New Life


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Phase turrets are 25 tons.

You freed up 70 tons in total. The SAD capabilities, I think, come to 94 tons. I believe the launcher is around 35 tons, although I am not certain.

Well, I think it comes to -24 tons spare, and then you double the capacity of your bays (and the original Azdara bay is several hundred tons.)


Ouch, my mistake on the SADs. I'll change that to 2 Pursuit missile launchers (30 tons) and 30 ammo (30 tons). Okay here is how my new Bay works. One Azdgari Bay is 180 tons, I figure that most of this space is taken up by the Hangar bay and repair facilities, and that all the fighters have the ability to launch at once. Well, I don't need more repair facilities, and I am going to save hangar space by using a two teired racking system to store and launch the fighters. Instead of launching all at once the fighters will launch in two groups of six. The new launcher will take up the rest of the weapons space (30 tons?) and 20 tons of cargo.

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

Okay, two things. First, I would like to request a partial revoke. You did not mention any "Beta Directorate". Directorate means a person, so there is no clue I could have known. If that was all, your post would be okay, but you broke a rule. You may not control my fleet. As I stated, the Igazras were on one side of the system, going long range, and by the time you got out, my I. Aradas were on the other side. I also stated that my fleet went into hyperspase, on coarse for Duidir. I will grant that you destroyed a 3 small ships, and one Igazra. Now I will post aboiut Duidir.

Oh yeah, second thing. Ship stats. I have about... 130 Igazras and 230 I. Aradas.
I. Arada:20
I. Arada:16
I. Arada:16
I. Arada:16
I. Arada:16
(Name I cant read, starts with an E, ends with an T. In the top west)
I. Arada:16
I. Arada:16
I. Arada:16
I. Arada:16
I. Arada:16
I. Arada:16
(system east of Igadzra)
I. Arada:16

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).


Originally posted by grunadulater:
Okay, two things. First, I would like to request a partial revoke. You did not mention any "Beta Directorate". Directorate means a person, so there is no clue I could have known. If that was all, your post would be okay, but you broke a rule. You may not control my fleet. As I stated, the Igazras were on one side of the system, going long range, and by the time you got out, my I. Aradas were on the other side. I also stated that my fleet went into hyperspase, on coarse for Duidir. I will grant that you destroyed a 3 small ships, and one Igazra. Now I will post aboiut Duidir.(/b)

A Directorate is a type of standing order, as opposed to a Director, who is a person.

Also... your post after you controled my fleet was voided by you yourself: "This next part will only happen if VAI says it's okay." Well I don't say it was okay for you to jump my ships out of the system, and so my post stands by your own admission.

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

Right. I edited, and I never made you just. I asked you if I could make you jump, you said no, I said okay. I, however, never said it was okay for my ships to go back to the station.

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).


Originally posted by Solel:
**Heh, yah-I say the same thing whenever you post something Esponer! Your posts are what, 10 pages single spaced?:D

Yes well, what times are you normally on AIM Esponer? I never seem to be online at the same time as you. Now, I've heard this is because you live in Great Britain, and that would certainly explain things if that's the case.

So far this one looks like its going along quite smoothly. Let's keep up the good work people!


Try "I'm online right now, and was likely online within an hour of you posting this either way."


The Miranu Cloaking Device will entail the Miranu ship cloaks, but it can still view all the ships around it (I suppose your shield masking thing would stop this though...) just as they could normally, and research is going on to allow the cloaked vessel to fire weapons while under cloak. The cloak does, however, immediately drop the shields of the cloaked ship as soon as it is activated.

Let me get this straight:-
• You can fire with the cloak active.
• Shields are at 0% when the cloak is active.
• You can scan ships with the cloak active.

In other words, what's preventing you from just killing everyone in the known galaxy while cloaked? Space is three dimensional. Random firing won't work.


Originally posted by Beeblebrox:
Alright, I know I haven't posted for ages.
Recently I suffered an injury while riding my bike to my right hand. I now have to type purely with my left hand, which is no mean feat.
I have also had exams, and have been seeing my pediatric surgeon a lot about it. I'll try to get back into the webstory, but I still won't be able to post much.

Ouch, man! I'm sorry to hear that. Don't martyr yourself typing single handedly. It's bloody difficult for long pieces of text...


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**A Phase Turret is 20 tons!
A SAD Launcher is 30 tons!
A SAD is 1 Ton!
An Azdara Bay is 180 tons!
Why am i the only one that remembers this **?

First one, I put the wrong number. Second one, I got wrong. Third one, I know. Fourth one, I don't, because I never go near the damn things.

That explain it? 🙂


Originally posted by grunadulater:
(Name I cant read, starts with an E, ends with an T. In the top west)



(system east of Igadzra)

Which is Nujja (100% absolute east.) Which you've already mentioned. You probably mean west, which is Ragni.

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.

Esponer, I emailed you something to start some dialogue regarding the above. I suppose we'll just talk about it through that or something, as I won't be able to post very much this weekend.


Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Ouch, man! I'm sorry to hear that. Don't martyr yourself typing single handedly. It's bloody difficult for long pieces of text...


Phff! You're teling me!

Beeblebrox 4:7 - And the prophet Beeblebrox heard the Lord's word, and he procliamed to the people, "Thou shalt not discriminate against two-headed, mac-using nerds!"
See Microsoft's 'Switch' Campaign; just goto (url="http://"")here(/url)


Originally posted by grunadulater:
**Right. I edited, and I never made you just. I asked you if I could make you jump, you said no, I said okay. I, however, never said it was okay for my ships to go back to the station.


Look, you pretty much had to have gone back to the system to recapture it and initiate repairs, which you said you did. Now, that explosion pretty much made mincmeat of any ships in the system, and that explosion happened only 9 minutes afer my ships left, you can't expect us to believe that you recaptured the system and got out all in less than 9 minutes.

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

Okay, Grundy, I just read you post at Diudir, and I have to say, I'm dissapointed. Apparently, according to you, all of my ships must have just sat there and waited to be destroyed. A faction that has arguably the most manuverable ships in the game, dosn't even know how to make basic evasive manuvers. Hell in the time it would take you to launch all of those modules, my ships could have freakin landed on the planet and let my Azdaras and Aradas do all the fighting. Not to mention the fact that my fighters and Aradas would have intercepted your ships in a matter of seconds after your first salvo had hit my Warhips. I wonder how well your fleet would be able to launch it's SAEs with my 250 Azdaras and 75 Aradas swarming all over them.

(edit)Oh yeah, I almost forgot... all of those ships should be dead anyway.(/edit)

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

(This message has been edited by Vice Admiral Ipvicus (edited 12-07-2002).)

(This message has been edited by Vice Admiral Ipvicus (edited 12-07-2002).)

Hmmm...I forgot about this, but since battle posts will be shooting up every so often, I want to get this clarified. I suppose it ties in with what VAI is saying as well. When you post a battle post, can you control the enemy's ships? And if you can, are you supposed to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they have reasonable doctrine in place on what to do when they are fired upon. I mean, should one assume that the enemy ships would undertake evasive maneuvers?

This next goes just to Esponer. I edited my cloak research description to include the fuel modification. Thanks for the reality check.

Also, I will likely not be able to post again for the next 40 odd hours. I can only hope this delay allows all those governments who I have made contact with and/or have contacted me to reply and formulate some kind of response to my communiqués.

Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

You cannot control the enemies ships, ever. All you can say is that they fired back. Now, a station makes a big explosion. However, it doesn't engulf the system, or anything like that. Not even Azdaras and A. Aradas can get across the entire system in the 30 seconds it took me to launch my missiles. A. Warships are reletivaly fast, and they can't outrun a guided weapon coming strait at them, even if they turned around and went at full speed. VAI, I accept your last post, with that mnay ships, you can do a fair bit of damage. On problem, I don't see how anyone can manage to dodge a guided weapon, unless you just flew in the other direction, which would mean you are not flying towards my ships. You can dodge rockets, they're unguided. You can for the most part dodge Hunter missiles in a fighter, because they are very slow. You cannot dodge any fast, guided weapon, such as a Berserker, SAE, or an SAD unless you are flying away from it at top speeed.

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).


Originally posted by Vice Admiral Ipvicus:
**Look, you pretty much had to have gone back to the system to recapture it and initiate repairs, which you said you did. Now, that explosion pretty much made mincmeat of any ships in the system, and that explosion happened only 9 minutes afer my ships left, you can't expect us to believe that you recaptured the system and got out all in less than 9 minutes.


The explosion of a station would engulf a radius of a few kilometres at least. In spacial conflict, we're talking about thousands of kilometres easily, and much larger in many circumstances. The explosion of the station would have taken the station out, and pretty much nothing else, unless it was actually right up against the station.

Besides, just because its a station doesn't mean that the Igadzran ships are suddenly unshielded. I'd imagine an Igazra could sit right through the explosion with shields up, easily.

In other words, I'll accept no losses from the station exploding on James' part.

James, you could not retake the station in 9 minutes.


Okay, Grundy, I just read you post at Diudir, and I have to say, I'm dissapointed. Apparently, according to you, all of my ships must have just sat there and waited to be destroyed. A faction that has arguably the most manuverable ships in the game, dosn't even know how to make basic evasive manuvers. Hell in the time it would take you to launch all of those modules, my ships could have freakin landed on the planet and let my Azdaras and Aradas do all the fighting. Not to mention the fact that my fighters and Aradas would have intercepted your ships in a matter of seconds after your first salvo had hit my Warhips. I wonder how well your fleet would be able to launch it's SAEs with my 250 Azdaras and 75 Aradas swarming all over them.

We're talking about three dimensional cross system space warfare, not little 2D environments like in Escape Velocity. If you think you can cross a system in a few seconds, you're a blind idiot. If you could do that, then why bother with hyperspace - you could just cruise to the next star faster.

Fact of the matter is, your ships would take some time to get there. His in-system time was around 13 seconds at maximum (7 seconds to unload the SAEs, and then time to leave), and there's no way in Hell you could be on him by then. Azdgari have fast ships - they don't have teleportation devices.

James, I want you to lower your damages somewhat. SAEs spin, and that creates some major targetting problems. You'll still have done some significant damage, but say 3/4 of them hit, not 5/6.


(edit)Oh yeah, I almost forgot... all of those ships should be dead anyway.(/edit)



Originally posted by Solel:
Hmmm...I forgot about this, but since battle posts will be shooting up every so often, I want to get this clarified. I suppose it ties in with what VAI is saying as well. When you post a battle post, can you control the enemy's ships? And if you can, are you supposed to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they have reasonable doctrine in place on what to do when they are fired upon. I mean, should one assume that the enemy ships would undertake evasive maneuvers?

First thing to say, if you're fighting a NPC side (non-player controlled), you can control them, although you'd do well not to make them act too stupidly.

If you're fighting a player, than you should avoid controlling them as much as possible. Obviously, you're going to have to a little, but try not to control them in any matters they're likely to have a valid alternative to, and remember that they can revoke your control of them.


"The enemy ships opened fire with a barrage of pursuit missiles" is pretty much fair, as its likely. If the player wants not to, then (s)he can undo that in their post, but there's no problem with saying something like that.

"The enemy ships made an all-out charge with their Aradas, leaving their warships behind because they were slower" is not as fair - it's not a very logical attack plan, and there are more likely alternatives. I'd suggest not doing that.

At any point, you can say that enemy ships are blown up under your fire. That isn't controlling them. It's blowing the hell out of them.


Originally posted by Grunadulater:
On problem, I don't see how anyone can manage to dodge a guided weapon, unless you just flew in the other direction, which would mean you are not flying towards my ships. You can dodge rockets, they're unguided. You can for the most part dodge Hunter missiles in a fighter, because they are very slow. You cannot dodge any fast, guided weapon, such as a Berserker, SAE, or an SAD unless you are flying away from it at top speeed.

Mostly correct: he cannot assume that his fleet successfully achieves this effectively. However, one can manipulate the spinning habits of an SAD or SAE module and fly into the area it's just passed, calculating its path. It's nothing you can reasonably assume an entire fleet can do. And Azdara pilots are no more skilled than anyone else's pilots, except maybe NPCs.

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 12-07-2002).)


Originally posted by Vice Admiral Ipvicus (notes in italics, highlighted parts in bold):
General Sarn Treval was one of only five Azdara pilots in Azdgari history of the Empire to rise to the command of entire Azdgari fleets. While most Azdgari pilots either didn't survive to high rank, or retired once they couldn't fly in combat anymore, a very few went on to become instructors, or even more rarely... Fleet Officers. Although technically still a part of Starfighter Command (once an Azdara Pilot, always an Azdara Pilot) Sarn hadn't flown in combat in over 50 years, but that had yet to slow down his military career. In fact, he was probably one of the foremost experts on stafighter tactics in the galaxy, and was far from being a slouch when it came to commanding the larger ships.

At the moment Sarn was observing a small chronometer count down the seconds until reversion from hyperspace. His flagship, the A.I.S. Judicator, along with 24 other Azdgari Warships, 30 Azdgari Aradas, and 20 Azdaras were about to emerge into the Mark System, where the first stage of the fall of the Igadzra was about to begin.
Mark System

The Azdgari fleet came out of hyperspace and instantly deployed their fighters. After only a few seconds 170 Azdaras were buzzing in what looked like utter chaos, while the Aradas separated themselves into three groups, 20 of them in a screen in front of the Warships, with the other 10 split between the two flanks. As soon as they were organized, the Azdgari accelerated full blast towards the Igadzra, who had formed a pyramidal defensive formation. ( Typically acceptable, unless you then would detail a weakness in this defensive position.)

As the two fleets accelerated towards each other (I don't buy it for a moment; they were on defence, and they had the more powerful long-range firepower - they had every reason to sit still, revoked) the Azdaras broke from their chaotic mess and formed three groups themselves. One group of 70 to keep a screen to back up the Warships' center formation, and two groups of 50 helping to define the Azdgari flanks. As soon as they were in range, the Igadzra launched berserker torpedoes and SAEs, but at that extreme range (flat out revoked - the Igadzra know when to fire and when not to, don't be moronic) the Azdgari had plenty of time to dodge most of them. The two sides next began to exchange Dispersal Rocket fire, the Azdgari focused on the Igadzra Aradas, destroying two, while the Igadzra managed to kill a few Azdaras. Then they were on top of each other, the two capital ship formations met in a flurry of phase weaponry and dispersal rockets. Focusing on eliminating the Igadzra Aradas as fast as possible, half of the Azdgari Warships, along with their fighter screen, focused their new Phase Burst weaponry on the smaller ships, quickly overwhelming them with hundreds of rapid fire phase bursts and destroying 75% of them in a matter of seconds. While this was happening the two flank formations swung inwards and began to initiate a pincer movement on the outnumbered, and slower, Igadzra.

Entire squadrons of Azdaras swarmed around hapless Igazras, while the Azdgari Aradas fired salvoes of Dispersal Rockets into any Igadzra ships that tried to form compact defensive positions (makes the hilariously stupid assumption that they broke formation, which they had no reason to do - you're still fighting a compact formation) , doing splash damage to entire groups of ships (space is too large for reasonably dangerous splash damage from dispersal rockets.) After a few minutes of this three Igazras and a few more remaining Igadzra Aradas made a last ditch effort to break out of the Azdgari crossfire (I would have left this out, James may have preferred another tactic - revoked unless James is fine with it.) Focusing on two Azdgari Warships the Igazras fired everything they had at the two isolated warships (underestimation of their firepower) , destroying them in a wash of SAEs and Phase fire, but not before another Igazra fell to the viscous swarming Azdgari.

Making a short retreat, the Igadzra desperately tried to regroup before they were totally annihilated. The Azdgari, knowing that they had plenty of time and all the advantages, simply formed up in a 3 dimensional phalanx and gave their Azdaras a few seconds to recharge their shields.

The above is not an outstanding case, it's just an example of how much people are doing incorrectly here. On both sides of the fence.

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 12-07-2002).)

Error between several interpretations.

James, if you performed a 10-volley strike in Diudir, you would have fired something like the 650 SAEs that you fired. However, this would taken longer than you had it take - two minutes, I believe. In that time, you would be under heavy attack by the Azdgari.

I'd advise you go with what we first talked about. A 2-volley strike, launching about 150 SAEs, and allowing you to get out before the Azdgari's Azdaras are capable of causing you much harm. In fact, it's officially moderated to that.

Hence, your ships were able to get out. You probably have a couple of scars on your Igazras as they began to enter hyperspace (a lot of scars, actually), and you destroyed 7 Azdgari warships.

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 12-07-2002).)

What about if UE sign a treaty with Emalgha so they get there tech and UE Destroyers and Carriers have emalgha turrets witch is stronger against armour. P.S I'm Voinion


Originally posted by Voinion Rules!:
What about if UE sign a treaty with Emalgha so they get there tech and UE Destroyers and Carriers have emalgha turrets witch is stronger against armour. P.S I'm Voinion

Yes, it's a valid course of action, and yes been done before, I believe. However, more to the actual point, this topic is for discussing Eve of Destruction, not... whatever it is you're on about.


P.S. No you're not, Voini a ns don't exist in real life.

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.

I'll fix the zidara bay upgrade to four fighters while losing all rockets and the launchers. Sorry for not fixing this yesterday. I had problems with my internet connection, it went off then off then on. Ask SD, whom I was on AIM with when it happened(One of the few times he and I were on at the same time. ;))

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel

Whoa Whoa! Voinion Rules, you were right on target with what I was thinking, but with a different enemy. I want the Zachit to a mutual trade of technology with the Emalgha.


I would like Grunadulator to post some specific numbers for these new weapons he is using. I don't recall him ever posting how these berserker torps and mines were distributed on his ships.

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

I don't remember when he even started the research. Sorry if it's just me, cos I have bad memory.

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel