Last Free Huron Mission

Could anyone give me some tips on how to complete this mission, I have a lazira but when I jump into the Troub system to destroy the renegade fleet, all the turncoats launch their kraits at me, and I have 24 ships to deal with. I can easily handle them, if they wern't all around me all at once. I usually kill about 10 before I die, but is there an easier/better way to do this rather than fighting to no avail every time?


Escorts? Maybe? I've noticed this problem too. Just stick it out and have faith. I was stuck in a freight-courier when I did that, so be thankful. Semi-welcome to the boards? Just never seen ya here before I guess. Good luck.

"Never give yourself a haircut after three margaritas."

Hit the afterburners. When the Kraits all in a line chasing you, turn around and slow down a tad while firing your phase. Pick them off one by one. If the pack catches up, make a sharp turn with your afterburners to get them off your tail.

(url="http://"")Angband(/url) in action! Constant escalation to new depths to find angrier,
meaner letters and more punctuation! -- Mattneu

Go towards the bottom bottom of the system as soon as you enter it. Press R to locate the nearest Krait, and fire. Repeat. I remember doing the free Anna Balivshova mission this way, and its much harder.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

1. If you have the cloaking device, use it. Move away from the main pack of Kraits, target one, hit a to line up with it, uncloak, and fire a heavy rocket or two at them.
2. If you have the cloaking device, use missles to destroy a Turncoat or two, and jump out of the system to Huron, and reload your weapons, or land on the planet. I'm pretty sure that the ships do not regenerate.
3. If you have done the U.E. missions where you build the space station that sells the Voinian tech., buy the armour upgrade. As I recall, a Lazira has very little armour (ca. 15 points). I'd check that and the system name, but I'm not at my Mac.
4. Try using space mines (or whatever they are called). I have never tried this mission. One of the pirate planets sells them (Freeport?).
That's all I can think of right now.
Best, Lit Nerd

The Mount Stromolo Observatory, like the mythical phoenix, will rise again from the ashes.

First thing you do when jumping into the system, immediately point your ship towards the edge of the system and hit the thrusters. If you have phase turrets, those are great for this ... Pick up as many phase weapons as possible for this mission. The kraits are going to take a bit of time to get to you, so you can pick them off one by one. If you don't have turrets, it's a bit harder; you're going to have to rotate your ship for a bit, take out as many as you can. In either case, the kraits are probably going to get pretty close to you before you can take them all out. Take a sudden turn right or left; the kraits take a while to adjust, and you can pick them off individually again. Repeat until they're all dead, then go for the turncoats! 🙂

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"What a piece of work is man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculties! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?" -- Hamlet, Hamlet , II.ii


Posted by shayborg and General Cade Smart



Originally posted by Blackdog:
Hit the afterburners. When the Kraits all in a line chasing you, turn around and slow down a tad while firing your phase. Pick them off one by one. If the pack catches up, make a sharp turn with your afterburners to get them off your tail.

(url="http://"")Angband(/url) in action! Constant escalation to new depths to find angrier,
meaner letters and more punctuation! -- Mattneu