Simple Way To Create New Systems In EVO?


I have been playing Escape Velocity Override for several weeks and my favorite part is exploring the Proxima and Ji Nebulae. I wanted (and hoped) to explore beyond the Voinian border, the North and South and past the Cressent Asteroids. I then began playing around with some of the great plug-ins on this site (mainly F-25), which furthered my wanting to explore more.

I have just started reading through ways to create plug-ins. For someone who has never done this, trying to get a handle on all the aspects is a challenge to say the least. What I would like to do ultimately is create for myself an expanded universe with more planets, governments, ships and missions. I even began putting a bunch of things into a notebook, to save for a time when I can do that. First (tiny steps), I would like to just create some new star systems. Is there an easy way to do this?

Keep in mind, I'm brand new to programming and I have done no tinkering. I looking for something like "Creating EVO Plug-Ins For Dumbies". 🙂 If anyone can give me a little advice where to get started, I would really apprciate it. Thank you!

Rob Astor

Remember, the gods will not do for men what men must do for themselves.
-- Athena

(url="http://";=31&SUBMIT;=Go")Bomb's plugin guide(/url) is probably a good first read. Besides that you should take all plugin questions to (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go")this(/url) board. It's specifically for plugin developers.

Welcome to the boards 🙂