EVO star wars

hey all, before you jump down the old throat and scream search button! (which I did use.....just none of the topics answered my specific question.)

I was just wondering who tried out all the star wars plug ins.

When I checked the search...I saw things that there are several star wars plugs looks like from several designers... The couple I have been using do not have a Calamari Cruiser M80a. (the one with all the bubbles on it) The two plugs I have found with good graphics both have the cruiser with the fins. I'm not even sure which one that is. If anybody knows of a good plug with the cruiser I'm looking for, please respond back..

Also how many star wars plugs are out there? Looks like tons...

You guys rock.

I've tried quite a few, but the one at the top of the most downloaded list does not work correctly for me. The costs/outfitters/shipyards are all screwed up.

Formerely Mac Emu (no, I'm not just putting this so I can say I've been here longer than you, that's only part of it).
Headline news: The Yoda Story "Addicted to drugs, I was"
evn: Invasion coming soon. Search for topic EVN: Invasion Plug for more info

If I understand your problem correctly, you want the Mon Remonda cruisers replaced by the ones seen in ROTJ at the Battle of Endor.

I don't know if they have them in any of the EVO versions, but they are in the Escape Velocity version of Star Wars. However, the systems do not change in this version, just some planets are renamed and such. The M80A is in the Escape Velocity version, as I recall it, but I could be mistaken. It's ben over a year since I played it.

Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul Elendil!


Originally posted by Solel:
**If I understand your problem correctly, you want the Mon Remonda cruisers replaced by the ones seen in ROTJ at the Battle of Endor.

I don't know if they have them in any of the EVO versions, but they are in the Escape Velocity version of Star Wars. However, the systems do not change in this version, just some planets are renamed and such. The M80A is in the Escape Velocity version, as I recall it, but I could be mistaken. It's ben over a year since I played it.


Yeah, there is a version for EV classic that does have he M80a. The override SW plugin's graphics from the most downloaded section of the add ons page are far superior. Oh well, thanks for the reply. If you haven't checked out the screenshots from the SW plug in currently being made for Nova, you should. It looks amazing.

A monk, an eskimo, and a penguin walk into a bar.... Ah, I bet you heard this one....