I've seen a UE drednaught out and about rarely, is it possible to get one?

Exactly what the subject is.

Joe Fandrich

First, it might be a good idea to have shorter topics, that don't say everything. I can't quite think of an actual good reason for it, but everyone else does it, so it must be right, eh?

The UE Dreadnought exists, as far as I know, only in ROTUE (Reign Of The U.E.) After numerous missions, almost at the end of the string, I believe, you'll be able to purchase it. You'll be informed in a mission that it's available, so don't worry.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

Thanx, do you know when the end of the last string is, I think I'm at the part after you defeat the vonian dreadnaught. but after that I am currently working on the slave thing, thanx for that also. 🙂

Joe Fandrich

something I realized is the slave thing and the UE chain tie together, but the marines I sent onto the planet that I was carrying , you probably know, when I dropped them off, it told me that they left some armor and weapons, what do they mean by that, do I use them later?

It says now I have completed a Major objective of evo, in otherwords now what?

(This message has been edited by Joe (edited 08-01-2002).)

• Nah, the marine gear is only a perk, really. It gives you a higher capture rate when boarding ships.

• Major objective: You've done all the related UE missions. Now the only ones left are minor raids on the Voinians and things like that. There are central objectives for most of the major governments.

Always say no to Concrete Donkeys.

Ahem, Gyro. He's using ROTUE, if I'm right.

ROTUE itself hasn't even begun yet. It begins on Outpost Omicron, I believe (an outpost just up from Avann.) If you aren't using ROTUE, then you didn't see a UE Dreadnought, but probably the Voinian one...

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

Yes, I'm using ROUTE and with the omicron outpost is it supposed to say "were planning a new offensive"

Joe Fandrich

It rings a bell. I think you attack Monglek.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

yep, now I'm attacking vorik

Joe Fandrich

help I needed to have 20 space clear but had to leave to expand my cargo capacity and I can't get back on. what do I do?

Joe Fandrich

I've helped the UE to capture another planet and an admiral told me to take it easy for a while, and also they just introduced the UE cruiser. Is that the dreadnaught or does it get bigger cuz I think I've seen bigger, but besides that, where do I go next for my next UE mission on the road to the dreadnaught? Please Help. !@

Joe Fandrich

I have played the ROTUE A LOt. Check the mission computer for Hyper-mail for (Pilot Name) on any planets. Only one of that missions. And you need to finish the Kirrim Prime.


I don't seem to know why it seems difficult playing ROTUE. So far, almost all of ROTUE's missions are practically linear, so far I haven't seen any alternative endings. Knowing that, you should be able to finish the expansion soon enough without any problems unless you didn't follow the guidelines stated in the ROTUE ReadMe document.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus