For some reason my EVO game wont let me max out my guns, my C warship can onyl have four weapons, not four guns AND four turrets (as it says) but 4 guns and nowt, or vici verca.

PLS help me out!



ummmmmm EVO only lets you have... ugh... let me put this way

If you can have 2 Cannons, 3 Turrets you can have 3 turrets or 2 cannons and 1 Turret.

You cant have 2 Cannons and 3 turrets..
Thats the way it goes...

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that was a change in EVO 1.01
in version 1.00 you could have 4 guns and 4 turrets
but in version 1.01, each gun counts as a turret



CaptainG3 wrote:
**that was a change in EVO 1.01
in version 1.00 you could have 4 guns and 4 turrets
but in version 1.01, each gun counts as a turret

You, sir, are correct. This was a "feature" folks were using to great advantage that bugged Matt Burch so he fixed it in EVO 1.0.1. From the Notes file:

-- Most turrets take up gun slots to prevent multiple gun/turret combos

-- Adjusted ship turret/gun slots to match this

David Dunham / tech support / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

Okay, I know that people are stronger with guns and turrets, but honestly, how does a gun take up a turret slot. On a spaceship (don't start with me about how its not the 23rd century) the guns go on the nose or wings. The turrets go onthe fuselage. Turrets on the nose of a ship? Guns pointing up?!

Sorry to Matt, I don't wanna bag him. But still... 🙂

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

Actually it didn't bug Matt, it bugged me. I didn't like the way (in EV and EVO) people tended to fill up with primary weapons (guns and turrets) and forget secondaries - although I'll readily admit that I did the same thing myself in EV. It used to be a great tactic, since even without Monty Python style flying, you could always outmatch the other ship's firepower.

I don't think this is likely to change - it is not a bug but a feature. As for Maridian's (?) argument about the realities of this - if it comes down to a decision between game balance and playability (and admittedly, my own personal tastes) on the one hand, and realism (and it is, as you said, the 23rd century) on the other, I know which way I always decide.

I think I understand what your problem is with understanding this, you keep saying "how does a gun take up a turret slot", but that's not exactly the case.

A turret takes up a gun slot, not the other way around. A turret is larger and bulkier, therefore taking up the area that a gun could go as well.

And BTW, who says a gun or turret has to go on a nose, wing, top, or bottom. I could stick a turret right up somebody's ••• and I doubt that it makes much difference.

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In this world, a second is a second is a second.

Time moves forward with unwavering regularity.

Time is an infinite ruler.

Time is absolute.


forge wrote:
I could stick a turret right up somebody's ••• and I doubt that it makes much difference.

It'd make a difference to the guy with a turret up his ••• 😛


"Fake cheese? What is the world coming to?"

AIM: EVBasilisk

Well, I played EV back in the day when my LC 575 took like 5 minutes to load it (EVO took like 15 when it came out)

This change just seems like a pain.

Please let the dead lay in peace.


Originally posted by Oris Dorch:
**Well, I played EV back in the day when my LC 575 took like 5 minutes to load it (EVO took like 15 when it came out)

This change just seems like a pain.**

What forge said. Please don't resurrect ancient topics. Any more you bring up will be locked.


"I want to tell you about a time I almost died...."