The Albatross

DY4 makes a big campain to dry out the acid pit. Many join, few survive as Cresent goes crazy and throws them into the pit. The bar is in a frenzy, people brawling it out over the acid pit.
The next day, UEN reports "A massive brawl at the Albatross rises the price of medical supplies in the <what system is this, D?> system..."


-Rule 1.Don't tell everyone everything you know; Rule 2. See Rule 1
-I donย’t suffer from insanity, I love it.
-Itย’s bad luck to be superstitious.
-You are being observed by a higher life form. Not that you care anyway.

Trugati counts the number of times DY4 ended up in the acid pit and shoves him in again for being such a blockhead.

The great space parrot is a biped

Cade joins the stupidity. He punishes Trugati by showing himself to a acid pit too.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**He punishes Trugati by showing himself to a acid pit too.


And did the acid pits like what they saw? (Really, your post made absolutly no sense... I think). pp shoves all who believe the acid pit should be frozen over into the acid pit, before using his SPOOOKY psychic powers to set the security system to blow up the ones pp just threw into the acid pit. I'm so SPOOOKY

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
**And did the acid pits like what they saw? (Really, your post made absolutly no sense... I think). pp shoves all who believe the acid pit should be frozen over into the acid pit, before using his SPOOOKY psychic powers to set the security system to blow up the ones pp just threw into the acid pit. I'm so SPOOOKY


Bomb strolls in, eagerly anticipating shutting this place down.


"I want to tell you about a time I almost died...."

Cresent is shocked because bomb could even THINK of shutting down the Albatross, and pushes everyone in the bar in the acid pit to vent her anger.

Edit: 100th post!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
-Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
-Great minds think alike but fools never differ.

(This message has been edited by Cresent (edited 03-26-2003).)

Frodo sits hidden on a recliner and watches the craziness with enjoyment. He laughs uncontrolably and is noticed by Cresent. Cresent then throws Frodo into the acid pit as Frodo screams for mercy. Frodo's laughs are over as he disappears into the acid pit.

One ring to rule them all, One ring
to find them, One ring to bring
them all and in the darkness bind

(This message has been edited by Frodo101 (edited 03-27-2003).)

DY4 gets tired from being pushed in the acid pit. So he creates a holo-vid device that warns a hitman will be waiting for that person once he gets home if they push him in.
Posted Image


-Rule 1.Don't tell everyone everything you know; Rule 2. See Rule 1
-You are being observed by a higher life form. Not that you care anyway.
-Violence Is Not The Answer. Violence Is The question. Yes Is The Answer.


Originally posted by DY4:
**DY4 gets tired from being pushed in the acid pit. So he creates a holo-vid device that warns a hitman will be waiting for that person once he gets home if they push him in.


Cresent pushes him in anyway, because she doesn't intend to actually go home.

-Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
-Great minds think alike but fools never differ.


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
**And did the acid pits like what they saw? (Really, your post made absolutly no sense... I think).


You said you counted the times DY4 ended up in the acid pit and shoved DY4 in again. As a punismhent of that, I throved you there too. Now it makes sense.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**You said you counted the times DY4 ended up in the acid pit and shoved DY4 in again. As a punishmhent of that, I throved you there too. Now it makes sense.


I am eager to try to ansver mission questions


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
You said you counted the times DY4 ended up in the acid pit and shoved DY4 in again. As a punishmhent of that, I throved you there too. Now it makes sense.

... YOU SPEAK LIES MONKEY-BOY. pp shoves an accusing finger under General Smart's nose before kicking him, picking him up, and tossing him into the acid pit. I win!

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

(This message has been edited by phantompenguin (edited 03-28-2003).)

Cresent pushes pp in the acid pit. "No, I win! :D"

-Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
-Great minds think alike but fools never differ.

(This message has been edited by Cresent (edited 03-27-2003).)

Trugati laughs and trips Cade, causing him to topple over into the acid pit. Then she turns her attention to Cresent, who had just thrown Frodo in. Immediately after he regenerates, she hoists him up and hits Cresent with his hard feet. Cresent screams horribly and immediately disappears into the acid.

Frodo is relieved when let down and totters around. Then he falls into the acid pit by mistake. Nasty hobbitses.

The great space parrot is a biped

Oh dear, oh dear. From the little reading of this I had, it seemed to make no sense. And now its confirmed, it makes less sense than #ev3. ๐Ÿ˜‰ After this post ill stop posting in this nonsense. Ever heard of sour rain? That rain comes in only in pollupted places. So Ive decided that acid pit contains sour rain. As vengeance, Cade drops both Trugati and phantompenguin in the acid pit. To make sure I cant be dropped there again, I exploded the pit, and shove the contents over Trugati and phantompenguin.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**Oh dear, oh dear. From the little reading of this I had, it seemed to make no sense. And now its confirmed, it makes less sense than #ev3.;) After this post ill stop posting in this nonsense. Ever heard of sour rain? That rain comes in only in pollupted places. So Ive decided that acid pit contains sour rain. As vengeance, Cade drops both Trugati and phantompenguin in the acid pit. To make sure I cant be dropped there again, I exploded the pit, and shove the contents over Trugati and phantompenguin.


Frodo, being angered by Cade, pulls out a laser rifle and blasts Cade into tiny pieces while yelling,"Death to those who destroy acid pits, bwahahahaha!"

One ring to rule them all, One ring
to find them, One ring to bring
them all and in the darkness bind

The acid pit regenerates, though. Before Cade leaves, pp decides it's time for some good old advertising. "Think this is nuts? Take a look at (url="http://"")this,(/url) the inspiration for the Albatross. Oh, and (url="http://"")this(/url) couldn't hurt either. ๐Ÿ™‚

Edit: Man, does my coding suck.

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

(This message has been edited by phantompenguin (edited 03-29-2003).)

Trugati glares at Cade for speaking in first-person. Then she fries him again with her super-sonic hyperplasma phase disruptor blaster.

The great space parrot is a biped

Cresent crawls out of the acid pit and gives Frodo's feet a haircut.

-Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
-Great minds think alike but fools never differ.


Originally posted by Cresent:
**Cresent crawls out of the acid pit and gives Frodo's feet a haircut.


But Cresent doesn't know that when you cut Frodo's foot hair it releases a horrible odor that can knock anybody out except other hobbits like Frodo. So when Cresent cuts Frodo's foot hair she is instantly knocked out, and she is then thrown into the acid pit by Frodo.

One ring to rule them all, One ring
to find them, One ring to bring
them all and in the darkness bind