Babylon 5 Mission Starting Points

After beating all mission strings in EVN, I've decided to come back to EV & EVO to check out some TCs since there aren't any for Nova yet. So far my favorite is Babylon 5. However, I was wondering if anyone knows how many different mission strings there are and where do they start and what kind of requirements do they have. I am no longer a teenager with lots of time on my hands like when EVO first came out, I am now a working adult and honestly don't have the time to fly around and search the whole universe 🙂 So if anyone would kindly respond to this post it'd be deeply appreciated. Thanks.


I only did the human string, never could get any others. Its been a long time sine I've played it. It starts when you get a mission to rescue some guy on a centurie(spelling)planet. Can't remember the system where u get it though.

"You can't spell who cares without H.R.-Dilbert

So far I've started the Earth Alliance, Narn, and Galatic Industries strings (not sure if I finished them or not). Also I've finished the Brakiri string. For some reason, I get the first mission of the Centauri string (where you kill some "troublemakers") but these "troublemakers" never appear in the system. I've also stumbled into the Vorlon space and got trapped there :frown:. Now I've found the Shadow Empire and am trying to take over their space 😄 Anyway, are there strings other than the ones I mentioned above? Also how do I start the Minibari string, if there is one.


Wow, I'm suprised at how few people are interested in the Babylon 5 plug for EVO! I personally think it's one of the most sophisticated and complete TC for EVO. <sigh> Oh well.


Hey kulong! I love B5 as well and have worked the GI and Narn strings. I did play the EV version (up to a point) and noticed that in the EV version, you start off in regular EV space (which would be Levo) and get a couple of missions that take you into B5 space. In the EVO version, you start off in B5 space. Wonder why it was changed? When playing the EV version, I d/l'ed EV-Edit to see where every mission begins/goes to/returns problem there. In the EVO version, I d/l'ed EV-Edit, but whenever I click on anything on the input screen, it (EV-Edit) crashes and I get an error message. BTW: I'm playing on a Basilisk II emulated PC.

-Ace 🙂

"War not determine who right...War determine who left"

I have done a few strings. I know the nightwatch string is available in the Sol system and you have to destroy a shuttle. I think the ranger/resistance string is available on almost any planet when you have a good enough combat rating-you have to ship someclassified parcels to station Io. The GI string can be think it can be found onStation Io but im not sure. I havent been able to do Narn or Centauri Strings
sorry I couldnt help more


oh yeah-i forgot-i also found the brakiri string on brakir


How about the Minibars? Are there missions for them?
