and yet you relentlessly sit in frount of the blank screen and continue to fight the dreadnaught you were after
(edit) 333. You have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and you dont really care (edit)

People just dont see it- they want to you to just skate in a skate park. You cant have a pro career in a skate park.

(This message has been edited by Split (edited 10-30-2003).)

334. You've played through F-25 five times.
335. You start or participate in arguments over whether the UE is a true democracy.
336. You have enough time to dominate Voinia. E gads....
337. You remember what the UEVO-RPG was.
338. You remember what the uEVO-RPG was.
339. You start seeing Freudian symbolism in various Override ships. Get over it you freak....
340. You play long enough to get 500 million credits or more.
341. You still laugh at the Haiku you get when you press "X"
342. You insist on maintaining convoluted theories that the EV and Override galaxies are really the same.

Celebrating the (url="http://"")demise(/url) of the ridiculous "Search then ask" doctrine since 8/24/03. May it forever rest in peace.

(This message has been edited by UE Crusader (edited 10-31-2003).)

343. You actually break the scroll wheel on your mouse while reading this board.


Originally posted by Mazca:
**I still thought the guy on the Discboard who misspelled Voinians as "Voinionions" was funnier. Fear the onions.


#343 You remember Alien and his "Vikamadiggies"

#344 You actually were around when this topic was started way back when

#345 You refer to yourself as a certain EVO race besides human in everyday conversation

#346 You wonder why everyone gives you strange looks when you do #345

#347 You have decided upon a race in EVO and think it's a sin against God to play any other race than that one

One day, everyone will realize they are covered in feathers and clucking.