Hijack Kytaan Transport F-25 2.0

Hijack Kytaan Transport is the most confusing mission ever written in F-25
2.0. It tells me to take a Kytaan Transport in the UX-600 system. I am
really confused if it will jump away as soon as I jump in. The dude used in
the mission (243, Kytaan Traders) has a AIType of 2 (Brave Trader), and the
ShipBehav is 9 (attack the player), but the InheritAI is 1 (Wimpy Trader).
Even if doesnt, its really hard not to destroy it with the megaweapons I
have: 6 Ion Turrets, 1 Mass Bolt Turret, and 2 Dual- Blast Turrets. I could
tap the Space Bar once and watch its shields, I suppose.

But I dont want to lose a Marauder with a near 20 million trade-in value, so its so souped up
as you can get. The Transport is the weakest F-25 ship. Its better than a Shuttle (50 tons of cargo to convert weapon space from, 8 jumps of fuel and twice the shield regeneration), but still sucks very hard. I would have to add Deuterium Armor and 2 Shield Harmonizers to have any chance at all, because I am already below Criminal in all Kytaan systems. I didnt buy a Kytaan Legal Booster before the mission, and I doubt a Transport would survive a trip to Kytarr Minor, the only place where its sold. Though it says I get a cloaking device in the end. Except that I didn’t get it with the Marauder. Even if I got the next mission, I have to get the Marauder again if there is a fighting mission. I can get the Marauder with my huge trade-in, but cant fully outfit it.

I looked in ResEdit, and the mission has no specific goal (-1). So I dont actually have to board the ship to complete this mission. I even make a copy for safety to see if the mission completes by just going to Waypoint Station I. Sure, it does. So I do this mission on my original in the same way. It says I should go to the bar for a final drink, a hint the next mission is there. But when I push the bar button, nothing happens! So does it still reguire that I fly the Kytaan Transport to get the next mission with the AvailShipType field added in 1.02? My other copy is in Destroy Convoy, far earlier in the Querin string, even before the Kytaan take Border Posts I and II.

Give me one of these fixes:
Tell me the name of the next mission, so I can check for AvailShipTypes, AvailRandoms, and everything else. The CompBitSet is 452, so seek for a mission with AvailBit of 452.

Make a very tiny plug that resets the bits set by this mission, so I can get the mission again, gnash my teeth, and capture the Transport. In that case, make the Centurian Cloaking Device avaible for sale on Quera, since the mission does not grant it. Atleast not when I tried with the Marauder by just heading to Waypoint Station I instead of going to UX-600 and capturing the Transport.

I am eager to try to answer mission questions
"There is nothing certain but and taxes"- Benjamin Franklin

And Bomb retired...:sighs: I thought you were using the 2.1 that we gave you so you can beta test...I'll talk to Bomb. After all, F-25 is the only thing that might stop him from retiring.



Originally posted by kauthor:
**And Bomb retired...:sighs: I thought you were using the 2.1 that we gave you so you can beta test...I'll talk to Bomb. After all, F-25 is the only thing that might stop him from retiring.


I am using 2.1. The beta 6.29 version to be exact. But because I didnt test as much as you did, because I created a new pilot each time Bomb sent me a new build. How foolish, but thats what I assumed I needed to do. Then it was only in a later E-Mail he told me not to do it, and only then I started following his advice. Then Bombs PC broke, I waited too long before asking if it was fixed, and then he got tired of starting testing again. II dont have the time or the inclidetation (sp?) to start again, he said. If you talk to Bomb, thats great! Tell the solution that you got when you talked, or tell him to post the solution here.

I am eager to try to answer mission questions
"There is nothing certain but death and taxes"- Benjamin Franklin

(This message has been edited by General Cade Smart (edited 07-05-2004).)

**Cade- not only are you running yourself in circles needlessly, but you've also answered your own question within your own post.

1. No, the mission does not have a SET goal. It has a STATED one- which is to get the player into a Kytaan transport. The fact that it can be ANY Kytaan transport is the point- I just thought I would provide one that would be relatively alone and easy to take out with any kind of decent homing weapon.

2. To get the next mission, I had to ensure first that the player was in a transport- because you'll be sneaking onto the Kytaan homeworld- it stands to reason that you'd at least need a ship of their Empire's class to not raise suspicion. In this case, I sacrificed (somewhat) the smoothness of the game engine in exchange for continuity of story/missions. It'd really piss me off as a player if you were trying to sneak somewhere where you shouldnt be and you could just do it as easily if you had a fast ship. It would weaken the plug-in, in my mind.

3. If I'm not mistaken, the NEXT mission grants the cloaking device. To give it to the player beforehand would make absolutely no sense; he/she would just lose it as soon as they hijacked a transport. I certainly could be wrong, but I'm fairly sure the outfit isn't actually granted until the mission when you actually leave.



(This message has been edited by Bomb (edited 07-06-2004).)

**Just checked it, and I was right. Go look for yourself, if you want to. The next mission, 'Travel to Kytarr Major" grants outfit 242 (Cloaking Device) at the start. All you need to do to get it is be in a Kytaan Transport.




Originally posted by Bomb:
(This message has been edited by Bomb (edited 07-06-2004).)**

Did I offend you? Sorry! You were always nice when I E-Mailed you about bugs, so I consider you as my friend and dont want to offend you. But the mission was confusing... I didnt know if I HAD to take the Transport to get the next mission. I thought I couldnt get the next mission I didnt hijack the Transport during the mission, thats why I freaked out and wrote this long thread. I tried to capture a Transport the mission already done, and it worked. I got the next mission. Sorry again, Bomb. My shields took a heavy suffer everytime I was hit by a Talon Missile, several caused it to almost fail, Ion Turret shots being equally bad. But thanks to 2 Shield Harmonizers, my shields never completely failed. I did the first mission by cloaking as soon as I got to Kytarr, and uncloaking only when I sat on Kytarr Major.

I am eager to try to answer mission questions
"There is nothing certain but and taxes"- Benjamin Franklin


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**Did I offend you? Sorry! You were always nice when I E-Mailed you about bugs, so I consider you as my friend and dont want to offend you. But the mission was confusing... I didnt know if I HAD to take the Transport to get the next mission. I thought I couldnt get the next mission I didnt hijack the Transport during the mission, thats why I freaked out and wrote this long thread. I tried to capture a Transport the mission already done, and it worked. I got the next mission. Sorry again, Bomb. My shields took a heavy suffer everytime I was hit by a Talon Missile, several caused it to almost fail, Ion Turret shots being equally bad. But thanks to 2 Shield Harmonizers, my shields never completely failed. I did the first mission by cloaking as soon as I got to Kytarr, and uncloaking only when I sat on Kytarr Major.


**No, I wasn't annoyed. It's just that if you had more carefully examined the problem, you'd have realized you already had the solution.. Arguably, the mission could be clearer, but it explicitly states that you must be in a Kytaan Transport to sneak down to Kytarr.. I did this (as stated before) so that the storyline would be more realistic, and so that the player would be demoted to a crappy little ship, just for the fun of it... 🙂


