
Help !
These crescent warship bounty hunters are a pain. First I kill one, then another tries to kill me in another system.


When you have dominated a planet, they come after you like that. There is no way to get rid of them, short of releasing the planet.

"Whales are drinking all our water and eating our sailors." - (url="http://"")Maddox(/url)

There is however, a cheat plug-in that gets rid of this annoying bounty hunter, well sort of. All it does is disable the ship and it floats. It's called "Stupid Hunters" and I think it's located in the cheat section of the addons section.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus


Originally posted by Coraxus:
**There is however, a cheat plug-in that gets rid of this annoying bounty hunter, well sort of. All it does is disable the ship and it floats. It's called "Stupid Hunters" and I think it's located in the cheat section of the addons section.


Right Coraxus. That plug-in helped me out a lot. It still makes me wonder who human Renegades got a Crescent Bounty hunter to help them...

Now, what's a good idea for something to put in my signature?


Originally posted by Lord Seth:
**Right Coraxus. That plug-in helped me out a lot. It still makes me wonder who human Renegades got a Crescent Bounty hunter to help them...


Yeah, that anomoly can only explained by the mission flags where it doesn't really specify which governments will act when one of their planets is dominated. This thing works for the whole thing I think. To do it otherwise will be too complex I think. Well, at least for EVO that is.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus

What I dont get is that when I kill a bounty hunter my in-game karma goes down I was doing reaallly well until a bounty hunter attacked me im now a fugitive arghhh!!!!

I'm the one that has no sense of humour?....well ok.

If you go around conquering planets, you shouldn't need to cheat to save yourself from a single warship. CW's arent hard to kill.

Fret for your Pilot.
=Spread the Chaos=

Maybe you kind of got in trouble with an Ambrosia ship (Special-named ships) in battle and it got was at you. It attacked and tried to kill you. Maybe several UE guys saw you two fighting and your karma went down.



Originally posted by The_One:
**What I dont get is that when I kill a bounty hunter my in-game karma goes down I was doing reaallly well until a bounty hunter attacked me im now a fugitive arghhh!!!!


It's probably because the govt resource the bounty hunter has with it's relationship with other governments was set in a way that it becomes an indirect ally to them. Therefore, if you attack one governement, not only does that lower your status in their government, but the allies as well.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus
I'm the only guy in the universe that can make horses laugh and cry.