Shadows Dawning - Sign-up Thread


A question, Solel. What sort of politicial structure are you planning to use?

The Miranu shall have a government known as Eudaimonia. Eudaimonia is a philosophical system that takes its name from an ancient Greek word for fulfillment and happiness. It encourages each citizen to achieve happiness through striving to fulfill completely his or her potential; freedom, creativity, and individuality flourish in governments that adopt this philosophy.

Population, economy, and industry all make large gains under such a system. I figured that this would satisfy the Miranu psyche, since they love trade (economy), many of their planets have large populations, and they seem to have a healthy supply of ships.

The government and administration of the Miranu will be representative-based, with an overseeing High Council.

May the trade routes you ply be fruitful and profitable.


Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul Elendil!

<blink blink> Right. Err...jolly good job.




Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**< blink blink> Right. Err...jolly good job.


Don't worry. "Eudaimonia" will be replaced by Anarchy quickly, once I deal with him.

"Whales are drinking all our water and eating our sailors." - (url="http://"")Maddox(/url)


Don't worry. "Eudaimonia" will be replaced by Anarchy quickly, once I deal with him.

Perhaps. But please keep in mind, my 'renegade' comrade, that this is an exhibition of writing—not a demonstration of sadism ;-)...and if it is that important to you, then I can write about riots in the streets and all that jolly drek.


Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul Elendil!

Nathan, there is in fact a reason that you didn't get one of the major governments. 😉

Anyways, no, I haven't completely disappeared from reality yet...I'm still here. By the way, Esponer, once the school year starts, you probably shouldn't ask me about new stories/chronicles, as I've set a resolution that I am actually going to WORK in junior year. Sorry.

I'm still here for this, though...incidentally, bro, I didn't read through the whole topic, so...what are my ship tallies?

(url="http://"")The World According To Students(/url)

Never mind

(This message has been edited by SoySauce (edited 08-15-2002).)

Well, the Zacha will continue defending the North Tip and hopefully further-Joking. Once the school year starts, I will post everyday.


I'm seeing to keeping BattleDoctor occupied during the story at the moment. Expect the IC thread up tomorrow. Nathan; watch out, I may go a little over the top with this stalling plan. Keep your wits about you, or you'll end up dead. And don't play cool with this. I'm really being a bit evil - hopefully you can handle it, though.



Are there any plots left open I could play? Do I have to roam the boards 24/7? Hope not, don't have that much time on my hands :frown:

On GR/AIM/MAGChat: Onii7
I Did it! I made it past 400!

Is it too late to count myself in? I like to think I have decent writing skills, but I'll take whatever's open 🙂

"What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind."

Taylor, Cupelix, sadly, all the major governments are taken, so what remains are independants, Strandless worlds or a few renegade systems (one system only.) Or, of course, something not a government - a corporation, or just an ordinary captain.



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**I'm seeing to keeping BattleDoctor occupied during the story at the moment. Expect the IC thread up tomorrow. Nathan; watch out, I may go a little over the top with this stalling plan. Keep your wits about you, or you'll end up dead. And don't play cool with this. I'm really being a bit evil - hopefully you can handle it, though.


Hmm. At least RMA's only got a handful of Emalgha Warships to try to dominate the galaxy with...although with you and him, that just might work. <shudders>

Maybe I should start writing.

(url="http://"")The World According To Students(/url)


Originally posted by asriel:
Hmm. At least RMA's only got a handful of Emalgha Warships to try to dominate the galaxy with...although with you and him, that just might work. <shudders>

Asriel, you do realise I'll be fighting RMA, do you?



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Asriel, you do realise I'll be fighting RMA, do you?


Ya. But from what you've told me, in general...I'm scared.

(url="http://"")The World According To Students(/url)

Asriel, you, Thunder, and I need to get together on AIM or something to discuss our "plans" or something like that. I think that's what Esponer would prefer. Oh, by the way, the Empire webstory has gone to hell.

The Thunderhead Lance and Ion Cannon: Coming to an outfitter near you!


Originally posted by specops:
**Oh, by the way, the Empire webstory has gone to hell.


<says "I told you...">

"I'm gonna drop you like Third Period French!"
-Ocean's 11


Originally posted by specops:
**Asriel, you, Thunder, and I need to get together on AIM or something to discuss our "plans" or something like that. I think that's what Esponer would prefer. Oh, by the way, the Empire webstory has gone to hell.


I noticed. I figured it would, so I eventually stopped going. 🙂 Esponer accepted you as Zidagar, then?

What's Thunder's screen name?

(url="http://"")The World According To Students(/url)


Originally posted by asriel:
**I noticed. I figured it would, so I eventually stopped going.:) Esponer accepted you as Zidagar, then?

What's Thunder's screen name?


Yeah, it got ridiculous. Apparently I need to be a little more inquisitive about the rules, and mods need to be a little more forthcoming with them. Yes, I'll be Zidigar. Thunder's screen name is Thunder352.

The Thunderhead Lance and Ion Cannon: Coming to an outfitter near you!

Okay, I've decided to come back and join, this time as a mercenary.

Name: Lythrawn
Age: 28
Species: Azdgari
Personal Ship: Demeter (upgraded Crescent Warship)
Escort Vessels: Morpheus , Delphi , Minerva , and Nemesis (all upgraded Crescent Warships)
History: Born on Azdgari, Lythrawn was extremely proud of his father, a manager at a shipyard. It was his father who inspired him to be a starpilot, and all during his childhood Lythrawn dreamed about adventuring out into space. When he was old enough and had gathered up enough money, Lythrawn bought an arada and explored around the Azdgari system. A quick learner, Lythrawn soon became an excellent pilot, but unfortunately his money eventually ran out and was forced to sell his beloved Arada.

Somewhat depressed about not being able to explore as much as he had hoped to, Lythrawn returned to his fathers shipyard and worked as an engineer for three years. During this time, however, Lythrawn gathered more credits, and more importantly, a good amount of engineering experience.

Finally, Lythrawn got another chance at his dream of flying off into space. His uncle, who was extremely wealthy, died unexpectedly of a heart attack. In his will, he left a sizable portion of his fortune to Lythrawn. Money in hand and with backing from his father, Lythrawn bought back his old Arada and set off into space once again. He eventually upgraded to a Lizira and helped rescue an Azdgari captain, who repaid him later on by giving him some more credits. With the new credits, Lythrawn bought his Crescent Warship, the Demeter , and decided to try his hand at being a mercenary. Through several jobs, Lythrawn eventually bought two more Crescent Warships for use as escort ships. Later, while fighting Renegades, he captured two more warships.

He now continues to do some mercenary work, his fleet ready for combat. His last known location was near the Miranu coreworlds.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

So, let's look at our list of filled positions.

United Earth - Ipvicus?
Voinian Grand Empire - Esponer
Emalgha - RMA
Azdgari Empire - asriel
Igadzra - Thunder
Zidagar - specops
Miranu - Solel
Zachit - kauthor
The Rock - BattleDoctor
Kayans - Admiral Benden
Pariah Human Renegades - U.E. Admiral

By the way, Carnotaur, what program(s) do you use to make maps for your stories?

(url="http://"")The World According To Students(/url)