Femme Fatale Help

I'm in the Parasoja system, and I'm supposed to fly to the Seginus system, board the Nox Aeternam, secure some artwork, and fly back to the Parasoja system. No problem, right? Well, my computer says I've only got three days to complete it (right now it's May 31, and I have to be back at Parasoja by June 3), and the Seginus system is two jumps away. Two jumps plus two jumps equals four days, right? I've got the tachyonic whatsamahoozit, so I can make a jump in a day no matter what ship I use, but it there some way I can make a jump in less than a day? Is there a bug in the game, do I just have to find the mission somewhere else so it can be completed, or am I missing something completely obvious?


Did you accept the mission, take off, and land? If so, you'll have lost some time. Also...some ships seem to take longer getting out of port than others.

I'd really like to make a quick fixer for you, but this annoying LAN my brother set up is preventing me from using Interarchy, which wants to download anything big, like that.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

No, I aborted the mission several times and got it again to see if that was a flaw, and every time it gives me three days.



Originally posted by IKinSpelGud:
No, I aborted the mission several times and got it again to see if that was a flaw, and every time it gives me three days.

Okay, I'm going to have to "ignore" the possibility of a flaw in FF for now (I've heard too many people completing it.) Check for a newer version or a fixer, just in case. I'm going to see if I can get Interarchy to stop begging to download things it can't download, and examine the mission myself.

Are you also positive you aren't supposed to land somewhere in Seginus? <really doesn't like working blind here>

-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Are you also positive you aren't supposed to land somewhere in Seginus? <really doesn't like working blind here>


100% sure. To quote my mission computer: Board the Nox Aeternam in Seginus, retrieve the packing crate 82? and return to Parasoja Starport by June 3rd, 2782.

Right now, I'm at Parasoja starport and it's May 31st.

Well, I have to say I've really tried, but I can't get it to download FF. I'm sorry, but without seeing the plug-in for myself, I can't help you. I tried, sorry...

-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Well, I have to say I've really tried, but I can't get it to download FF. I'm sorry, but without seeing the plug-in for myself, I can't help you. I tried, sorry...


Ah it's okay. I appreciate the effort.
