New Life

Ack. Look, I'll send it, but let's get the diplomacy done properly , not assumed, 'kay?

A question to everybody:
The OOC section to my Conclave posts is becoming larger and larger. If people are okay with it, I'd like to shift it all here, to New Life, and keep my posts in EoD mostly IC.

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.

Alright, properly sounds good. I DID figure out something else for the project slot, but it will be better used to take over the project slot after the APOPHIS is done. Thanks.

Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

'kay, Solel.

Redchigh asked me to cover the UE for him until the 1st of January, hence my post. I'm thinkin', since a lot of people don't know to update their construction... with Admiral's permission, I'd like to calculate their fleet sizes at the moment, giving everyone the benefit of the doubt of constructing straight.

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**'kay, Solel.

Redchigh asked me to cover the UE for him until the 1st of January, hence my post. I'm thinkin', since a lot of people don't know to update their construction... with Admiral's permission, I'd like to calculate their fleet sizes at the moment, giving everyone the benefit of the doubt of constructing straight.


feel free, but i think most of us have correct numbers. i havnt posted my fleet size/positions cause i hate to have my notes section longer than my post. if you like, i will place an update here.

Insanity has its advantages

I wouldn't mind, Esponer, and we need to discuss the Research for Zachit Dreadnaught tomorrow.



Originally posted by kauthor:
**I wouldn't mind, Esponer, and we need to discuss the Research for Zachit Dreadnaught tomorrow.


'kay, I'll be on AIM a bit... possibly not as much as I'd like within the next few hours. I'm at my grandparents house, and my grandparents have gone out, so it's just myself and my brother. Now, we'll be here for six hours (grandparents'll be back in a bit), so I figure that's three hours on my grandad's pretty damn good computer each. He tried to get me off after 20 minutes. 10 minutes later he wanted the music (Enya) down.

The result has not, of course, been him getting on. He's been trying to fight me, but... eh. <brother throws punch> <Simon grabs brother's hand and throws him on the floor> (he's 20) "Calm down, Allan." <brother gets up and throws punch>

Yes... I'll give him some credit, his long nails scratched me once.

(edit: ooo, now that he's totally lost the actual fighting idea, he's playing loud Gothic music and humming purposefully annoying songs... isn't it amazing how mature he is?)

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 12-20-2002).)

Conclave Shipyards

10 Crescent fighters, 4 Crescent interceptors, 5 Aradas and 3 Crescent warships constructed (20/12/2002) -- Beta Nexus adds 2/2/2 warship/fighter/interceptor, halved

Fleet Status: 158 Crescent fighters, 51 Crescent interceptors, 115 Aradas, 28 Laziras and 24 Crescent warships in total.

40 Crescent fighters, 13 Crescent interceptors, 29 Aradas, 7 Laziras and 6 Crescent warships in DSN-3587 on patrol.
40 Crescent fighters, 13 Crescent interceptors, 29 Aradas, 7 Laziras and 6 Crescent warships in Hrinix on patrol or standby.
39 Crescent fighters, 13 Crescent interceptors, 28 Aradas, 3 Laziras and 1 Crescent warship in Malago on patrol.
39 Crescent fighters, 12 Crescent interceptors, 28 Aradas, 7 Laziras and 6 Crescent warships in Unobot on patrol or standby.
5 Crescent warships, 4 Laziras and 1 Arada in hyperspace en route to Xix.

Deep Isle
Reaver Artillery Weapon; designed solely to be built into Crescent warships at the exclusion of all other weapon slots, its bay and SAD launchers, the Reaver is a 150-ton turreted artillery weapon dealing massive energy damage. (1620 energy damage, 120 mass damage, reload of approximately 3 seconds.)

Begun: 19/12/2002
Completed: 25/12/2002

Infinity Threshold
S-S Energy; researching into the application of energies in sub-space, and how it might be possible to utilise it.

Begun: 19/12/2002
Complete: 25/12/2002

Conclave Production Line
Refitting; refitting all ships with the graviton membrane.

• Crescent Fighter: 200 shields ---> 125 Membrane, 175 Shields
• Crescent Interceptor: 200 shields ---> 200 Membrane, 250 Shields
• Arada: 500 shields ---> 300 Membrane, 350 Shields
• Lazira: 1350 shields ---> 800 Membrane, 800 Shields
• Crescent Warship: 2500 shields ---> 1500 Membrane, 2000 Shields

I would like to propose a minor revokation for SilverDragon. In Grundy's last post, it said that the Miranu and the Azdagari Fleet were in the Igadazra Homeworld, but Solel hasn't said anything about Miranu Fleet being at Igadazra.



Originally posted by kauthor:
**I would like to propose a minor revokation for SilverDragon. In Grundy's last post, it said that the Miranu and the Azdagari Fleet were in the Igadazra Homeworld, but Solel hasn't said anything about Miranu Fleet being at Igadazra.


What am i? Chopped liver?

you may consider it revoked.

Insanity has its advantages

:chuckles Hahahahaha. No offense, UE Admiral, but I like Esponer better.


Oooh dear...

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.


Originally posted by kauthor:
**I would like to propose a minor revokation for SilverDragon. In Grundy's last post, it said that the Miranu and the Azdagari Fleet were in the Igadazra Homeworld, but Solel hasn't said anything about Miranu Fleet being at Igadazra.


What on Igadzra are you talking about? I said no such thing.

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).

I would like to make a perfectly clear argument. I was not planning on all of my ships being disabled at the start of the battle. My huge carrier blew, I'd say, pretty close to the Igadzra ships. Even if the ships couldn't self-destruct, they would be shieldless, and the blast would either destroy them, or send them hurtling into the face of Igadzra. I say that you only get half of my ships, VAI.

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 12-21-2002).)

RMA, sorry, but my ships are already in hyperspace. It took the first 20 minutes of the transmission to send the first virus. I landed when you discovered the hack. My fleets flew low over the surface so that you would endanger your landing toops by firing on us. When we reached the other side of the planet it took you a few minutes to locate and target us, then the missles had to arrive. I made it in to hyperspace after some of my ships had been destroyed. That code I sent should have destroyed your ship because it was using some very high level hacks developed after years of work by many renegade computer scientists. Now please, lets come to some agreement and not ruin the story.

Life is full of surprises, but never when you need one.

  • Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat


Originally posted by Grunadulater:
I would like to make a perfectly clear argument. I was not planning on all of my ships being disabled at the start of the battle. My huge carrier blew, I'd say, pretty close to the Igadzra ships. Even if the ships couldn't self-destruct, they would be shieldless, and the blast would either destroy them, or send them hurtling into the face of Igadzra. I say that you only get half of my ships, VAI.

Another argument in Grunadulater's favor is that the EM Spike completely fries the circuits of most ships it effects. Add to that the explosions of the planet and carrier, and I agree with the assessment that only about half of Grundy's fleet there can be captured. Still, that is a sizable fleet, with powerful weaponry.


Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

I think I gave the wrong impression in my last few posts about the entire situation with my plans to capture the Igadzra fleet. In my posts the characters intend to capture the entire fleet... while this is what they intend to happen it's not what I had planed for the long run. When I talked to esponer about the possiblility of captureing the Igadzra ships, I made it clear that I only intended to capture a little over half of the ships. I guess I failed to make that clear to the rest of the people in the story, and I understand how that could cause some hard feelings. I hope I've made it clear now that I never intended to make off whith Grundy's entire fleet.

On another note, I'de like to commend Grundy on a well played game. This has been the best webstory I have ever played in, and not because I have been winning a little. It's been fun because it's been a challenge, and the biggest part of that challenge so far has been Grunadulator. I look forward to playing with him again in the sequel.

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

Ah, my mistake then. And I agree, even though it won't mean as much being as this is my 1.5th webstory, this is the best one I have written in. It's been running smoothly for over 250 posts now, and we've had only minor conflicts regarding battles, which have been overall smoothed over well. It's still running strong at 250 posts, which means to me we succeeded in bringing some life back to this board. Let's keep up the good work people.

On another note, I am leaving in roughly 3 hours as of writing this, and will not be back until the 27th of December. I'm sure it will be alive and kicking then too.


Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

I promise, the next time I play, I will be more of a challange, and be more interesting.

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 12-21-2002).)

Here are the stats for the refitted Igadzra ships.

Azdgari Refited Igazra:
Shields: 5000
Armor: 400
Speed: 150
Accel: 300
Turning: 2
Weapons: 5 Phase Burst Turrets, 2 SAE Launchers & 30 Ammo, 1 Berserker Launcher &15 Missiles, 80 PDS Batteries
Notes: Engines worked over extensivly, as a result there are moderate increases in both speed and acceleration. Also, while shiled capacity remains unchanged, addition of Azdgari Enhanced Shield Generators makes the regeneration rate much improved.

Azdgari Refited Igadzra Arada:
Shield: 600
Armor: 100
Speed: 375
Accel: 750
Turning: 4
Weapons: 3 Swivel Phase Cannons, 1 Berserker Launcher & 20 Missiles, 15 PDS Batteries
Notes: Increased speed and accel to that of an Azdgari Arada, added Enhanced Shield Generators to increase regeneration to that of the Azdgari Arada.

Note about Berserker Weaponry: Since Berserker launchers are apparently dual purpose, about half of the Igadzra Aradas will be tasked with mining any friendly system they enter, then they will be reloaded with Missiles when sent on attacks. So, if you attack a system with Igadzra Aradas in it, write a minefield in your post and keep in mind that half of the Igadzra aradas don't have long range weaponry.

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

Conclave Shipyards

20 Crescent fighters, 8 Crescent interceptors, 10 Aradas and 6 Crescent warships constructed (21/12/2002 - 22/12/2002)

Fleet Status: 178 Crescent fighters, 59 Crescent interceptors, 125 Aradas, 28 Laziras and 30 Crescent warships in total.

45 Crescent fighters, 15 Crescent interceptors, 33 Aradas, 7 Laziras and 8 Crescent warships in DSN-3587 on patrol.
45 Crescent fighters, 15 Crescent interceptors, 33 Aradas, 7 Laziras and 8 Crescent warships in Hrinix on patrol or standby.
44 Crescent fighters, 15 Crescent interceptors, 33 Aradas, 3 Laziras and 2 Crescent warship in Malago on patrol.
44 Crescent fighters, 14 Crescent interceptors, 33 Aradas, 7 Laziras and 7 Crescent warships in Unobot on patrol or standby.
5 Crescent warships, 4 Laziras and 1 Arada in Xix (1 warship with shields down, the rest on standby.)

Deep Isle
Reaver Artillery Weapon; designed solely to be built into Crescent warships at the exclusion of all other weapon slots, its bay and SAD launchers, the Reaver is a 150-ton turreted artillery weapon dealing massive energy damage. (1620 energy damage, 120 mass damage, reload of approximately 3 seconds.)

Begun: 19/12/2002
Completed: 25/12/2002

Infinity Threshold
S-S Energy; researching into the application of energies in sub-space, and how it might be possible to utilise it.

Begun: 19/12/2002
Complete: 25/12/2002

Conclave Production Line
Refitting; refitting all ships with the graviton membrane.

• Crescent Fighter: 200 shields ---> 125 Membrane, 175 Shields
• Crescent Interceptor: 200 shields ---> 200 Membrane, 250 Shields
• Arada: 500 shields ---> 300 Membrane, 350 Shields
• Lazira: 1350 shields ---> 800 Membrane, 800 Shields
• Crescent Warship: 2500 shields ---> 1500 Membrane, 2000 Shields

Begun: 20/12/2002
Completed (yesterday)

Conclave Production Line 2
Instigator Platforms; 12 platforms armed with 20 Instigators on 4 turreted platforms, based at the two hyper-exit points in the Akrayhek system, 6 platforms per hyper-exit (the result is a very large amount of damage straight away to any ships entering the system.) The Instigator platforms will be equipped with the Miranu cloaking device.

Begun: 21/12/2002
Completed: 23/12/2002

Navis Synthesis
Chamenaur; another Nachaurrez, to be blunt, orbiting Kayia. Constructs 1 Crescent warship, 1 Arada and 2 Crescent fighters per day, and is armed with 20 Eliminators and massive SAD capabilities.

Begun: 20/12/2002
Complete: 23/12/2002

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.