I was just thinking about George Orwell's 1984 when I thought "How cool would it be to make an EV plug for it?" It'd have to be a TC, no doubt. Including Oceania in the west, Eurasia in the North, Eastasia in the East, and Africa (a jumble of independent states with minor governments constantly being fought over by the three major powers) in the South. All of the governments would have different ships, but the same technology, because in the book, they look different, but are technological equals.

You'd start out in Oceania with a shuttlecraftish ship and weakly hated by one of the other governments (whichever is not the ally of Oceania). By trading and raiding independent freighters, you climb the chain of command in Oceania until they let you buy fighters/warships. You could defect at any time by killing Oceanian ships and gaining the respect of the other governments. They constantly shift who's at war with whom (can this be done in any of the ev's?). I don't know how it ends, because it couldn't end like the book...(I won't spoil it for those who haven't read it.)

Anyways, what does everyone think?

P.S. I put this in EV:O boards since I'd make it in EV:O because of the better engine than EV:C and the simplicity compared to EV:N. If a moderator would rather it in Developers' Corner, that's cool.


That's a brilliant idea. I've only read part of the book. Now I'm going to go finish it.

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"Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it." --Henry David Thoreau

Sorry, I forgot to include that 1984 is a geo-political fiction written by George Orwell in 1948 (published 1949). It's a speculation and forewarning of what the world would be like in 1984 (last two digits of 1948 switched around) if the world accepted communism/fascism and democracy deteriorated in Western Europe and the Western Hemisphere.

It's one of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors. It's not a tough read (I'd say about a ninth grade (14 yrs old) reading level), and depending on the size of the book you buy, 200-350 pages long. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys politics and/or reading 'classics'.


I've read the books and it sounds like a very nice idea

Good idea, but either get rid of the independant states or make them have pathetically weak ships. When you're caught in the middle of three warring superpowers I doubt any state would last long, and the only way to survive would be to let the other governments just walk over your territory and use it as another battle-front, and therefore the state would have practically no resources or power, and would therefore have either a completely crap or non-existant military.

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Well if less is more, then isn't more more more?

Nifty idea, but yeah, this would be better suited for the Dev board. iMove.

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