Need help finding...

Okay, I warn you now that this is a vague question, and I'm osrry, but I just started playing Override after 4-5 years.

I remember a while ago (when i used to play this a lot) that there was this plug-in that i really liked, but i cant remember the name of it. It added quite a few ships and a couple governments, although i don't think it was a TC. It could also let you purchase a ship (saucer shaped) that was HUGE; it took up like half of the screen almost (there were many other big ships, but i cant relly remember them that well either--i told you this was vague!)

I know I'm going out on a limb here since i provided so few details, but hopefully ONE of you will know which plug-in im talking about. Or you could just tell me of some that have really big ships in em, and I could check em out myself, to see if they're the one.

Thanks in advance!


Hmmm. The Day the Earth Stood Still? 😛

No idea.

(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Hyperiums(/url) | (url="http://"")Dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"")Apple Computer(/url)
:: Yes, I am the former Captain Skyblade ::

Well, maybe it wasnt THAT huge, but i remember that if you centered over a planet, you'd cover it up, and then some.

Argh, this is driving me nuts. I guess i just gotta play regular EVO now 😛

Please, anybody respond.


(quote)Originally posted by Zorath:
**Well, maybe it wasnt THAT huge, but i remember that if you centered over a planet, you'd cover it up, and then some.

Argh, this is driving me nuts. I guess i just gotta play regular EVO now 😉

It's gotta be in the addons section somewhere. Just beware - lately I've found many of the older EV and Override download files to contain numerous strands of sevendust. Download at your own risk.

(url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Hyperiums(/url) | (url="http://"")Dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"")Apple Computer(/url)**
:: Yes, I am the former Captain Skyblade ::

I have no clue. Are you sure it was on EVO?

Three rings for the Elven-kings...


Originally posted by Zorath:
**Okay, I warn you now that this is a vague question, and I'm osrry, but I just started playing Override after 4-5 years.

I remember a while ago (when i used to play this a lot) that there was this plug-in that i really liked, but i cant remember the name of it. It added quite a few ships and a couple governments, although i don't think it was a TC. It could also let you purchase a ship (saucer shaped) that was HUGE; it took up like half of the screen almost (there were many other big ships, but i cant relly remember them that well either--i told you this was vague!)

I know I'm going out on a limb here since i provided so few details, but hopefully ONE of you will know which plug-in im talking about. Or you could just tell me of some that have really big ships in em, and I could check em out myself, to see if they're the one.

Thanks in advance!


It wasn't a TC, it was an expander..? I can't think of any large expanders that added a bunch of ships and governments other than F-25. But there aren't any huge saucer ships in F-25. Maybe in 2.0, the Imperial Dreadnought is gargantuan and vaguely saucer-ish, but that's relatively recent.

Could it have been an EV plug-in?


"I want to tell you about a time I almost died...."

Oh, its possible that it could have been regular EV, but i didnt think so, cuz the graphics seemed too advanced (at the time). If any of you have heard of something like that for regular EV, please gimmie a shout. Im gonna go check the plug ins section for both EV and EVO.


I know of one for EV that adds some pretty large ships. But it is a total conversion. Anyway, it is called Galactic Scourge. There are about three or four ships that are about the size of a planet or bigger.

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel

This might piss you guys off, but now that i think of it, It could've been a TC 😛

If that makes any difference, please tell me!

