
Recently I've taken the side of the Voinians and have a good record in more than 2/3 of their systems including the homeworld. However none of these planets offer me any missions in the Spaceport Bar or the Mission BBS and when I get to the shipyards there is nothing there. So does anyone have any clue as to how one starts the Voinian missions? Do I have to beat the UE missions first?



Originally posted by whitedevil:
**Recently I've taken the side of the Voinians and have a good record in more than 2/3 of their systems including the homeworld. However none of these planets offer me any missions in the Spaceport Bar or the Mission BBS and when I get to the shipyards there is nothing there. So does anyone have any clue as to how one starts the Voinian missions? Do I have to beat the UE missions first?


You have to do a mission on Pax before you have started the UE missions first.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

When you say "Taken sides with the Voinians, do you mean you have actually taken the "Aid the Voinians!" mission, or have you just destroyed UE ships? If you haven't taken the "Aid the Voinians!" mission, you can acquire it in the spaceport bar of Pax in the Dogover system.

You can do the Voinians missions as well as the UE missions, but you have to do the Voinian missions before you do the UE missions if you want to do both, and not do the UE missions before you do the Voinian ones. (I think that's how it goes.)

And if no one has said it already...Welcome to the boards!


Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

what if I have started the UE missions?


If you have already started the Voinian Defector missions, then you can't begin the Voinian missions at this point without starting a new pilot file. What you can do in the other pilot (if you so choose to make it) is to acquire the Aid the Voinians mission and then also acquire teh Voinian Defector mission. They are both at Pax. Do the entire Voinian string with the Defector in your cargo bay, and then when you finish it, drop off the defector and play for the UE.

Don't worry. The UE string is fun all on its own anyways. 😄

Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

I started I game and immideatly went to Pax but there were no missions there.



Originally posted by whitedevil:
**I started I game and immideatly went to Pax but there were no missions there.

Your combat rating is probably not high enough at this point. Do some trading, build up your cash until you can get some fundage, get a better ship, then maybe take out some pirates in the southeast of UE space to get your combat rating up.

As was already stated, if you take the Voinian Defector mission then it sets a bit which won't let you take the Aid The Voinians! mission on Pax. Oddly enough though, you can do the UE/Hinwar central objective and still get the Voinian mission string. You won't be able to complete it however since some of the places will have changed hands.

Don't fret though, you can still do the UE/Hinwar central object AND the Voinian Defector missions AFTER you do the Voinian mission string.

Just When You Think That You're All Right/I'm Crawlin' Out From The Inside/I Never Hurt Anyone/I Never Listen At All
Just Stay Away From The White Light/I'd Say Your Worst Side's Your Best Side/I Never Hurt Anyone/I Never Listen At All
