Gameplay on Emulator

I am using an emulator on my PC to run EV:Override. I have a question rearding the gameplay. I have hired some freighters to use as shipping escorts, but I don't want them anymore. On a Mac computer by pressing option-tab you can release the escort from your control. Since there is no option button for a PC, is it possible to release an escort or am I stuck forever with them?

Hi jwhite! welcome to the boards!

On my emulator, it maps the middle of the three keys to the left of the spacebar to the option key on a mac. So just press that and you should be able to use option-tab or option-buy(to buy in 100 ton increments) perfectly easily. Also, I've found that(at least with my Dell) that key is considered "sticky" by windows, so it acts like the Caps Lock key. If you have this problem, press that key and alt together and it should unstick. Hope that helps!


Who is John Galt?
"I've never heard maniacal laughter from a robot before. It's good to have brought something new and wonderful into the world"-(url="http://"")Freefall(/url)

Hi. Thanks for the reply to my question. I actually just figured it out on my own. I had tried pressing the left alt and control keys and tab and that didn't work, but for some reason pressing the right alt and control keys with tab does. Oh well, at least I got the problem solved.


Good to hear...have fun! And wait anxiously for EV:NPC to be out... 😛


Who is John Galt?
"I've never heard maniacal laughter from a robot before. It's good to have brought something new and wonderful into the world"-(url="http://"")Freefall(/url)


Originally posted by jwhite82:
**Hi. Thanks for the reply to my question. I actually just figured it out on my own. I had tried pressing the left alt and control keys and tab and that didn't work, but for some reason pressing the right alt and control keys with tab does. Oh well, at least I got the problem solved.


It might have to do with the way your keys are mapped...if you're using Basilisk II, you might try messing around with the preferences using the BasiliskGUI, and changing which keyboard map you're using. For me, my left Windows button works as an Option key, but my right one doesn't. But it's not used very often in the game, so you might not need to worry about it.

Mike Lee (Firebird)
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Isn't there a preferences tab when you first start up. (There is also a new pilot tab and open pilot tabs too) Go under the tab and change you escort controls to whatever button you want.

Why are there no maroon ships?


Originally posted by Jubee:
**Isn't there a preferences tab when you first start up. (There is also a new pilot tab and open pilot tabs too) Go under the tab and change you escort controls to whatever button you want.


Yes, you can change most of the controls, but I believe it is not possible to change the (option)(key to change target) sequence for selecting escorts (as in, you must use the option key to do it).

Mike Lee (Firebird)
Visit Cymltaneous Solutions: (url="http://"")
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