SW plug-in get in New Repubik missions

I have downloaded the SW2 1.0.3 plug-in. It's realy good, but how to get in New Rpublik mission-string?


(This message has been edited by Crest (edited 05-15-2003).)

I played the imp. string nearly 10 Mission then sb. asked me if I want to work for the N. Rep. Just visit the bars on the N. Rep. planets.

Maybe you can ask me one question. I played the imp. string untill I had to conquer a lot of gunboats in an outer sector for a big attack against the N. Rep. But always if I enter the system with my Stardestoyer the flee...I attack them so some are following me but not ALL !!! This mission sucks...Its soooo hard...because of that I quit thos plugin. It was no more funny.
