Spells not working

Someone mentioned this in a previous post, but I'm having trouble with spells. Specifically, the Fiery Arrow or whatever it's called (level 2) doesn't work. I'll try it with the 'c' key as the previous poster suggested. Also, the 'weaken' spell never seems to do anything. At least it doesn't show any visible effect, and it's impossible to tell whether things like 'protection' increasing your armor by 3 or weakening an opponent by 3 does anything.

Also, can you cast a series of protection or weaken spells? As in, can you get armor +40 by casting protection 15 times (yes, I know that math doesn't work out... whatever) or weaken an opponent by a lot by casting a weakening spell many times?




whoa... there went the arrows. After trying many times, I gave up, and then about a minute later, on a new screen after saving, apparently all my arrows were unleashed when I didn't even try to cast the spell on a poor little goblin, because afterwards all my spell points were gone.



maybe the problem is that the fiery arrow spell doesn't work unless you've selected an enemy properly. I always just use the arrow keys and hit x and let the computer select the enemy, maybe I should try using the mouse. I found that if I cast the spell, and then force my character to walk straight into the enemy, it casts the spell (and I curse when I accidentally go one millimeter off to the left and end up just getting stabbed in the back instead of beating him down with fiery power).

Hopefully this can be fixed sometime in an update,



ok, an improved method: cast spell, then use mouse to click on an enemy. This seems to work every time. I guess that's nice of the makers to let us select an enemy, but I sure wish it would just randomly pick one when I don't, rather than just not casting.
