Voinian Mission Emalgha Mines

I'm now on the Voinian mission where you have to plant a mine on the "Emalgha Mine" Planet and they say it's in the galactic north, but I've searched far and wide and have found nothing. Help!


Perhaps you are looking to far and wide; the system that you are looking for is Kelmaon, one jump to the northwest of the Emalghion System. Did you try using the search feature? It's that handy little link up in the right hand corner right under the post reply button. For example, when I searched for Kelmaon, I found the relevant topic (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum8/HTML/002577.html")here(/url), where they mention your exact same problem. Thanks in advance for using the search feature next time; we all know you will. 😉 Welcome to the boards!



Originally posted by specops:
... the system that you are looking for is Kelmaon, one jump to the northwest of the Emalghion System...

Northeast, not northwest. I expect he found it, though.

Please don't let's have a return of the 'Search rather than ask' movement on this board... now the game's so old, we need all the traffic we can get; it's nice to know there are still people discovering the game.

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

Actually I'm not exactly "discovering" it because I've had the game for a year and a half now. 😄 😛
