Shadows Dawning - IC Thread 1


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**OOC: No, Carnotaur. Please understand that the humans only have contact with the Voinians, the Strands only have contact with each other and the Miranu, the Voinians have contact with the Emalgha and UE (and had contact with the Miranu), and the Miranu had contact with the Voinians and have contact with the Strands. There are to be no exceptions to this rule, not even personal ones.

Hmmmmm... Okay. He was born on some remote planet under UE control, and everyone wonders why he has such a strange name. His parents won't say. Sorry about the mistake.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).


The small planetoid New Alcatraz was in a hush as the new head was gliding into port. Down the gang plank of the Turncoat walked Vilson with 4 of his personal guard -trained in several forms of defence- by his side. Vilson and his guard
steped off and the ramp lifted back into place. The crowd roars and weapon fire blazes upward into the air.

Vilson was a Commander in the United Earth Navy but resigned when he was transfered to Knox. He was a man of action. To sit in a system all day monitoring traffic was not at all Vilson's style. Because he had no ship of his own he stole a Helian that was in port and set coarse for Omm. Renegade activity there was low enough and the UEs hardly ever there. He made his living protecting traders that were willing to pay and selling renegade ships he managed to capture. Obviously he had picked up a few tricks during his time with the UEs.

Vilson 'hitched a ride' over to the Command Bunker where he began his planning...

Insanity has its advantages

The main cargo hold of the Indara, Captain Gurado's ship, was alive with activity. Several light armored vehicles that the Renegades had acquired over the years were being driven into position, to be used when the space defenses in Zeldair had been destroyed and a landing could be made. A small but steady flow of Renegades dressed in armor and carrying large Phase Rifles and other assorted weapons was coming from the crew quarters, and loading vehicles were moving any miscellaneous packages that were lying around into smaller cargo bays to make room for the loot. Captain Gurado stood and nodded as he surveyed the activity in the hold of his ship, and then looked back down to his pad.

An officer came up to him. "'Ey boss, we're gonna be entering Zeldair in a minute or two. Th' lieutenant wanted my to bring ya up to the bridge." Gurado looked up, looked over to the officer, shrugged, nodded, tossed his pad aside, and began to follow his officer up to the bridge wordlessly. They headed for the nearest elevator, and in a few seconds they were on the command deck.

The officer showed Captain Gurado the door, then walked off to his station. Gurado walked onto the bridge and flopped down into his command chair, hearing it hiss below him as the comfort mechanisms adjusted. He put his arms behind his head and leaned back, suddenly wishing for a footstool. Perhaps these Miranu on Zeldair will have one that I can take, he thought.

The bridge's viewscreen showed a bright flash of white-blue light as the Crescent Warship Indara exited hyperspace. Other monitors showed that the four other Warships with it, the Thorn, the Mendacious, the Harridan, and the Bane, had also exited hyperspace, in addition to the large group of escort ships. As the ships coasted towards Zeldair on the remaining speed from hyperspace, holographic images of the four other captains flickered and then solidified in the middle of the bridge. One of them picked his teeth and then, removing his fingers from his mouth and exposing his sharply filed fangs, spoke. "Got the orders, Cap'n?" Gurado's bridge crew turned towards him and looked expectant.

Gurado frowned, then shrugged. "You guys know the plan, right? What kinda stupid question is that? Get to work." The hologram looked at Gurado, picked at its teeth again, and flickered out. The others followed suit. Gurado assumed that they were following his orders, and then turned back to his crew. "That goes for you too."

The crew got to work giving orders, and the fleet began to get into formation. The Crescent Warships, at the core of the fleet, formed up into a vanguard shape, launching their Crescent Fighters but keeping them close to their hulls, in an escort role. The Aradas formed a curve in front of the Crescent Warships, arming their Dispersal Rockets. The Laziras took up positions at the top and bottom of the fleet, prepared to launch Rockets and SADs into the ranks of the enemy and give supporting fire. The Crescent Fighters that were not from the bays of the Warships got close to the core of the formation so that they were not open to fire from the enemy, but could dart out at the last second to intercept anything that got too close.

"You." said Captain Gurado rougly as he gestured towards the officer at the sensor readout. "What're we up against?"

"I'm reading 58 Crescent Fighters. No Zachit, thankfully." replied the officer.

Gurado grinned. "A puny force. Order the Aradas and Laziras to launch Dispersal Rockets the instant that we get in range. Anything survives that barrage can deal with the Warships themselves and our fighters."

"Whales are drinking all our water and eating our sailors." - (url="http://"")Maddox(/url)

Realm of the Gods IV

The admiral in charge of the Pirate front was the lowest admiral in Zidagar space. Nevertheless, Zidagar Rear Admiral Thetons felt that his position was extremely important. And he was right, his position was important. While his command only included Querid and Pozdag, he still had plenty of ships under his command. True, he was the only fighter pilot to ever work his way up to Admiralty. But his fighter was more like a mobile command base than anything else. He wasn’t a very good pilot. Instead, from very early on, his squadron of 10 fighters (rather than twelve, which is a multiple of the unlucky number “four”) had assigned him the duty of hanging back in combat. From a good vantage point, he was able to coordinate the squadron easily. As a result, the squadron’s kill rate had been incredible. Once, the Zidagar 184th Squadron had managed to take out 2 Igazdra Aradas without any losses. The tactics demonstrated by them were incredible to say the least. And, it was all due to Thetons. Starfighter Command had quickly recognized his talent and they had promptly promoted him. Now, he was the highest ranking officer in Starfighter Command. The fact that he came from Starfighter Command, rather than Fleet Command, was the reason that his forces at Pozdag had no Zidaras. The First Wing of the Theocracy was composed of (Censored) Zidagar Fighters. However, he could always draw up to an extra 36 Zidaras and another 64 Zidagar Fighters if he felt that he needed reinforcements or a larger fleet.

He was sitting in his office with his military grade communication receiver on low volume to keep him apprised of anything that might need his attention. Currently, he was imagining more tactics that might be effective against renegade warships. His computer was currently plotting the results of 2 squadrons of fighters going against a Crescent Warship. This particular tactic, called Delta, in his mind, wasn’t all that elegant. It called for a swarm of fighters to converge on the Warship in two separate groups. In each group, the point man would take hits from the weaponry, and then veer off to the back of the group. Usually, he got there quickly enough. Sometime though, he got hammered too hard and too fast before he could recharge his shields. The scenario was, of course, simulated in an asteroid field, as all systems in this area of space had asteroid belts to one degree or another. A flash of inspiration occurred to him. If he had the 2 best evasive fliers come in from each group while the other ships collectively hid behind 2 asteroids Yes, that might work he thought to himself. When he programmed in the changes to his computer, and clicked on the “simulate” button, he saw the devastating results. The Warship wasn’t really able to hit the agile fighters because they came from two different directions and weren’t in a group. Then, when both fighters were off flying in the same direction with the Crescent Warship giving pursuit, the other 18 fighters came in a huge swarm. From behind their asteroids, they popped up, quickly coming within range of the Crescent Warship. The Warship, like most ships, didn’t have weapons guarding its engines in its stern. In two seconds time, the Zidagar fighters had broken through the shields. In the next 3 seconds, they had thoroughly broken through the armor. They’re phased beams ran through the bulkheads separating the ship, perforating the plating inside and exposing the entire ship to vacuum. Quickly, they then fled. The ship, venting its atmosphere, and having fires rage internally, exploded. The fireball was quickly subdued by the lack of combustibles in space. The three Crescent Fighters that had been launched in the Crescent Warship’s death throes were easily killed. All in all, it had been very good for the Zidagar side, with no losses but fuel. Rear Admiral Theton sat back in his chair feeling very satisfied. He, like most Zidagar upon a job well done (or even not done at all), decided to have a drink.

He began to pour a little bit of Pozdag champagne, which was just a little too bubbly for his taste, when the news came over not the radio but his personal handheld communications device. He put it in a place where he could see the person that would be addressing him and then pressed the “receive” button. He immediately identified the Zidagar calling him as his secretary (female, of course) Commander Cuisses. “Yes, Commander?” he began.

“Sir, the base’s intersystem antenna have just received the following holotransmission. It’s still going, but since it’s being recorded, you’ll have a time lag of 25 or so seconds.”

Theton grunted, and gestured for her to send it. Her image was immediately replaced by that of a Miranu. The background seemed to be that of a harsh world with an atmosphere with little or no oxygen in it. His attention was directed back to the Miranu as he began to speak. In a somewhat calm voice given the dire circumstances (as it was soon made apparent), the Miranu sent out his distress signal. “This is the Miranu world of Zeldair. Currently, ships have entered our system bearing IFF frequencies of Renegades. Sensors report that they have come from the DSN-1770 system given their inbound trajectory.” DSN-1770, eh? That most likely means that they come from the Rock. But Zeldair is a fair ways from the Rock. Mayhap they wish to avoid contact with us. These thoughts quickly flowed through Theton’s head in the 2.4 seconds it took for the Miranu to take a breath and continue his report. “Long range sensors have picked up 50 Crescent Fighters, 20 Renegade Aradas, 14 Laziras, and 5 Crescent Warships. Our force of 58 Crescent Fighters is over matched three or fourfold. We desperately need assistance from any and all forces in the area.” At that point, the message began to repeat itself. It was probably set on a continuous loop to make sure that no one could possibly miss it because they were out for a quick drink. It amazed Theton that the Miranu could be so calm and collected - how did he expect to get help if he wasn’t dramatic? Commander Cuisses’s image, replacing the transmission, appeared. “Orders, sir?”

“Cuisse, order all troops of the First Wing to be summoned from shore leave. They are to establish themselves in mass of fighters at the current entry point for a jump to the Sumo system. The Defense Fleet of Pozdag-3 is to be taken to a yellow alert, and the ships currently on duty are to place themselves at the current entry point to Pozdag from the Ragit system. Any and all suspicious activity is to be immediately reported to me.” Cuisses looked crestfallen when she surmised that the Fighter Wing would not be seeing combat, and neither would the Defense Fleet be mobilized for war. Theton explicated the matter to her. “Cuisses, its a matter of jurisdiction. We could easily blast them if they invaded Pozdag - but they’ve invaded Zeldair instead. If the Miranu decide to call us in, we’ll go there. On the other hand, if the Miranu so desire, I shall send my ships to the DSN-6116 system - thereby cutting off any Renegade reinforcements or retreat. Currently, 1/2 of our ships are upgraded with Pursuit Missiles, aren’t they?” She nodded. “Very good. I must go to my own personal command center - do keep me apprised of all matters.” With that, he collected his personal items from around the room. He took the champagne bottle and got another one out of the cooler. After all, it would be a long trip to wherever they were going.

Project Update:
Phased Beam Turret: Started 2, complete at 27, ETA: 4 posts
Ramscoop Mk. II: Started 2, complete at 32, ETA: 9 posts
Zidagar Arada: Started 2, complete at 57, ETA: 34 posts

(Edit: Forgot the title.)
The Thunderhead Lance and Ion Cannon: Coming to an outfitter near you!

(This message has been edited by specops (edited 08-20-2002).)

"The upgrade of phase technology is going well," an Igadzra scientist reported. "We have nearly finished the power systems and will soon be ready to integrate it into the cannon."

"Excellent work," High Chancellor Thunder replied, looking over the data the scientist had handed him. "But instead of integrating it into the cannon, integrate it into the turret instead. We make much more extensive use of phase turrets on our ships - it makes much better strategic sense to upgrade the turreted version."

"Yes, High Chancellor. I will inform my collegues immediately." Thunder nodded and indicated that the scientist was free to go with a wave of his hand. The scientist quickly scurried off, leaving the banner over the entrance waving in his wake. At Thunder's side a middle-aged Igadzra man chuckled.

"Scientists have always amused me," he said. "Such brilliance, and yet so eager to sequester themselves away from the public. Could it be they know something we don't?" At this the military paused for a moment, but quickly got back to the point. "But enough about them, what of our troops?"

"We shall continue to fortify our bases along the Azdgari and Zidagar borders," Thunder said. "Our forces will be considerably strengthened when we complete the phase turret upgrade, and even more so once our destroyer class craft goes into production. For now we should concentrate on maintaining our territory and minding our borders - but the time will come when we will press forward with a powerful offensive. That time has simply not yet come."

"Wise words indeed. It shall be done as you suggest."


Technology update:
Phase turret upgrade to be completed at post 36
Armor upgrade to be completed at post 41
Destroyer class spacecraft to be completed at post 71

"One day you'll find your whole life has changed - act quick, be brave, your heart will show you the way"

As Kirk concluded the meeting, an alert went off. "What's going on?!" said Kirk. Melvin, the scientist said, "It seems that there are some powerful renegades attacking Zeldair." Kirk went into battle mode and said, "Mobilize 5 Zacha Aradas and put in more pursuit missiles. We work well as a team." Melvin said, "YES SIR!" Kirk sat down in his chair and thought, "Why Zeldair?" A holoscreen started showing the face of the Zidagar. "Are you ready?" The Zidagar said, "It will not be a problem."


The E.N.S. Seltheriy entered the Kirrim system, although it did not know that was its name.

The Captain of the Seltheriy looked in amazement at the scan infront of him, noticing the many ships about the system. No scans ever taken by the Emalgha matched the emissions given off by the ships, and from what he could tell from his primitive sensors, their shields where immensley strong.

Turning to his Communications Operator on the cramped bridge, consoles shoved into room meant for commanding a freighter, he gestured to open a general channel to the system.

"Unknown ships, I am captain Teltha of the Emalgha Naval Ship Seltheriy. If you can understand us, we come in peace. We ask to talk, and we await your reply."

Looking to wards his Comm Operator, Teltha ordered him to send the message out in Voinian as well, and to begin transmission of languistic databases. It might speed things up.


Emalgha-Hall of Elders
General Notice
Reports have come in of 4 new stellar objects, although it appears that only 2 could be inhabitable. It does however appear that one of the hostile planets may have significant fuel supplies waiting to be mined. Unfortunately, no resources can be spared at current to utilise these discoveries.


Project Update: Thread 1, Post 26
EM Railgun Research and Prototype Construction. 60 Total. Started at 1. Completed 61.

Fighter Rack Research and Refitting. 50 Total(25 Research, 25 refitting). Started at 1. Stage one completed at Post 26. Stage 2 Completed at Post 51.

Research Continuing On Improved Targeting Systems

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 08-21-2002).)

Miranu Saga of the Guild—Chapter 2

“This meeting of the Miranu High Council is now in session,” said the resonant voice of Trademaster Corzun Dah. The trademaster was troubled. Long range scans around the Zeldair system indicated stepped-up activity on the part of the North Tip renegades. Loss of the utopian mining planet would put a dent in the Star League’s economy. Due to the vast trading networks the Miranu Trading Conglomerate had established, the loss would be manageable. However, Trademaster Dah had no intention of surrendering the system. He had been elected because he had invented the pursuit missile, and was thus viewed as a much-wanted military leader by the people. The population wanted him in office to deal with the renegade nuisance. Corzun Dah considered it a matter of personal honor to fulfill that vow.

“The chair recognizes High Councilor Imir of Blaga.”

Councilor Imir had recently been chosen by the people of Blaga to represent their influential trading guilds. She was a young Miranu for her position; even younger than Corzun Dah had been when he had been a high councilor. Due to the fact that the Miranu Trading Conglomerate had its headquarters on Blaga, High Councilor Imir had a great deal of inherent power. She stood as she began presenting her proposal.

“Members of the Miranu High Council, the Trading Directorate of Blaga has found information that should be brought to your immediate attention. Our analysts suggest there is a high potential for profit in two regions,” began Imir as she activated a hologram of the galaxy. “The people of United Earth could be a vast market for our products, and would no doubt come to understand the wealth our mutual trade agreements could trigger.”

As she highlighted the area that United Earth controlled, Imir studied the other high councilors. Shamon Zin of Leiton was listening intently, no doubt eager to hawk his planet’s souvenirs to this new potential trading partner. Seran Novan, High Councilor of New Mira, had an unreadable expression veiling his face. The same was true for Lelos Somm, noted Imir. She had hoped the Priati councilor would bring the support of Station Pybin for her proposal. High Councilor Imir began her sales pitch.

“There is another region nearby that we should not ignore. I suggest that the Miranu High Council entertain and sanction the idea of exploring the Ji Nebula for more resources. If we can negate the sensor interference that plagues the region, perhaps we can bring more prestige to the Miranu Star League. As soon as the Nebula Penetration Device is completed, we should look into this venture as well as opening trade negotiations with the humans and United Earth space.”

“Councilor Imir, is the Miranu Trading Conglomerate willing to fund these exploits?” inquired Shamon Zin. The high councilor of Leiton was ever concerned with money, and his mind was ever on keeping his own wallet bursting with credits.

“And how many NPDs will the Conglomerate need for such an endeavor?” added Councilor Lelos Somm, Pybin Station’s representative and proxy for the Priati science community. “It will be difficult to provide more than one, at least initially.”

“We await your response, Councilor,” prompted Trademaster Corzun Dah. The whole council looked her way expectantly. Imir was still analyzing all the questions, searching for hidden meanings, probing for any extraneous information, and sifting for any veiled threats. She was cautious despite the government’s sparkling reputation for honesty. Experience in Blaga’s government had taught her how much manipulation the Miranu Trading Conglomerate conducted, and that lent weight to the argument that the same could also be true of the High Council. However, the only anomaly she found was High Councilor Somm’s remark about the number of Nebula Penetration Devices available for the Ji Nebula’s exploration. Is he telling me there is more than one in development?

Imir was also reluctant to speak for the Conglomerate. She wondered if the stingy accountants there had accrued enough assets to cover the expenses of the venture. Deciding on the course of a calculated risk, Imir responded. “Indeed. The Miranu Trading Conglomerate will cover the finances for the voyages into the Ji Nebula.” High Councilors Somm and Novan nodded in approval, while the rest held their countenances to impassive expressions. But what if I’m wrong.

“Motion to approve the Blagan proposal,” said Councilor Lelos Somm. He looked towards Corzun Dah and held his gaze until the trademaster spoke. Apparently Somm wanted the exploration to go forward after all. He wants a testing ground for his work. Somewhere where the government can’t see the results and meddle , realized Imir.

“All for the trade ventures?” Twelve votes of aye were counted by the voting mainframe. “All against the Blagan proposal?” One vote of nay registered on the console in front of Imir. She wondered who had abstained. “The measure passes. The Conglomerate shall contact the United Earth government in a suitable fashion. Station Pybin shall oversee the Ji Nebula’s exploration. We shall now move on to agenda item twenty-one. High Councilor Marig, you have the floor.”

“Thank you, Trademaster,” intoned Marig, High Councilor of Zeldra. “As you are all now aware, the North Tip renegades are assaulting the Zeldair system. There has been time to scramble the planetary garrison, but reinforcements are needed. The mobile fighters in the surrounding systems should be sent to defend our colony. Help from the Zacha would be greatly appreciated,” added Marig with a glance at the Zachit representative. The Zachit nodded in contemplation. “We must show these pirates that we are not the soft traders they think us to be. We must defend Zeldra and its metals. The people of Zeldair implore you to come to their aid.”

Trademaster Dah wasted no time. “All for defending Zeldair?” Fourteen green lights unanimously answered. “Very well. Reinforcements are to be sent to the defense of our mining utopia.”

High Councilor Zorzi motioned to be recognized. He had an aura of urgency about him. Rarely did the representative of Outpost Zachit look impatient, but it seemed that today he wished to keep the agenda moving as quickly as possible. Trademaster Dah recognized his request, and gave him leave to speak.

“Agenda item twenty-two is a proposal from the Zacha, allies in arms with the Miranu people. We are pleased that the alliance with the Zidagar went well, but the people of the Zacha have a request to make of the Miranu and the High Council.” Zorzi paused, looking around the table and ensuring that all present were paying attention, then continued. “The Zachit military has drafted the idea of an anti-matter beam weapon. We request that this project be done in collaboration with some of Station Pybin’s renowned scientists. Such a development could bring greater strength to the Zachit military and bring a higher probability of Miranu space remaining well guarded. Only two or three scientists are requested,” concluded High Councilor Zorzi.

The members of the High Council began consulting amongst one another, and soon there was a large debate raging through the Grand Convocation Chamber. Many of the representatives of the eastern and southern trading directorates were arguing about the amount of the budget that would need to be appropriated to this new development. The Zachit representative was assuring them that his people would be funding the entire undertaking themselves. He reiterated that he only requested the services of a few Miranu intellectuals. The northern directorates vehemently endorsed the Zachit request.

After several raps of the gavel, Trademaster Dah was able to restore order. The northern directorates were the last to be silenced, still grumbling about the quibbling of bankers. The trademaster activated the voting mainframe, and rapped the gavel once more, just for good measure. He wanted today’s session of the High Council to remain productive. “All for endorsing the Zachit request by loaning Outpost Zachit three of our top weapons scientists not on the defense pod project?” Seven green lights lit up in approval. The trademaster did not fail to note that many of them came from the northern worlds. “All opposed to lending researchers to the anti-matter project?” Five red lights flickered to life in opposition to the proposal. Everyone quickly looked to his or her consoles to find who had abstained. “The measure passes. The Zacha shall have the benefit of some of Station Pybin’s elite minds in expediting their project. Are there any further comments regarding this issue?” asked Corzun Dah, looking meaningfully at each member of the council.

“I would deign to say that the Zacha appreciate your endorsement of our project. I will see what can be done regarding reinforcements to the Zeldair system. Perhaps we can dent the renegades before our research is completed.” High Councilor Zorzi bowed his head to mark that he was finished speaking.

“We thank the Zachit for their continued service, and for all they have done for our people in the past. May our continued cooperation be fruitful and profitable,” added the trademaster. “Let us progress to agenda item twenty-three.”

The remainder of the high council’s session went calmly. Research updates and progress reports regarding prototype developments were discussed, and trade issues were resolved. New domestic policies were proposed, and the Mira Senate, which handled domestic issues on the planet, handled legislation for approval. The council adjourned several hours later.

In the Zeldair system, the garrison of seventy-nine crescent fighters arrayed themselves in loose formation behind the copious asteroids that were scattered about the system. They formed up in loose claw and wall arrangements behind the protective hunks of space rock that provided sensor cover as well as additional shielding. These Miranu had not been idle in their training, and had honed their tactics and reflexes over the course of their careers. They had learned to dodge enemy fire in practice maneuvers, and now had the opportunity to test their wits in the chaos of battle. Squadrons stayed spread out in their regions among the asteroids, making sure not to clump up for missiles.

Since they were so small, ten crescent fighters were assigned to each of the eight different asteroids along the corridor of approach the renegades were likely to take. The enemy approached the planet, weaving and maneuvering through the asteroid belt yet still maintaining their close grouping. Suddenly, one of the Miranu fighter squadrons peeled off from behind their asteroid and strafed a lazira. The lazira, with its shields down to fifty percent, opened fire on the eight crescent fighters. The rest of the renegades also moved to engage the defenders. They took out one of the fighters in the initial retaliation, and then they were off chasing the remaining seven. The lumbering crescent warship lingered behind the rest of the pack, and all of a sudden, the seventy-one other crescent fighters popped up and swarmed the one warship. The warship’s fighter escorts were dispatched quickly, and the capital ship’s phase turrets were slow to track the fighters, often hitting the other renegade warships rather than the more agile Miranu craft. The fighters, however, were not unscathed, as they quickly took five losses. However, the sixty-seven remaining fighters took out the warship and then went flying back into the sensor-blind oblivion where they could plan their next move. The commander of the defense fleet gave orders to the defenders’ ships.

“Continue hit and fade strikes but avoid direct engagement at all costs.”

On the outskirts of the Kirrim system, a strange sight greeted the Miranu traders gracing the wayward location with their presence. The ship looked like a stretched out lozenge trapped in a metal brace, with a black cockpit protruding at the front. The Miranu who took an interest in its strange appearance guessed its hull must be composed of some exotic organic compound. One of the Miranu captains grew impatient of waiting, and called for his communications officer to contact the alien ship.

“Open a channel to these newcomers,” ordered Captain Zhet. The captain was a large Miranu, taken to drinking liquor at every bar he set down near. His stomach bulged as evidence of this unfortunate habit. Nevertheless, he was a capable leader and pilot of his courier, and the crew respected him for it. The naval officers began their work to contact this anomalous vessel.

“Sir, we have received language databases from the ship. They are familiar with the Voinian tongue.” The officer looked expectantly at his captain. His excitement of making first contact with a new species was palpable in the command room.

“Send out the following message in Voinian,” said Captain Zhet. “Unidentified vessel, this is Miranu Courier Flight 283. Request for identification and purpose.” The communications officer diligently obeyed, and soon the message was sent. There was a moment of tranquility and silence as the Miranu waited for the response of the lozenge-cruiser.

Suddenly the comlink crackled. The crew became alert once more and strained their ears to the historic message. “Unknown ships, I am Captain Teltha of the Emalgha Naval Ship Seltheriy. If you can understand us, we come in peace. We ask to talk, and we await your reply.”

The captain was thoughtful after hearing the Emalgha transmission. Back when the Miranu had scouted the galaxy in their zealous search for trade partners, they had encountered a race known as the Voinians. After talking to them for some time but never fully settling on trade agreements, the Miranu had departed in search of other markets. Yet during those negotiations the Voinians had mentioned a newly discovered people known as the Emalgha. The Voinians had assured the Miranu that they would be treated according to the Galactic Convention’s laws after the conquest, and the Miranu had departed assured. For Captain Zhet, seeing an Emalgha vessel in Miranu space was intriguing. The Voinians were normally extensively thorough in quashing their slaves’ chances of developing spaceflight. At the moment, all Captain Zhet could think to do was to start getting his copious questions answered. He signaled the communications officer to prepare another transmission. The officer announced readiness.

“Captain Teltha of the Emalgha, I am Captain Zhet of the Miranu. If you would land on the planet below us, known as Kirrim Prime, we could talk in a more habitable and welcome area with one of our government’s ambassadors present. Will you accompany us to the surface of this colony of the Miranu Star League?”

There was a long pause. The crew of Miranu Courier Flight 283 was bustling about and talking excitedly amongst one another about this new contact and the possible trade potential that they could bring to the Star League. Captain Zhet watched a holodrama playing on the Miranu Broadcast System. The wait seemed interminably long. Finally, the Emalgha vessel responded.

“Your terms are acceptable to me and my crew. We will meet you on the surface of Kirrim Prime to speak with you and your government’s envoy.”

The Miranu fighter pilots in Zeldair followed their commander’s orders to the letter. Avoiding the main grouping of renegade ships, they would swoop down and strafe any vessels that were separated from the pack. As the defenders of Zeldra continued their harassment of the renegade forces, the promised Miranu reinforcements arrived in the Zeldair system, a force of 123 Crescent fighters drawn from the surrounding systems. They arrayed themselves in such a way as to continue the guerrilla tactics of the defenders. Suddenly, a group of Zachit reinforcements jumped into the Zeldair system to support their Miranu allies against the renegade invaders. The battle for Zeldair had begun.


Project Update, Thread 1 Post 27

NPD. Started Post 14. ETC: Post 54. 27 more posts.
Guided Defense Pods. Started Post 14. ETC: Post 44. 17 more posts.
Zidagar Fighter Upgrade. Started on Post 14. ETC: Post 39. 12 more posts.
Miranu Gunship. Prototype ETC: Post 64. Post 84 marks final version. 37 more posts until protoype. 57 more posts until final version.

(This message has been edited by Solel (edited 08-21-2002).)

Rise of the Demagogue, Chapter 1

“I tell you there is nothing I can do about it!” Ryan Ven, a young Colonial Assembly member from New Chicago yelled at the holographic image in front of him “Frontier Express had a large amount of support in the Assembly already, and with Renegade attacks increasing like this the entire moderate establishment is throwing their votes in favor of more heavily protected supply lines.”

“The Board knows all of this, but what we do not know is what you intend to do about it. We expect results form the people we employ.”

Ryan took a deep breath, let it out slowly, then continued. “You know I can’t come out in opposition to the measure at this point, it would be obvious to the entire assembly that I held your interests above those of humanity. It would be the end of my political career, and an end to your influence in the assembly. I do have an idea, however that may turn this situation to our advantage.”

“Do not think you can get away with failing the Board, we will not hesitate to replace you.”


U.E. Naval HQ - Knox

Once again, Admiral Matthew Loran was sitting in a council meeting, although this one was a little different than the Advisory Council on Earth. Stretching around the large circular table to either side of him were high ranking officers from all walks of military life. On his right were mostly Naval Fleet Command officers, while to his left sat the top echelons of Starfighter Command and and several branches of the United Earth Army and Marine Corps.

At the moment as somewhat grizzled scoutship captain was reporting on the mapping expedition he had just returned from. “Only five of the systems we explored on this expedition had large stellar bodies, most of them will be of limited use as they are quite inhospitable. In the system we designated DSN-4846 we found a very dry desert planet which we dubbed F-9397, it had a few lower life forms but nothing special, preliminary soil samples indicated that we may be able to set up small mines.”

Tuning the monotone captain out for a moment Loran simply scrolled down the written report displayed on the terminal in front of him. As far as he could tell DSN-3133 and DSN-7903 each had one planet with an atmosphere violent enough to prevent the scouting expedition form landing. In addition to DSN-4846, DSN 3930 also had a harsh but habitable planet, while DSN-8619 had a very habitable planet with...

Loran looked up sharply with an expression of astonishment on his face, “Captain! Explain in detail what you found in DSN-8619!”

The Captain, caught off guard by this interruption, was taken aback for a moment before he recovered himself. “Ah, yes, DSN-8619, very interesting I was about to get to that...”

Loran interrupted again, “Captain, if you would, please get to the point.”

“Yessir, sorry about that. We found a world inhabited by a small post-industrial species without any space travel capabilities. From what we could pick up from their radio transmissions they have a fairly peaceful existence despite their lack of a unified world government. As far as the expedition is concerned they aren’t ready for contact with another race at this moment... but we should make an effort to keep a discreet military presence in the system to protect them from the Voinians.”

Loran scratched his chin thoughtfully before replying. “If what you say is true, you are probably right. These aliens, whomever they are don’t need us to interfere at this point in their development. They may however need us to keep a watchful eye over them to make sure they aren’t enslaved by the Voinians.” Pausing once more and taking a small drink of water Loran changed the subject. “As for the other worlds your expedition found, I think it would be a good idea to send out a group of survey ships and colonists to start utilizing any new resources we can get as soon as possible.”



Captain Syal of the U.E. Destroyer Vigilant was bone tired. She and the two other U.E. Destroyers of this battle group had been on constant patrol for the past three weeks, and even though hyperspace had shaved about a little under seven days off of what they had actually perceived... it had still been too long. Glancing quickly at the timer on the arm of her command chair, she noticed that it was about 30 seconds till they reverted to real space. Quickly ordering the ship to brace for reversion, she waited in silence as the helmsman counted down the seconds from ten.

With one last flash of white the three Destroyers emerged from hyperspace in a loose triangle formation and began to orient themselves towards the system’s center. Almost immediately alarms began to sound on the bridge of the Vigilant as sensors registered the presence of unidentified craft in the system. Calling up the sensor readings of the strange alien ships Syal noted with interest that their hulls appeared to be of an organic nature. Swinging into action she began giving orders to various crew members. “Communications: start hailing those ships on all frequencies, and on all languages, Tactical: get our shields up, but make sure the Blaze Cannons and targeting sensors are powered down.”

Syal and the rest of her crew held their breath and waited for a response from these strange aliens.


Project Update: Thread 1 Post 28
Paaren Station/Defector’s Information: Begun: 9 Finished: 54 ETA: 26 Posts
Thermite Rocket upgrade: Begun: 9 Finished: 29 ETA: 1 Post
Molos Starfighter Construction Plant: Begun: 9 Finished: 39 ETA: 11 Posts

Military Applications of Dark Matter: Till Breakthrough

Ships en route
6 Freighters 14 Cargo Transporters 5 Freight Couriers and 12 U.E. Fighters en route to the DSN-4846 system.

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth

kirk said, "I Just been informed that they need more help. Send 10 Crescent Fighter, 25 Zachit Fighters and 2 more Zachit Aradas To Zeldair immediately!

Melvin said, "Yes Sir!"

Kirk then said, "Be prepared to greet some people from Station Pybin that will help you with the research on Anti-Matter Beam."

Kirk then sat down and sighed. He thought to himself, "Hmm....Wait!" Kirk stood up and said, "I got a reinforcement idea. We will contact Raigar System and see if they can spare some Azdaras. They will work temporarily with the Zidagar on the Renegade Front for Zeldair. All We can do is ask them to hold their enmity and work together for one time. Melvin, contact the Zidagar commander and inform them that we will bring in some Azdaras after you contact the Azdgari commander. After all, Raigar is just two jumps away from Zeldair."

Melvin said, "Yes SIR!" and went off to contact them.


Realm of the Gods V

The Zidagar council once again in session. And, they were elated, as evidenced by the fact that the usually sober council was uproariously drunk. Even though they were somewhat drunken, most of them were still quite lucid, testimony to the fact that they had worlds of experience in being drunk yet coherent. News that the Phased Beam Turret had reached completion came through the Engineer caste's representative of that project. While it had yet to be actually tested, its completion nevertheless seemed to be a cause for celebration.

After the Engineers and Scientists had made their reports, the Admirals stepped forward to make theirs. Rear Admiral Theton, had to be in holo, as he was currently at Pozdag and couldn’t be drawn away. (He too, however, was drunk.) He managed to report that the Rock Renegades had moved on Zeldair, yet he wasn’t sure what to do with his wings. The Zacha seemed to be trying to contact him, yet they still hadn’t given him any information of import. Thus, he reported, the First Wing of the Theocracy would hold at Pozdag.

Next, the Admiral in charge of the Igadzra front reported that all was quiet on that front. The Admiral in charge of the Azdgari front had a report similar to his comrade in charge of the Igadzra front. Neither had seen any action, and thus both were growing somewhat restless. However, they had noted upon further musing of the Zidara’s statistics that it (the Zidara) was unbelievably weak. With the completion of their reports, they proposed that they upgrade the Zidara to a stronger Zidara, at an almost negligible cost. They proposed adding another Phase Turret, a Systems Upgrade, and a Pursuit Missile Launcher with 15 ammo.

The council unanimously approved it. The Engineer formerly in charge of the Phased Beam Turret was made the head of the Zidara Upgrade. He promised that it should be easy to complete, and that it should be done in about 3 months time, with every Zidara rolling off the production lines after that being a strengthened Zidara. The Warrior caste held that the Zidaras, even the strengthened ones, would still be to weak to even challenge the Igazras. Therefore, they proposed another ship, this time a totally new design. Its hull would be loosely based on the design of the Crescent Warship, and its statistics are as follows.

Zidagar Cruiser:
Cargo: 5
Space: 0
Shields: 2500
Shield Recharge: 200
Armor: 250
Accel: 350
Speed: 275
Maneuver: 3
Weapons and Outfits:
4 Phase Turrets
1 Phased Beam Turret
2 Zidagar Fighters
2 Pursuit Missile Launchers
20 Pursuit Missiles
1 Dispersal Rocket Launcher
15 Dispersal Rockets
2 Ramscoops Mk. II
1 Zidagar ECM
Cost: 1.2M
Max Guns: 4
Max Turrets: 4
Mass: 100
Fuel: 700

One of the Engineers curtly pointed out that the Engineer caste was already undertaking 3 projects. To this, the Admiral retorted that the Ramscoop Mk. II project would be completed in less than a week’s time, and that the project’s personnel could just begin work on the Zidagar Cruiser. The council agreed to the Zidagar Cruiser proposal, and slated it to begin as soon as the Ramscoop Mk. II project ended.

Finally, the council decided to have the scientists look into the matter of Anti matter - more towards using it as power for shielding than anything else.

The Rear Admiral was fairly happy. Even though only 68% of the Theocracy's fighters were armed with Pursuit Missiles, the entirety of his wing was armed with missiles. The Miranu, realizing the the Fighter Wing at Pozdag was the most useful to them, had begun their upgrading at Pozdag. As a result, 100% of his fighters had the missiles. He quickly ordered the release of 25 Zidagar fighters from the Pozdag defense fleet, bolstering his numbers. Then, they began the fairly long journey to the DSN-6116 system.

Pozdag -> Sumo -> Nadej -> DSN-6116

As soon as the Fighter Wing jumped out of hyperspace into the DSN-6116 system, they quickly began scanning the entire system. They broke down into their squadrons, deftly avoiding the asteroids there, and continued to maintain radio silence. The only one time that they heard anything over the comm system was when the Rear Admiral had ordered them to maintain radio silence, keep their eyes peeled, and call for help if they needed it. Their orders were to target any and all ships entering the system, priority based on proximity and then size.

Projects Update:
Upgraded Zidara: Started at 30, complete at 60, ETA: 30 posts.
Ramscoop Mk. II: Started at 2, complete at 32, ETA: 2 posts.
Zidagar Arada: Started at 2, complete at 57, ETA: 27 posts.

Zidagar Cruiser: To be started at 33, prototype to be complete at 93, final version mass produced at 113.

Research: Started now, finished whenever Esponer decides that he feels like it.

(This message has been edited by specops (edited 08-22-2002).)

(This message has been edited by specops (edited 08-22-2002).)

(This message has been edited by specops (edited 08-22-2002).)

OOC: Sigh Since Esponer revoked practically half my post, leaving me with only a few boring characters left, I've finally got around to re-writing it a little....

My characters basic history; grew up in UE space and eventually bought himself a Frieghter Courier and saved up a considerable amount of credits. Then, after his parents died, he ventured off into the north, and encountered the Miranu. There he sold his Frieghter Courier and bought himself a Crescent Warship. After taking down a few renegades and raiding their credits, he bought 4 Crescent Warships as escort ships. He has yet to return to UE space. Now, hopefully this is okay with Esponer, and I quite honestly don't see any problem with it.


Lythrawn was woken up unexpectedly by someone's voice. "Lythrawn! Wake up!" Continuing to be shaken, the human captain slowly got up and rubbed his eyes. It was Jenna; Lythrawn's communication officer. "You overslept. I knew you shouldn't have stayed up for the last two days working on the plasma grid."

Lythrawn smiled. "It had to be done. Our engines could have blown out mid-hyperspace. Loosing a little bit of sleep is worth it."

"Just get up. We're entering the Kelmoan system, and if there’s any renegades there, I don’t want Reed in command madly shooting up enemy warships.”

Lythrawn grinned. “Be there in a minute.” Jenna nodded and walked away. Getting up slowly, Lythrawn put on his uniform began to job towards the bridge. Along the way he passed Jordan, the ships doctor. Jordan had been friends with Lythrawn since he was a kid, and though they went out of touch for a while, Lythrawn met up with his old friend a few years later and had him come onboard as the ships doctor. “Good morning, Lythrawn,” Jordan said. “Sleeping in today, I see.”

“As if you ever woke up early,” Lythrawn joked.

“Watch it or I’ll spring my mudworms on you.”

“You know I’m not scared of them; only Jenna is. Speaking of which, how long are you going to study those things?”

“Hey, come on. Mudworms are amazing little creatures; you can learn a lot from studying them. I’m still learning about how they burrow,” Jordan responded. He was always interested in things like worms or insects they picked up along the way.

“Fine. Just keep them out of the power grid.”

Walking into a turbolift, Lythrawn got to deck 15, where the bridge was located. Walking in, his helsman spoke up. "Captain on bridge!" he said, standing at attention.

"Now now, Jack, this isn't a military ship, no need for all the fancy protocol," Lythrawn said, smiling as he sat down in his chair.

Jack shrugged and sat back down. "Sir, we're about to exit hyperspace," he reported. "In 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

With a blast of white light, the Demeter jolted into normal space, followed by its four escort vessels. The black hull of the vessel was covered in a cyan aura of energy as the effects of the hyperjump slowly wore off.

"Scan for any vessels," Lythrawn ordered. He didn't expect anything. He didn't know much about this area of space, though he believed it to be uninhabited.

"Sir, multiple unidentified alien vessels detected!" Jenna shouted.

"Yellow alert!" Lythrawn shouted. "Raise shields and prepare to charge all weapons. Azira, I want full hyperspace ready in two seconds. Jenna, IFF on those ships?"

"Hold on a minute..." she replied, brushing some of her blonde hair from her face. "They aren't Voinian..."

Lythrawn sighed inwardly and relaxed a little. He knew the Voinians were ruthless and dangerous guys, to be avoided if at all possible. Kelmoan was fairly close to the Voinian empire, but apparently the system was held by someone else.

"Their IFF signals say they're 'Emalgha'," Jenna finally reported. "And they aren't hostile, at least not yet. Want to hail them?"

"Yes. Broadcast a message to the lead ship in the system, if you can tell if they have a lead ship. Standard greeting."

And with that, Lythrawn waited for a response from the aliens, and hoped they wouldn’t be hostile...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Joshua Lothja is now a Zidigar who was expelled for not being (melo)dramatic enough. Ronoh is now a North Tip Renegade Igazdra.
<-> <->
Paul stared at the simulated windows of the Arada. There were many microscopic cameras mounted on the surface of the hull that relayed video to screens inside the cockpit that simulated windows.

Currently, his ship was floating with systems at minimal power in case any Renegades showed up. The Cresseka Station was nearing completion and it was decided to move the station before it gained all the mass that the interior furnishings and equipment. If the Renegades had gotten any word about the station, they would most likely try and destroy it while it was still vulnerable.

The station was passing under him at the moment, seeming to move barely at all when it was in fact going hundreds of miles an hour. He reached over and pulled a bottle out of the storage compartment under his seat. Ronoh had done well with his new brewery. He had decided to name the product ‘Ambrosia’ for some odd reason.

He reach back under the seat and drew out a small metal container. He opened it and started to eat his Apple Pie. He took a sip out of the bottle and continued to munch on his Pie. The comm was pretty quiet, except for some chatter between independant traders. The combination of boredom and pie was making him kinda tired...
<-> <->
He was startled into consciousness by an emergency alert beep from the comm. He pressed the recieve button and listened. “-his is the freightor Bahimi Maru , we have suffered a pirate attack and are in need of assistance. Our engines are failing and so is our life support. I repeat, this is the freightor-” Paul cut the transmission and ordered a pair of Crescent Fighters out to help secure the freightor while a repair team was put onto an Arada.

The Crescent fighters broke off from their escort of the station and sped out towards the flailing vessel. About 1/3 of the way there the freightor started spinning. Even with his sensors at low power he was picking up heavy amounts of radiation and interference coming off the freightor. He started to power up his ship and prepared to go help with the repairs himself when the pilot of one of the Crescent Fighters came over the comm.

“Pull off! Pull off! It’s a trap! Renegades hidin-” The signal cut off as the Crescent fighter was hit by a torrent of fire and got disabled. The other one pulled out and was heading full speed back to the fleet. From behind the ‘damaged’ freightor came a Crescent Warship and three Crescent Fighters. The warship quickly pulled ahead and started firing SAD’s. The ship was heading towards Kayia between the two stations, with its fighters running cover for the freightor which was now heading straight without any problems except the large amount of interference coming off of it.

Rather fortunately, Paul was in the path of the fighters and not the warship. He powered up his weapons and told the computer to put a targeting reticle on the screen. He tapped the maneuvering thrusters and centered the reticle on the center of the formation of Crescen Fighters. He fired off two Dispersal Rockets. They raced forward, and the Crescent fighter pilots seemed too dumbfounded seeing rockets come out of no where to dodge. The first rocket exploded, taking out most of their shields. Then the second detonated just as they started evasive maneuvers. Two of them managed to dodge it but the last one took the blast full on.

Kicking in his thrusters and powering his shields, Paul armed his Phase Cannons and charged for a head on pass with the Crescent Fighters. The combined speed of the ships brought him into weapons range quickly. He pulled the trigger just as he felt the first shots from the fighter impact on his shields. His ship bounced around but the servo-accuators kept the Cannons on target. Soon, the damaged ship detonated in a fiery ball of incandescent gasses.

He searched his radar for the other Crescent Fighter, but soon learned were it was when he felt his Arada bounce as the shields were hit. He reached over and programmed a five second burn on his retro thrusters. A small red button lit up with the word ‘Execute’ on it. He secured himself and closed his Pie container and bottle of Ambrosia. He pushed the little red button.

The sudden deceleration threw him against his five-point restraints. The speedy little Crescent Fighter zoomed past him, its bewildered pilot wondering where his target went. He kicked the thrusters back on and opened up with his Phase Cannons again. The little fighter soon blew up in a shower of sparks under his sustained fire.

He was about to go and help the other Arada captains with the CW when he saw the Miranu Heavy Freightor that this had all started with. Even without his instruments, he could tell it was heading straight at the new station. He opened up with his Dispersal Rockets and Phase Cannons, charging at the Freightor with reckless abandon for his own personal safety. At thirty meters from the ship he saw the Defence Pod launchers go off.

He was fifteen meters from it when a bright flash of light consumed his ship. He ducked involuntarily as his autopilot kicked in and steared him on a complicated collision avoidance course. It cut out a bare five seconds later, but by that time he was well clear of the freightor. He turned his ship around for another pass.

Rather fortunately for him, the heavy interference that the ship had been running had disrupted the Defence Pod’s link to the parent ship. The passage of his Arada had set them off, damaging his ship but destroying the Freightor. He put his engines on full and headed for the Crescent Warship
<-> <->
Ten minutes later, the battle was over. Well, the space battle atleast. The CW had tried to run once its fighters had been destroyed. The freightor had been carrying a large amount of explosives intended for destroying the station. The Arada’s had been successful in disabling it, and the Marine Corps. was itching to take on the Renegade scum that her hull was concealing.

Paul ordered that one of the freightors in-system be commandeered for temporary military use. A Courier was found quickly, and the Marines rushed aboard with their eagerness to be in space where they could kill themselves some renegades. Their first task was retrieving the Crescent Fighter that had been disabled in the initial attack. This was completed with a minimum of hassle.

The Courier then moved into a docking position with the disabled warship. As soon as the techs finished cutting through her hatch the Marines ran aboard, going into a frenzy of Renegade destruction. They charged recklessly through the corridors, saturating them with Phase Rifle fire.

Very soon there were no Renegades left alive on the ship, and it was being towed into dock so it could be repaired for use by the government.
<-> <->
Post 31, Thread 1
Containment Field Research
ETC:Till Breakthrough
Cresseka Station Construction
Length:35 Begun:7 End:42

"Doritos:The official currency of fat people."-My friend
"All your bandwidth are belong to us."
(url="http://"")Shameless(/url) (url="http://"")Advertisement(/url)

I am sending all of my fleets to the Zeldair System. But you talks about the unlikely alliances. Well, look at Universe Next Door Plug-in, and you will see what I means.


Look. I will do the character thing as soon as someone else put in more replies. SO, I will refrain from sending all of my fleets and reducing it to half at Outpost Zachit and half at Zeldair.



Vilson paced thinking... the renengades of this system are amoung the most heartless, but also the best. they would do anything for wealth. but why not go about it more honestly? protect mercants and planets for a price. it would do wonders for their reputation and all the while pay better. i think ill ask around and see what some people think. if that goes well maybe ill have a survey handed out to all who land and leave here. see if they might like the idea of becoming more organized mercenary group.

(Broadcast within Pariah system to all reneagade vessels)
(Re: A New Approach)
This is a survey inquiring as to how the local renegades would respond to turning over a new leaf. instead of raiding mercants, to protect them for a hefty pay. in doing that we may get the UEs off our back and perhaps even make a bigger profit. send your thoughts on the matter to Outpost Commander Vilson. thank you for your time.

after sending the broadcast out, Vilson knew that to be an effective force against other renegades that his little guild would need an edge. at that moment he sent another message, this time to the team of scientists that reside on New Alcatraz...

(Message to (as of yet un-named) Team of Scientists)
(Re: New Weapons)
i ask you formally to work on a more effective weapon than the current blaze cannon. you will be paid well for your time and effort, with expences covered. it must be no heavier than blaze and at least 30% more effective against shielding.

Research: new energy weapon < till breakthrough

Insanity has its advantages

Paul sighed. He looked around his office and decided there was nothing to do. The renegades seemed to be leaving them alone and there wasn't much to report in the way of progress.
<-> <->
Just trying to breathe a little life back into this topic.
<-> <->
Containment Fields
ETC:Till Breakthrough
Cresseka Station Construction
Begun:7 Length:35 End:42

"Doritos:The official currency of fat people."-My friend
"All your bandwidth are belong to us."
(url="http://"")Shameless(/url) (url="http://"")Advertisement(/url)

Tumni, Zidagar System, 0800 Standard Zidagar Time

Admiral Kra’thra was once again musing over his star charts again. The most reliable report on the defense fleet stationed at Muid wasn’t very reliable at all. It was really just a shot in the dark. The current guess stated that there were probably around 30 Azdgari Warships there, with another 80 or so Azdgari Aradas, and 60 Laziras. But the Laziras won’t follow any commands that the Azdgari military commander orders. Merde et putain! _I’ve forgotten about all those damned and cursed Azdaras. Those ships could be a problem. Let’s see here about 180 or so carried on the Warships themselves then another 200 independent ones this could be a problem. But no matter. Il ki sert Zi e ki protčge tous has ordered it via private communiqué, and therefore I shall. Working quickly, he ordered that certain elements of the Fluron Defense Fleet be shifted into the Theocracy’s Second Fleet. He leaned close in towards the computer so that it could quickly scan his retina and ascertain that he did have enough authority to authorize such an order. He then quickly typed a similar order for Outpost Plogok. Then, to both systems, he sent a plan for the strike at Muid.

Outpost Plogok, Plogok System, 0804 Standard Zidagar Time

Vice Admiral Zut was on the bridge of his Zidara, the Z.S.S. Melodramatic , when he was quickly routed a message. Its priority was of the utmost, and therefore he actually went through the effort of actually taking the message in a somewhat secured environment. The message was text only, stressing the need for it to be heard as soon as possible. It ordered Zut to take the fleet out in precisely one hour for a course towards the Marafey system, and then into the Muid system. Since the coordinates of where they needed to jump into the Muid system were precise, he assumed that they would be the hammer of the anvil. He quickly had the fleet form up. While he was only taking 75 Zidaras, he knew that his force was the important one. Gleefully, he made an announcement to the entire armada (defense fleet included).

“Mes amis, c’est le temps maintenant. We shall strike at ze enemy at Mood (as he pronounced it), and then we shall come back here. Our comrades from Fluron shall rejoin us here after we have successfully completed our strike upon ze enemy. I want all ze fighters from all Zidaras going to Mood to be launched at Marafrey. 95% of the Zidaras staying here will have their fighters deployed at any one time, with short breaks for maintenance upon the fighters and relief pilots to be done in the breaks in the patrols. That is all, my friends. We who are privileged enough to die at Mood shall rejoice in our heavens with our soixante-neuf slaves!”

With that, the fleet jumped out.

Flour, Flouron System, 0805 Standard Zidagar Time

Vice Admiral Dubois was a very happy man. The thought that he would soon be unleashing his flagship’s fury upon the hated Azdgari strand almost made him tremble with ecstasy. By no means would it be an easy battle. His forces would likelier than not be beleaguered and battered by the point that the Hammer Task Force arrived to help out him and his Anvil Task Force. The 35 newly recruited Zidaras and the 70 non-Zidara based Zidagar fighters formed up. They formed up, with the fighters screening the Zidaras. The Zidaras themselves formed into a 3 dimensional 4 pronged wedge. The Vice Admiral’s ship, the Z.S.S. Glorious would lead the charge, closely followed in by 4 other Zidaras. Dubois was a rare man within the ranks of Zidagar Admiralty. He eschewed melodramatics, instead preferring quiet and calm eloquence. He ordered all Zidaras to be prepared to launch their fighters once they entered the DSN-682 system, and for the real time hologram communications node to be in perfect working order. When all had been said and done, the fleet jumped out of the Flouron system.

Marafey System, 0805 Standard Zidagar Time, 2 Days later

With a flicker like that of a smoke apparition, the entirety of the Zidagar fleet jumped out of hyperspace. Immediately, reports started flying in through the comm system of status reports. It appeared that one Zidara’s fighters were slower in launching than anyone else’s. As a result, Zut ordered that those fighters had the hated “mop up duty” - that is they jumped last out of the system to make sure that everyone else had jumped before them. As soon as the entire fleet had oriented itself with everything deployed, Vice Admiral Zut checked his chronometer. Hmm he ruminated to himself The fleet should be jumping out in the DSN-682 system any second now. We’ll have to jump 30 seconds after the connection is broken. And apparently, they’ve just jumped into their staging point, as that would be Vice Admiral Dubois’s visage on my screen.

“Greetings, Vice Admiral Zut.”
“To you too, Dubois. I envy you. To be in charge of a charge has been one of my more fond wishes. I suppose we’ll head our own charge in our own time.”
“You shall. We are the Anvil Task Force, and with you as our Hammer, we shall smite the Azdgari into their doom. I will jump in 10 seconds from my mark. 40 seconds after that, you should jump. I shall jump into the system slightly farther away from your jump point in relation to the planet, letting the Azdgari dogs come to me. We shall crush them.” Admiral Dubois signaled off screen, and there was a thud as the Zidagar fighters launched. Admiral Zut assumed that he had just given a fleet wide order to launch all fighters. He continued,”Good bye, good luck, and mark.”

The connection terminated, and 10 seconds later, Admiral Dubois’s fleet jumped.

Command Bunker of Azdgari Military, Muid, Azdgari System of Muid, 0806 Standard Zidagar Time, 2 Days later

The first warning that the system had of invasion was sensor signals. With a huge flicker, 465 ships popped onto the sensor officer’s screen. The transponders were set to Zidagar, and the long range visual sensors showed the well known and despised purple and pink colors of the Zidagar. It took a bare half a second for all this to translate into an action for the sensor man. The action was a simple one that he hoped he would never have to do, yet he pushed the red button marked jokingly marked “Panic.” In scant seconds the officer on duty had a rushed distress signal sent to the Azdgari system, and seconds later the Crescent Warships, Azdgari Aradas, and Azdaras were rushing to meet each other. The Laziras, being non combatant ships relegated to trade duties, were rushing away from the inevitable combat zone.

****Bridge of the Z.S.S. Glorious ****

Admiral Dubois was bracing himself for the physical impact that would occur if something hit the Glorious and the mental impact that would come from status reports of casualties. Even before he was fully prepared for it, the battle had begun. Both sides began firing Pursuit Missiles at 150000 (ooc: meters? feet? pixels? What are the units that Override uses? Ah well) meters. The Zidagar launched a huge salvo of 375 missiles, quickly burning through the shields and lightly armored hull of 90 Azdaras. The Azdaras weren’t allowed to have the chance to demonstrate their remarkable powers of shield recharge as 4 missiles (and sometimes more) to each Azdara simply overloaded the shields and burnt through the hull. The Azdaras demonstrated a capability that the Zidagar had not expected, for they too launched 400 Pursuit Missiles. However, the Zidagar Fighters were luckier than their adversary’s counterparts. They had ECMs and more shielding. It took 7 Pursuit Missiles to take down just 1 Zidagar Fighter, and often times it took more than that because of the ECMs on board the Fighters. However, the pursuit missiles did indeed hit, and the resulting explosions of 33 Zidagar fighters up and down the wedge was a spectacular sight to see. Then, another ferocious volley was launched consisting of 310 Pursuit Missiles headed towards the Zidagar line. However, more missiles than the Azdgari had launched, 352 of them, raced towards the Azdgari lines. This time, the missiles took out 88 Azdaras and 28 Zidagar Fighters. Then, with another huge burst of light, all the fighters that had been hit exploded. One final volley was traded, with 18 more Zidagar Fighters bursting into flames and 78 Azdaras exploding spectacularly. The Azdaras and Aradas then reached the huge Zidagar wedge, which by this point had reconfigured into a line of 3 high and 30 long wall of Zidaras. The Aradas and Zidaras exchanged phase cannon fire. Then, they came into the phased beam range. Finally, the Aradas and Zidaras exchanged dispersal rocket fire, and 12 of them promptly exploded. Contra wise, 7 Zidaras exploded under the Azdgari barrage. Then, the remaining Azdaras were swarming one particularly unlucky Zidara. The Zidara exploded without even taking any Azdaras with it. But then the Zidagar Fighters fired another devastating volley, wiping out half of the remaining Azdaras and taking 2 of the Aradas too. The entry of the Azdgari Warships into the fray made the męlée begin to turn into a chaotic frenzy when suddenly, the sensors of all ships present went crazy.

Task Force Hammer had arrived.

Quickly proving that the moniker for them was rather appropriate, the Zidagar Fighters with them Task Force Hammer unleashed a salvo of missiles that devastated the ranks of the Azdgari Aradas. The 40 Zidaras charged into the ranks of the Azdgari Warships. However, even though they outnumbered the Azdgari Warships, the Zidagar were over powered. While they quickly took down 3 Warships, and were for the most part able to evade the mass of Warships in the center of the formation, they lost 10 Zidaras. Then, all the Zidagar Fighters combined fired another huge salvo of missiles which took out another 5 Warships. They then went back to dogfighting. The Azdgari Aradas were taking their toll on the Zidagar Fighters. Then, finally, when all hope seemed lost for 2 squadrons of fighters, 3 Zidaras came swooping in, utterly destroying the 6 menacing Azdgari Aradas.

On the bridge of the Glorious, Vice Admiral Dubois was shocked. The Zidaras in Task Force anvil had taken 10 casualties, and the Fighters hadn’t fared much better. Out of the 375 Fighters that he had brought with him, they were down to 315 of them. However, the enemy had only 20 Aradas left, and even has he viewed it, the number went down to 17. And the Warships were beginning to be whittled away. They only had 19 of them left. Devoid of their Azdaras, they are nothing but great big slabs of plastic and metal. Our Zidaras, on the other hand, are armed to the teeth with assorted types of weaponry. Nevertheless, Task Force Hammer has taken close to 30% casualties. I believe it’s our turn to charge into the fray! Dubois signaled for the comm operator to open a channel to Zut’s flagship. He told them quickly that it was his own turn to have a charge into the fray, and that all fighters should target the remaining Warships with their missiles, and the Azdgari Aradas with their Phased Beams and their Phase Cannons.

Admiral Dubois quickly demanded a status report from all ships present, and a status report on the sensor officers on the Azdgari ships' conditions. Task Force Anvil, his own Task Force, quickly reported in that 11 Zidaras had been destroyed, with the rest at 80% shields or so. 20% of the fighters had been destroyed, and the rest were fully functional. Admiral Zut's forces had suffered heavy losses, with almost 30% of his Zidaras destroyed and the others with their shields slowly recharging while they had a brief respite from the fracas. His Zidagar Fighter completement had also been somewhat scathed, with 15 of them being destroyed (out of 155). The sensor man quickly reported that all Azdaras were destroyed, with only 19 Warships at 40% shields or so, and 19 Aradas at three quarters strength. The Laziras seemed to have vanished without a trace though.

Tumni, Zidagar System, 0840 Standard Zidagar Time
Il ki sert Zi e ki protčge tous was ecstatic. In his mind’s eye, he saw an unnamed barren world falling to his forces. Soon, the Zidagar Theocracy would be expanding, and all would fall under the sway of it. Since elements of the fleet at Plogok had been moved to strike at Muid, he authorized 20 Zidaras and 100 Fighters to be moved from Outpost Terapin to Outpost Plogok. The Miranu had completely finished the upgrading of all Zidagar Fighters to Pursuit Missiles, and he drafted yet another request of them.

To: Our Miranu Allies
From: (i)Il ki sert Zi e ki protčge tous_ of the Zidagar Theocracy
Subject: Projects
Encryption: Moderate
Priority: High

Friends and allies, you have done much good for both of our peoples by upgrading our Zidagar fighters. Currently, Rear Admiral Theton is stationed in the DSN-6116 system, and he requests your orders. He has the option of making a strike at The Rock or helping out your beleaguered forces in the Zeldair system. You can decide where you would like him to go. I respectfully ask that you undertake yet another project for the Zidagar, and of course yourself. The Renegades’ weapons, such as phase cannons and dispersal rockets, do little to know damage to armor. If you would be so kind as to have some of your leading scientists do some work on upgrading our ships armor, they would be even deadlier against the hated Renegades. I thank you.

End Transmission

The Thunderhead Lance and Ion Cannon: Coming to an outfitter near you!

(This message has been edited by specops (edited 08-31-2002).)

Miranu Saga of the Guild—Chapter 3

It was the third day of the Miranu High Council’s conclave. So far, by their standards, they had made adequate progress. The Zeldair affair was turning out to be an enlightening experience for all Miranu citizens, as it was a reminder of the threat the renegades of the Rock represented. However, there was another matter facing the council today. Super-luminary transmissions from Kirrim Prime had informed the council of contact with a new race identifying itself as the Emalgha. All members of the High Council saw the immediate benefit such a contact could mean. It was a momentous occasion, to have contacted another space-faring race. The likes of such a contact had not been seen since the initial meetings with the honorable representatives of the Zidagar Theocracy. Much of the citizenry saw this as a time where history and time shift the course of the future. To them, it was an exceptionally exciting time.

Inside the Grand Convocation Chamber, more specifically in the very heart of the structure, in a region designated the Inner Sanctum; the fourteen members of the Miranu High Council took their stations and sat down for another seminar of progress and profit. The councilor from Zeldair looked unusually ruffled, though it was to be expected, as he has dubious about keeping his post with the balance of the battle in his system. Yet he was still enthusiastic about helping the Star League in any way he could. Perhaps the worlds of the Miranu could benefit from his experience and the wise insights that he could provide at this session.

“The third conclave of the Miranu High Council is now in session,” stated Trademaster Dah. Would the councilor of Kirrim Prime enlighten us as to the encounter in your system?” The trademaster was just as curious as rest of the council. Perhaps new trade and technology could be shared, and the idea of friendship adequately and properly explored. The councilor of Leiton perked up noticeably. Trademaster Dah suppressed a smile. The Leitoni councilor was far too eager to offer his planet’s products; despite the positive impact such sales could bring to the Star League.

“A few hours ago, our Kirrim trade envoy opened relations between the Miranu Star League and the Emalgha. They seem somewhat backward concerning spacing, but the envoy said that was due to their recent acquisition of space travel technology. The Emalgha did not mention much about their civilization, but our Kirrim envoy has arranged for formal talks at an outpost in the DSN-8200 System, an area that is, we have been informed, under Emalgha jurisdiction.”

“What do these Emalgha have to offer us?” asked High Councilor Somm. The Priati councilor tapped his hand against his temple, and then added, “Are these not the same Emalgha of which we were told of by the Voinians, many years ago?”

“That is indeed who they claim to be, Councilor Somm,” answered Detan Guah, High Councilor of Kirrim Prime. “Our envoy informed me via my aide that the Emalgha he encountered declared his people to be free from foreign rule. He would not elaborate.”

“How then did they escape from the Voinian yoke?” demanded Councilor Imir. “Did the Voinians not employ a strong navy when we first encountered them? Why should they have changed their ways? We need proof in this matter, not assumptions and inferences.”

“Councilor Imir speaks truth,” acknowledged Councilor Somm. “We need clarification regarding this information. I suggest we send ambassadorial personnel to DSN-8200 to negotiate with the Emalgha, and to verify the data we have been provided by our esteemed colleague from Kirrim.”

“The people of Dewe motion for the matter to be approved and for an ambassador to be sent to the Emalgha outpost at DSN-8200,” stated the high councilor of Munb. He looked towards Trademaster Dah in a gesture that was both encouraging and impatient.

“All for opening talks with the Emalgha in the DSN-8200 system, and for attempting to establish an embassy?” Fourteen votes of aye came in. Trademaster Dah was startled to see such unanimity regarding an issue with so many unknowns and imprecise variables. “The measure passes. A forum of discussion regarding who to send as ambassador shall now commence.”

Debate amongst the fourteen council members began. The councilor of Mira was most vehement about sending an envoy from the home world, in symbolism of the Miranu birthplace. Trademaster Dah sat back and observed who was the least involved in the debate. The high councilors from Dewe and Zanat were noticeably silent. Neither of them believed they would get the chance to send an ambassador to these momentous negotiations. Seeing as the arguments in the debate were becoming counterproductive, Trademaster Corzun Dah snatched up his gavel and pounded the hammer for quiet. It took several minutes for all argument to die down.

“After hearing and observing the remarks of the Miranu High Council, I have chosen Idric Zaf of Zanat to represent our people in negotiation with the Emalgha at the DSN-8200 summit. If the high councilor of Zanat would contact him for us, we would be most appreciative. We shall now move on to the next issue facing this administration. High Councilor Somm, you have the floor.”

“Thank you, Trademaster. As we all know, the upgrading of a large portion of the Zidagar fleet is nearing its end. We had prioritized at Pozdag and Qerid, as those systems were closest to our space. Our outfitters moved throughout the Zidagar Theocracy, upgrading and refitting their fighters to carry magazines of the respected pursuit missiles. The efforts of this project are coming to fruition. Let us always remember how valuable technology can be in negotiation and foreign relations. The Zidagar have been most receptive to the retrofitting of their fleets, and have kept their part of the bargain by stationing many of their vessels near renegade-infested space. Remind Ambassador Idric Zaf that he is authorized to bargain at the summit, but also remind him that his proposals there are subject to approval by this, the Miranu High Council,” concluded Somm.

“I believe the high councilor from Station Pybin has made several good remarks and has done a fair job of reminding the council of our duty,” said the trademaster. He turned to look at the councilor from Zanat. “Send the ambassador to DSN-8200, and do not scrimp on preparation and information. We now move on to the issue of a message received from our Zidagar allies. The Zidagar express gratitude to our efforts in upgrading their starfighters, and request that it would be mutually beneficial for us to continue working on research developments with them, a belief that I as Trademaster also happen to share. Nevertheless, the Zidagar have also stationed a large task force in the DSN-6116 system, led by Rear Admiral Theton. The Zidagar have authorized us to utilize his force at our discretion, so I will move this point to the floor for debate. Do we wish for the Zidagar to make a direct strike on the Rock, the main stronghold of the renegade menace, or shall we send them to aid our beleaguered people at Zeldair?”

The high councilor of Zeldra stood up immediately. He was looking pleadingly to the other councilors of the Miranu leadership. Composing himself, the high councilor said, “I implore this, the Miranu High Council, to use this gods-sent aid from the Zidagar to bolster our defenses at Zeldair and remove the renegade menace there. If our combined forces there are victorious, let the Zidagar Rear Admiral advise us on the next move. As of this moment, I believe the best option would be to eliminate the threat at home.” The other councilors were noticeably nodding in agreement. Trademaster Dah took the clue and went forward.

“All for requesting the Zidagar come to our aid in the Zeldair system to test their new weaponry on the renegades?” Fourteen votes of aye came in. “The decision is unanimous. The Zidagar shall help us in sweeping the pirates from our sector with a broom of iron. This session of the Miranu High Council is adjourned.”

On the far reaches of Miranu space, near the borders of the Star League, scout couriers mapped out star systems around the Ji Nebula in preparation for the grand exploration the completion of the NPD would herald. The ships did not enter even the outermost rims of the cloud of space dust, as the sensor interference was too high for the onboard scanning equipment to handle. Their mission was only to map out the space near and around the Ji Nebula and make inferences regarding the best possible approaches into the heart of this field of mystery. After charting the systems, the couriers returned to their posts in Miranu space, and beamed transmissions holding their reports towards the Priat system and Station Pybin.

They had been tasked with charting pathways into the darkness of the sensor-baffling Ji Nebula. The Miranu High Council had deemed it to be of the highest importance, as it expedited a great scientific project that would soon begin. Most of the Miranu scientific community was counting on the results of the scout couriers’ findings, and the captains of these vessels took it as a matter of personal honor not to fail them. Such would not do; it would slow down progress and halt the great scientific breakthroughs that characterized their people. The way the couriers saw it, if they could help quicken the greatest scientific breakthrough of their time, why should they shirk their duties as Miranu citizens?

The scouting expeditions continued. Much space surrounding the nebula was charted and analyzed for usefulness and for feasibility as an access route. Over the course of many missions, the minds at Station Pybin highlighted certain systems as the highest priority for anyone venturing into the Ji Nebula with the future device. A plan took shape in the heart of the station, and enough information was assembled as pieced together that all that remained for the project to begin was for the Nebula Penetration Device to be finished.

Kerrin Eucili and his co-pilot-slash-gunner, Hahn, former leader of the U.E. 45th Fighter Squadron, relaxed in the bar on <insert name of the Kayans' home planet which I can't remember right now>, enjoying some imported Saalian Brandy. "Ah, things are slow...very little left to explore; no hyperlinks into the nebulae, Council Station guarding the only possible way past the Crescent, and these things are more than likely to disappear only after my lifetime..." Kerrin sighed. "Yes, well, there's still good money to be made in a few trade routes these days," Hahn said. "And who knows, maybe we could do a favor or two for one of the major factions? They'll certainly pay better than any trade route would." Kerrin pondered this for a moment. He was never overly fond of being on any government's payroll, but what Hahn said was true; most governments paid more for good work than a trade route. "And, I've been thinking...if we do start working for any government, except perhaps the Miranu, we'll need something better than the Star Gaze." At this, Kerrin scowled, but Hahn continued, "She's a fine vessel and all, but certainly not equipped for the rigors of combat, or even just flights through dangerous territory." Kerrin was most displeased with the thought of losing the Star Gaze , his pride and joy. "You're really interested in involvement with a government, ain't you, Hahn?" "Well, yes I am. Mostly because it pays better, but also because I..." Kerrin finished for him, "You want to return to combat, correct?" "Yes, that's it. It's just...I can't live with this peaceful exsistance. I'm a soldier, and a soldier needs enemies to fight." Kerrin sighed, again. "Yes, I see. Well, I've heard that the folks around here are in some need of help keeping the Renegades at bay. Mayhap we'll find a decent job with the militia." Hahn was somewhat taken aback. "You're coming too?" Kerrin chuckled, "Someone's gotta keep you in line. And I s'pose no one knows you better than me this end of the galaxy. much is in the account?" "About four megs, give or take a few thousand." 'Megs' were Hahn's term for one million credits. "Ah, good...I've been eyeing those Arada craft, and they seem like pretty sturdy ships to me. Good maneuverability, speed, acceleration, defense and weapons capabilities, though they aren't cheap. We should be able to get one though, with a good share of credits left over." (OOC: I'm going by memory when I assume Aradas are 2 million credits, correct me if I'm wrong)

With that, they headed to the nearest shipyard. Looking at the Aradas, they saw one in particular that was obviously used; there were signs of repaired damage on many parts of the hull, but altogether it was in good shape; after looking it over thoroughly, and deciding it was spaceworthy, he approached one of the staff and said "How much for that Arada over there," pointing to the used Arada in question. "Ah yes, that's one of the used Aradas...probably abount 1.5 or 1.6 million, being used." Kerrin was briefly skeptical, pondering the possibility of something being wrong with it; why else would the price be so low? But, sticking to his original descision, he said "Very well, I'll take it. I'd also like to sell my current ship, if I could get a value estimate on it..." "That will be fine. Bring the ship here, and I'll see what I can do," the staffer responded. Glancing at Hahn, Kerrin said "You go get the ship, and I'll stay here and take care of the paperwork." "Righto!"

About the time Kerrin was finishing up the purchase, the Star Gaze landed at the starport. Kerrin's comm unit beeped. "Ah, that would be my co-pilot with our ship." Kerrin said. He and the staff member walked out to the vessel, and the staffer, clearly a Miranu, said "Wow! You don't see relics like this at this end of the galaxy. I'll bet the boss would pay some good money for this; he's a collector of unusual and antique technology...Here, lemme check with him." He pulled out a short-range comm device, and began to tell whoever was on the other end of the connection about the Scoutship, and telling him to come to see it. Closing the link and putting the device away, they waited several minutes, when a small planetary shuttle arrived, and out stepped an important-looking, somewhat plump Strandless, and a Zidagar, according to what he said. Looking the Scoutship over, he said "Yes, this is quite a nice antique. And in such good condition! I expected something as primitive as this to be somewhat out of repair, but she looks brand new." Turning to Kerrin and Hahn, he asked "What are you willing to take for it? Three million, four million, perhaps five?" Kerrin, although unhappy about selling his scoutship, figured it was quite a good deal, since the Scoutship itself was only a thirtieth of the Strandless' lowest offer, and the Arada was cheaper as well. "Five million," he said. "Very well. I'll have the credits transferred to your account as soon as possible," the Strandless responded. "Now, let's go get our new Arada."

Returning to the hangar, they found their Arada ready for takeoff, although after getting in, they took a few minutes to get used to the new (to them) controls. "This thing handles like one of the old Fighters back home, but with enough shields and weapons capacity mixed in to take out a Destroyer," Hahn said. "Indeed. These Strandless are quite advanced beyond the U.E. or even the Voinians," Kerrin replied. "Ah well, I s'pose we should give this thing a name..." Hahn looked up from the weapons controls, and pondered for a moment. " Starglaive ," he said suddenly. Kerrin looked at him, somewhat surprised, and grinned. "Fine name! Now then, let's head towards the nearest militia office, probably on the old station." With that, they sped off, towards <insert name of the original Kayan station whose name I also cannot remember>.

OOC: Hey, I haven't played EVO for months. Cut meh some slack.

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(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 08-30-2002).)