What do you want changing?


Originally posted by grunadulater:
**This is a EVO TC on the Nova engine.


Slaps himself on the head forgot that :redface:

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions


Originally posted by Deathmatch:
**Indeed you are right. Some of these suggestion are quite good and reasonable. I may well use them.


Do you think all my suggestions are reasonable?

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

(This message has been edited by General Cade Smart (edited 12-23-2002).)


Originally posted by Deathmatch:
**As some of you know I and a bunch of other people are doing a EV:O TC onto Nova. So what really annoyed you in EV:O?

Why make a EV:O TC onto Nova, when you can just play EVO with out all the worry. I just assume play EVO. EV Nova doesn't have nearly as much depth (in my eyes). May it be because the graphics are better in Nova, so most of you want to have a better rendition of graphics? The Nova graphics are fine, why change them? The storyline needs more work.

On GR/AIM/MaG League: Onii7
(url="http://"http://onii7.no-ip.com/forums/index.php")Sign up for my forum!(/url) It only takes a second and lets you do lots of cool things, chat about games, Escape Velocity, and many other cool topics.


Originally posted by Taylor:
**Why make a EV:O TC onto Nova, when you can just play EVO with out all the worry. I just assume play EVO. EV Nova doesn't have nearly as much depth (in my eyes). May it be because the graphics are better in Nova, so most of you want to have a better rendition of graphics? The Nova graphics are fine, why change them? The storyline needs more work.


I'm writing a new story based on the EV:O universe onto the Nova engine. It's going on the Nova engine because it's more flexible. It's possible to make ship varients
and have weapon and engine glows. So it will generally look and be far better.

"You're a hippo...and a rather naughty one at that...what do we do with naughty hippos???...we shoot them in the head and send the eliphants after them so they can't eat any more fishies." My strange and gothic friend, Matthew Cole
(url="http://"http://www.webanimag.com/ayb/")Now this is funny!(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum26/HTML/007969.html") My EV:O TC (/url)

(This message has been edited by Deathmatch (edited 12-25-2002).)

You should probably give your project a name, after all, it's very confusing to figure out what your "EVO-TC for Nova" is, it sounds like you are making a TC of EVO for Nova, putting EVO on the Nova engine, rather than having a TC based roughly on EVO on Nova.

Live free or die


Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
You should probably give your project a name, after all, it's very confusing to figure out what your "EVO-TC for Nova" is, it sounds like you are making a TC of EVO for Nova, putting EVO on the Nova engine, rather than having a TC based roughly on EVO on Nova.


It does have a name...although that would give away far to much of what happens, and I don't want that now, do I? 😛

"You're a hippo...and a rather naughty one at that...what do we do with naughty hippos???...we shoot them in the head and send the eliphants after them so they can't eat any more fishies." My strange and gothic friend, Matthew Cole
(url="http://"http://www.webanimag.com/ayb/")Now this is funny!(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum26/HTML/007969.html") My EV:O TC (/url)

"Escape Velocity"
"EV: Override"
"EV: Nova"

"Reign of the Voinians"... etc.. they all had names that didn't ruin the story.
I'm just kindly suggesting that you name your plug-in or at least give the project a name.

"EVO-TC for Nova" is just confusing, especially with an actual EVO TC for Nova being made by Port Authority.

Live free or die