Azdgari Mission Help

Howdy folks. I've discovered a problem and I did a search but my question wasn't answered. I've done the missions up until Garit (I think that's what it's called) is evacuated to the S-7-whatever planet. I keep going to the spaceport bar there and keep finding the same missions (Kill some Zidigar convoys, defend the Stror system, catch the Zidigar photographer), so I decided those aren't vital the the string. I went to Xarnes, but I can't get the missions. I've gone into the bar countless times, but the missions never show up. I have upstanding citizen status and an ultimate combat rating. Is there something I forgot to do? Thanks! 🙂


well, maybe your just not lucky when it comes to the random factor. i never had a problem getting the next mission. keep checking the bar on the new base. itll pop up sooner or later.

Insanity has its advantages


Howdy folks. I've discovered a problem and I did a search but my question wasn't answered. I've done the missions up until Garit (I think that's what it's called) is evacuated to the S-7-whatever planet. I keep going to the spaceport bar there and keep finding the same missions (Kill some Zidigar convoys, defend the Stror system, catch the Zidigar photographer), so I decided those aren't vital the the string. I went to Xarnes, but I can't get the missions. I've gone into the bar countless times, but the missions never show up. I have upstanding citizen status and an ultimate combat rating. Is there something I forgot to do? Thanks! 🙂

The key is the Destroy Zidagar Photographer mission. To continue with the mission string, you must let him escape. That's right, let him go. The Commander will tell you that you must defend it from some Zidagar, then you have to start evacuating the Stror system. After you finish that up, the Stror system goes back to uninhabited, and you can go to Xarnes to pick up the shield generator missions.

Glad to be helpful.

If it's quality software, you can read "Made for Macintosh" on the label.

Ah. Let him escape. Brilliant! Mucho thankso, it's been driving me crazy.
