Twin Problems

My first problem is how to get the Miranu Gunship. I've done the string (all of it I think) and never got it: Am I missing something or do I have to do something special.

The second probem is I'm not sure how to start the Zidagar string. This problem has probably been answered a million times but the search is down and I looked but couldn't find it on this board.

Any help with either would be much appreciated by me, and the loyal citizens of Meia, (pronounced Me Ee Uh) My private Country.

To get Miranu Gunship, you have to do second mission in Zachit string, Test Miranu Gunship. And yes, joining Zidagar has been asked a million times. But Ill answer anyway, Just because I hated yelling to search while it still was up. First, do the Diplomatic Relations mission. Then, get a Noteworthy combat rating. Then, go to Pozdag-3 in Pozdag and get Defend Pozdag-3 mission. You cant have started any other Strands.

I am eager to try to answer mission questions