emalga missions

i jsut got evo a few weeks ago and iv already beat 1 of the 3 central objectives i distablized the strand wars as the azdagari in my cruiser but i pissed off the emalga and the minaru by taking all the emalga planets and a few minaru ones. so i made a new pilot and im want to kno how 2 start the emalga missions i went to there homeworld got a defend the planet mission did it got paid and that was it whats next? im in an arada with 2 neutrons blasters 2 pahse turrets with a above average combat rating


(This message has been edited by Chimeara (edited 08-15-2002).)

I don't believe an independent Emaghla string exists. I know one way to get there is to join the UE, then go there. Then you'll have a defend this system mission, and then you'll take an Emaghla ambassador to Earth. Keep playing and you'll eventually accomplish the U.E. objective. And by the way, capitalization and punctuation are free; that's why you paid for a keyboard complete with the shift button and periods. And welcome to the boards. 🙂

The Thunderhead Lance and Ion Cannon: Coming to an outfitter near you!


Originally posted by specops:

Along with the capitali s ation, spelling doesn't hurt (British, of course, because we're so great.)



Web board guide lines:

"Postings should be brief and to the point. Don't wander off-topic, don't ramble and don't post messages solely to point out other people's errors in typing or spelling."

(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/guidelines.html")Web Board Guide Lines(/url)

Just so you know. 🙂

On GR/AIM/MAGChat: Onii7
Note: Download these fixes for EV Nova to fix these bad bugs!:
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/vftp/show.pl?product=evn&category;=essentials&display;=date&page;=1")Vellos Fix 1.0.1and Auroran Fix 1.0.1(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/vftp/show.pl?product=evn&category;=plugins&display;=downloads&file;=polaris_fix.sit.hqx")Polaris fix bug(/url)

You know, I don't really see this objective mission as really a UE string mission, oh sure it happens to take down their most hated enemy, the Voinians. But still, it involves the Emalghas and the Hinwar. Also, you I don't think you need to earn up brownie points for the UE to get this mission started.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus


Originally posted by Taylor:
**Web board guide lines:

"Postings should be brief and to the point. Don't wander off-topic, don't ramble and don't post messages solely to point out other people's errors in typing or spelling."

Web Board Guide Lines

Just so you know. :)**

You're a very annoying person sometimes, do you know that? 😛


thanx i did that ambasador stuff, but where does the hinwar missions start? oh and i dont usually cap my letters and use puncuation online and i dont pay much to my spelling really either unless its something of importance


(This message has been edited by Chimeara (edited 08-16-2002).)


Originally posted by Chimeara:
**thanx i did that ambasador stuff, but where does the hinwar missions start?


Hinwar missions starts when you go back to the Romit system, only to find out that Ekiup station is renamed Ghammol station. But, if Ghammol station doesn't show up, then I think you have to visit either Emalghia's or Gurado's spaceport bar, to get the mission string going.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus


Originally posted by Chimeara:
oh and i dont usually cap my letters and use puncuation online and i dont pay much to my spelling really either unless its something of importance

You really should consider doing that. Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization are here to make it easier to express an idea effectively and clearly in written communication.



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**You're a very annoying person sometimes, do you know that?:p


Some times so are you, do you know that? 😛

On GR/AIM/MAGChat: Onii7
I Did it! I made it past 400!

(This message has been edited by Taylor (edited 08-16-2002).)


Originally posted by Taylor:
Some times so are you, do you know that?:p

And I'm proud of it, too.



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**And I'm proud of it, too.


Maybe you and Tylor ought to take this kind of conversation in EV's Banter and Brawl(I think). And if one of you say "Look who's talking", guess what, it's been done already :p.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus

(This message has been edited by Coraxus (edited 08-16-2002).)

Ok im now in my iggy warship and i just took that gaulon station place with the marines and then it said something bout finding the hinwar guy that i dropped off somewhere but it doesnt give me a mission and i thought i left him at gaulon but it wont let me land there unless i dropped him off at soem other place and i cant remember i also have marine armor and guns that i got from gaulon station.


(This message has been edited by Chimeara (edited 08-18-2002).)


Originally posted by Chimeara:
**Ok im now in my iggy warship and i just took that gaulon station place with the marines and then it said something bout finding the hinwar guy that i dropped off somewhere but it doesnt give me a mission and i thought i left him at gaulon but it wont let me land there unless i dropped him off at soem other place and i cant remember i also have marine armor and guns that i got from gaulon station.


Try heading to Outpost Gamma's bar, if not then try Outpost Alpha's.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus