Boozerama Bar: Override

I know I probably sacrificing my karma for this, but This is my attempt at spreading the Boozerama Bar into all regions of the Galaxy

Blows up the bar and watches with pride as it regenerates, just as planned.
Sets up the regenerator, fills up the acid pit. Boots up the Bar-Bot 4000 (latest model).
Blows up the bar again.

True, but you're the first one who's put it right there for me to get, I'm too lazy/stupid/forgetful to go looking for them.-Rickton
(url="http://"")Eric's Pad(/url) My Site is awesome! Come check it out.
No car, no license, no cash, no life. Coincidence?


Originally posted by emainiac:
**I know I probably sacrificing my karma for this


What karma?

Sorry, I don't do Windows.

I can get negitive karma.

True, but you're the first one who's put it right there for me to get, I'm too lazy/stupid/forgetful to go looking for them.-Rickton
(url="http://"")Eric's Pad(/url) My Site is awesome! Come check it out.
No car, no license, no cash, no life. Coincidence?

Ahh, but then you wouldn't be sacrificing anything. It's like being broke, you have nothing, so nothing can be taken. Anything you gain will be taken away until your debt is no more.

(speaking of which, I'll probably go negative soon.)

-Vive diuque prosperat.


Originally posted by Terminator:
**Ahh, but then you wouldn't be sacrificing anything. It's like being broke, you have nothing, so nothing can be taken. Anything you gain will be taken away until your debt is no more.

(speaking of which, I'll probably go negative soon.)


**Lets keep it to one bar, shall we guys?

