Bug Report on F-25 allowed?

While playing F-25, I found 7 bugs. I would like to report them, but when I searched for F-25 2.0, I saw that Bomb gave nasty replies to those who complained about bugs. So is it allowed? And if making a plug is as easy as copying edited parts of outf, misn and desc resources to a new ResEdit Document, I could make a fix plug...

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

If he's being a bitch about about it, kick him in the shin and run and make your own fix.

2500 posts as of 11.13.02, 11:39 PM (2:39 AM ASW time).
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Official minion of (url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")EVula.com(/url). (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/dragoon/")D(/url)o not resist. Beware the substance '(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")E(/url)'.
Official fan of Tim Isles' (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/empire_trilogy/")Empire Trilogy(/url). Beware the other substance '(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/empire_trilogy/")E(/url)'.


Originally posted by -esw-dragoon_77:
**If he's being a bitch about about it, kick him in the shin and run and make your own fix.

I think I need to clarify. This is what Bomb replied to Glenns post "Sorry, but that's nonsense. Players should not have to edit a released plug in order to get it to work properly on their computer. It is in every way Bomb's responsibility to release updates until the bugs are fixed, just as it would be my responsibility to fix it if anyone found a bug in Secession. That's what making good plugs is all about."

Glenn, you really ought to check your facts before you make these kinds of statements. Just because I haven't posted here announcing every bug and fix and emailing it personally to everyone here doesn't mean I'm not maintaining it. In fact, it is the exact opposite. I've done nothing but maintain the files. There are currently patches online. A big one with all of the above mentioned bugs sits on Ambrosia's site waiting for approval, and I've even gone through on a case by case basis and fixed people's pilots and sent them patches. So please, don't lecture me about making a good plug-in and then maintaining it because I guarantee that I've been working my ass off to get this thing good and fixed. And it's certainly not helping the cause to be backstabbed by my fellow developers, either.
Edit- But Bomb didn't say anything when I said out 2 bugs. That's why I made this thread. 😕
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

(This message has been edited by General Cade Smart (edited 11-29-2002).)


Originally posted by -esw-dragoon_77:
**If he's being a bitch about about it, kick him in the shin and run and make your own fix.


There's a good idea.

In the future, do not talk about things you have no idea about.


"And to all the enemies of humanity, seek not to bar our way, for we shall win through....
....No matter the cost."


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**While playing F-25, I found 7 bugs. I would like to report them, but when I searched for F-25 2.0, I saw that Bomb gave nasty replies to those who complained about bugs. So is it allowed? And if making a plug is as easy as copying edited parts of outf, misn and desc resources to a new ResEdit Document, I could make a fix plug...


Perhaps I might clarify your post. I generally only give nasty replies to those who say things like "I didn't read the mission text, and I don't know where to go now.. is this a bug??? This plug-in sucks!!!!" People who make up a comprehensive list and send it to me through e-mail (I have recieved 0 to this date) will more than likely get a response, and a patch of some kind. You also need to understand that at college, I don't have a Mac, and therefore, I can't maintain the files until I get home, which is very rare. Since I am at home for the weekend, I will be able to do some patching, if that is neccessary. Send the list over to my hotmail address: (shabs0283@hotmail.com) and I'll see what I can do with them.


"And to all the enemies of humanity, seek not to bar our way, for we shall win through....
....No matter the cost."


Originally posted by Bomb:
**Perhaps I might clarify your post. I generally only give nasty replies to those who say things like "I didn't read the mission text, and I don't know where to go now.. is this a bug??? This plug-in sucks!!!!" People who make up a comprehensive list and send it to me through e-mail (I have recieved 0 to this date) will more than likely get a response, and a patch of some kind. You also need to understand that at college, I don't have a Mac, and therefore, I can't maintain the files until I get home, which is very rare. Since I am at home for the weekend, I will be able to do some patching, if that is neccessary. Send the list over to my hotmail address: (shabs0283@hotmail.com) and I'll see what I can do with them.



Thanks for clearing the confusion. Do you need technical things like mission bits, govt ID's? Bug 1 (reported in the find kalaan spy thread) has govt IDs, and bug 3 (printed but not reported yet)has mission bits. More exactly availbitset and availbitclear. If you need them, not before next Friday...

Edit- are you home next Friday? Then I would have have unlimited time to format the E-Mail and could check mission bits and govt ID's.
I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

(This message has been edited by General Cade Smart (edited 11-30-2002).)


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**Thanks for clearing the confusion. Do you need technical things like mission bits, govt ID's? Bug 1 (reported in the find kalaan spy thread) has govt IDs, and bug 3 (printed but not reported yet)has mission bits. More exactly availbitset and availbitclear. If you need them, not before next Friday...

Edit- are you home next Friday? Then I would have have unlimited time to format the E-Mail and could check mission bits and govt ID's.**

Things of that nature would be helpful. However, if they are bugs for version 1.4, don't bother sending them over. I have no intention of correcting them. All of those issues have been cleared up for 2.0. And no, I won't be home again for another three weeks, thankfully.


"And to all the enemies of humanity, seek not to bar our way, for we shall win through....
....No matter the cost."


Originally posted by Bomb:
**Things of that nature would be helpful. However, if they are bugs for version 1.4, don't bother sending them over. I have no intention of correcting them. All of those issues have been cleared up for 2.0. And no, I won't be home again for another three weeks, thankfully.



Thankfully? If there still some users of 1.4, and if it is as easy as copying edited parts of outf, misn and desc resources to a new ResEdit Document, I could make a fix.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions